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Xanthe and Yami had always been rivals, each representing opposing forces of light and darkness. Despite their differences, they both respected each other's power and often worked together to maintain balance in the world. However, they often found themselves competing with each other in various ways, trying to prove who was the stronger and more powerful goddess. One day, they decided to have a contest to settle their rivalry once and for all. They agreed to create the most beautiful and elaborate garden, each using their own powers and abilities. Xanthe used her powers over flowers and plants to create a stunning garden filled with all kinds of colorful blooms and fragrant herbs. Yami used her powers over shadows and secrecy to create a mysterious and shadowy garden filled with hidden paths and hidden corners. As the contest went on, the two goddesses became more and more competitive, each trying to outdo the other with increasingly elaborate and impressive displays of their powers. Xanthe filled her garden with exotic flowers and rare plants, while Yami added more and more intricate twists and turns to her garden, trying to create an air of mystery and intrigue. As the deadline for the contest approached, both goddesses were determined to win at any cost. Xanthe used her powers to manipulate the weather, creating a perfect mix of sun and rain to nourish her plants. Yami used her powers to create illusions and deceive the judges, trying to make her garden seem more impressive than it really was. In the end, the judges were unable to decide which garden was the most beautiful and impressive, and a tie was declared. However, the rivalry between Xanthe and Yami had grown so fierce that they both refused to accept the outcome. They began to argue and bicker, each trying to prove that they were the true winner of the contest. As their argument grew more and more heated, their powers began to clash and overlap, creating an explosion of light and darkness that engulfed the gardens. When the dust settled, both gardens had been completely destroyed, and Xanthe and Yami were left standing in the ruins, panting and exhausted from the exertion of their powers. Despite the destruction of the gardens, Xanthe and Yami were unable to come to an agreement about who had won the contest. Their rivalry was stronger than ever, and they both vowed to continue their battle for supremacy. As they left the ruins of the gardens, they each vowed to work even harder to prove their superiority over the other, leaving their conflict unresolved.   Followers of each Yami and Xanthe are bitter rivals to each other.



Rival (Important)

Towards Xanthe




Rival (Important)

Towards Yami



Goddess of Secrets

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