Notes & journal found in underground prison in Wildemount | World Anvil
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During Volume I. The Adventure is Afoot!, Episode 2 "Strange Experiments", the adventurers found various notes and journals.    
Journal entry 1:
"Dead? My Love.. Dead? I was held back by my order as they dithered, despite my telling them time was of the essence. Damn them! I will destroy them all and do this myself."
Journal entry 2:
"I have done it, as was ordained I have slain pride, its power is now mine to control, but I can't trust to the others being as effective as me! I see now I will have to take the others. Only I have the ability to shoulder this burden."
Transcribed note 1:
"And lo, the Seven were defeated and balance restored. But the folly of all sentient creatures is to forget and push boundaries. Thus the Seven will return."
Transcribed note 2:
"The prophecy is clear. When the heavens return to turmoil the Seven shall be reborn."
Transcribed note 3:
"When the Seven are reborn those with the power to balance the scales will return. Known by the markings that none else carries."
Notice of payment:
"To Eddalx of Skrytown
-1x dawnbreaker
-1x sunblade
for 1500 units."
From the dusty room journal:
"Karselle's hunt has bought us below ground. I hate it here. Elves shouldn't spend time underground, we need living things. Yesterday she put a magical tree in the cavern outside my room, it contains a dryad to keep me company. Melora knows how she got her hands on a dryad's tree and her acorn! She seems to be surrounded by increasingly powerful and strange connections, but I won't complain. The tree is beautiful..."

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