Oberon, Vampire Character in Wildemount | World Anvil
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Oberon, Vampire

When the adventurers were visiting the small village of Crenda, it was attacked by two powerful vampires and their undead host.
  They ultimately captured the adventurers and drugged them, taking them to some hidden dungeon.
  Upon escaping Karsell's dungeon the party discovered one of the vampire duo locked in a cell. He complained that in honoring the bargain struck with Gabriel, Karsell was angry that the populace knew they were only after 6 people (she had hoped a massacre would cover her tracks) .
He asked for one good turn to pay for another and for the party to set him free. Gabriel was unable to look past his undead ways and the party killed him.

  Upon looting the room the party discovered he was in possession of a sending stone, and had been in contact with the other vampire at the same time. When Gabriel picked up the stone the remaining Vampire warned that the consequences of the parties actions would be dire.
  Recently the second vampire has made himself known in Port Damali and is called Oberon. It seems like he is plotting with cultists who follow the Betrayer Gods to bring down the cities fall.
Enemy, one alive, one vanquished


Thunsheer 11th, 735PD


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The Fallen Aasimar

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