Karselle - The Fallen Aasimar Character in Wildemount | World Anvil
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From Gabriel's journal:

Unndilar 11th, 735PD
We woke in a dungeon and were tortured by what was evidently a fallen aasimar. She tried to obtain information about what purpose the adventurers had, to which they had no answer.
  She either works for, or had under her command, two powerful vampires.
  Judging by some notes found in an underground prison, the aasimar's name appears to be Karselle and she had an elven lover who died. It seems this was a turning point for Karsell who seems to be seeking revenge against some Order for letting this happen.
  We happened to met the elven lover following our escape from the prison dungeon, though it would appear she was a duplicate of her former selves, created most likely by Karsell. She was confused and upon realising she was a duplicant, fell unconscious. We carry her now, hopefully we can save her and in return she may yet tell us more about the dreaded Karselle.
  Upon finally escaping the dungeon we saw Karselle fighting with more of the cowled shadowy figures from in the dungeon. Despite being outnumbered Karsell was clearly in control of the battle.
Suddenly portals formed seemingly from thin air and a different group of robed figures appeared. A huge battle erupted between these robed figures and Karsell with magics unlike any we had previously seen unleashed. Huge skeletal wings erupted from Karselle's back confirming my earlier suspicions about her heritage and she killed many of the Wizards before they finally convinced her to surrender.
She left, thought not without some final threats, perhaps we are safe enough now?
  Unndilar 15th, 735PD
We have received word from the temple in Port Damali that the clone of Karselle's lover died. if the thing had any knowledge to help us find our way to Karselle, that opportunity is now gone.
  Unndilar 23rd, 735PD
The Shadow Thieves guilder, Kote, advised that the Cerebrus Assembly had spirited off Karselle to an entire continent - Tal'Dorei, which was recently taken over by a flight of chromatic dragons.
  A subsequent meeting with Rafar of the Cerebrus Assembly didn't confirm this, but the agent said that Karselle was very much under lock and key on Vergesson Sanatorium, without actually confirming the location of this prison. We would need to find out if this place was in Tal'Dorei, for if not, either the Cerebrus Assembly was lying or the Shadow Thieves were (unless the thieves guild had inferior spies).
  Fessuran 7th, 735PD
It looks like the Cerebrus Assembly has taken information from Karselle for the cloning and intends to use a clone of me for some political purposes. The Cerebrus Assembly agent - Rafar - has disappeared without a trace and the thieves guild tasked Dick Punch, Balor and Shadow to infiltrate Rafar's empty house and they found a clone of me.

  - The notes herein are player notes, and are based on player assumptions.
Enemy, Alive

Fallen Aasimar



Known Associates
The Vampire Duo

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