The ancient deity of the Drow. Llolth has not been seen in the world since the end of The Time Of Darkness .
Nobody knows what became of her during the wars at that time. Some say that she was betrayed by the other gods, and when she fell, so did the civilisation of the Drow.
Although drow are fairly common within the empire (as common as other types of elves), followers of Llolth are extremely unusual. Llolth worship is considered a type of a superstitous witchcraft, but without any real power. It is something which weak minded individuals might partake in, or perhaps someone who was highly eccentric. In a world where gods have an active involvement in the world of mortals, Llolth seems to have absconded.
Vahlka was a follower of Llolth, having heard about her from a strange traveler, telling stories of the time of old, of the powers the drow wielded, and of the weakness of human society. When Vahlka communed with Llolth she seemed quizzical and confused about her role in the world.
There are rumors in the north of purple skinned wanderers from, preaching about the return of the all powerful master race and their dark queen. Fanciful stories to be sure.
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