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The Great Fairy

Stellari, known to non-fairy folk as the Great Fairy, is the queen of the fairies and the progenitor of the fairy race. She was brought to life by some primordial force--the fairies believe it to be their god, Valrea, while other cultures have different interpretations. Fairy legends state that Valrea channeled the energy of a dying star into the body of an ancient beast, bringing the Great Fairy to life and imbuing her with immortality and infinite magic.   For roughly twenty thousand years, the Great Fairy used her infinite power to rule over the other six races of the world--Human, Elf, Orc, Mermaid, Nymph, and Avian. The retaliation of these races against her sparked the One-Sided War, where the Great Fairy massacred billions for thousands of years. Circa 70,000 BGM, as she tells it, the Great Fairy was approached by Valrea and urged to broker a peace between the races, and a covenant with the race most scarred by the One-Sided War: the Elves. Accordingly, peace was secured, and the Elves were granted eternal life and extreme sensitivity to magic.   Following the One-Sided War, the Great Fairy's rapidly-growing size and increasing tendency towards diplomacy lead her to spend most of her time in An-Stellari, her birthplace and the home of her offspring. For tens of thousands of years, she remained there, taking visitors of all races and accepting their good graces. In that time, she offered her magic to the other races as Valrea dictated--Mermaids, Nymphs, and Avians became extremely sensitive, while Humans and Orcs were rarely born with magic sensitivity at all.   In 1 BGM, the Great Fairy heard the news of an uninhabited continent to the west that the six races were planning to colonize. As a show of good grace, she agreed to accompany the six races on their voyage to assist them in establishing a colony. She traveled across the sea with thousands of her fairy kin in the Great Migration, and subsequently journeyed thousands of miles inland on the new continent to reach a valley rich in resources. After she and the other races established a colony in the valley, a great sandstorm locked the colony in. Even the Great Fairy, infinite in power, was not powerful enough to stop the storm. Ashamed, and fearful that limited resources would make her children priority targets for abduction, she and her kin fled to the complex network of caves underneath Alaban's Peak, the tallest mountain in the valley. She remains there to this day, devoting her energy to fostering her kin and maintaining her covenant with the magic-sensitive races of the world.
Year of Birth
98427 BGM 103690 Years old
An-Stellari, the Ancestral Birthplace of Fairies
White, glowing
Navy blue, kinky
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale blue, glowing
28,000 tons
Founded Settlements

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