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The Revelry

The Revelry’s allies within the Clovis Concord will tell you that they turned to piracy because of the concord’s excessive taxes and unjust laws. Perhaps it began that way, but over time, a movement that began as public dissent turned to lawful protest, which then became violent action. Eventually, a union of disenfranchised salvage ships and trade vessels fought their way into the Dragshallow Reef and violently overthrew the small sanctuary port of Darktow. After establishing a lawless base of operations on the isle of Darktow, these pirates began stalking the well-known shipping routes of the Menagerie Coast to harry, intimidate, steal from, and destroy passing ships that flew under the concord’s banner. Calling themselves The Revelry, these “free folk of the sea” have now spent over forty years terrorizing the Lucidian Ocean. With loose morals and a twisted code of honor, they take what they want from less protected targets while living a life of debauchery in the well-guarded haven of Darktow. The Revelry lacks a uniform symbol, instead changing the colors and symbols of its banner regularly to avoid counterfeiting and infiltration.   The Revelry is governed by a collective of captains, all of whom defer to the final word of the Plank King, a capricious monarch who never leaves Darktow. The original Plank King, Hunnis Breeah, ruled for twenty-five years before a goliath named Wyatt Maranoss challenged him for his increasingly lackadaisical attitude — and won. Now Breeah is dead, and Wyatt claims the title of Plank King.
Illicit, Pirate Crew


Each member of the Revelry known to the Clovis Concord is considered a major criminal, amassing an ever-growing bounty with each infraction they commit and every ship they raid. Those arrested are generally executed and strapped to the rocks outside Brokenbank as a warning.

Articles under The Revelry


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