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1. Festival Celebrations

To hunt, to perform, to find a herd, to find a killer, to find oneself, to find 'them' the reason was unimportant what was important was the arrival of our heroes in Crenda for the harvest rise festival.   During the Festival, the celebrations of the History of Exandria were cut short when fires broke out within the village, and the goliath Suriel Athunaga was quick to start helping people, despite her stupor. However some villagers were running from other threats. arrows fell from the skies, and undead warriors marched from the trees. As some villagers and victors mounted a defense two voices rang through the din, the first from a dwarf, his voice breaking with nerves as he faced his first full fledged battle. The second a huge human warrior adorned in golden chains was more successful in commanding the masses. These brave defenders looked upon a mass of shambling and moaning bodies. As Gabriel, a cleric ran forward to assist the wounded he soon realised his folly. not wounded, undead! A brave halfling noticed the need for a united front and took his place in the battle line, standing bravely until struck by an arrow, being attacked by unseen enemies was not what he signed up for and the mayors fortified house sounded much safer. unknown to the village a duo of graceful vampires stood on the rooftops, calmly watching the unfolding scenario.   The vampires called across the village that those who dropped their weapons would be spared, for they were only here to collect certain individuals, but the adventurers, scattered for the most part, fought on, except Suriel whose drunkeness ultimately saw her tripping over and knocking herself out.   As fires spread and as wave after wave of undead assailed the adventurers and villagers, their numbers slowly dwindled as people surrendered or were incapacitated. A few stood still, all hope seemed lost. The vampires would coolly call out to the adventurers, and ask them to come with them, but a few of the stalwart warriors kept the fight going. At one point, as more undead arrived and a cloud of bats engulfed the burning village, Gabriel, Wielder of Life demanded to speak to the vampires, and parley proceeded. They spat in revulsion as the cleric spoke Bahamut's name, but ultimately the man dropped his weapons on the condition that the remaining villagers were spared, to which the vampires gave their word. The surrender of the dragon born Arjhan Norixius, also an adherent of Bahamut, followed suit shortly as did the tiefling, Ned Zepplin.   The last adventurer standing was Balor Kegthane, the dwarf charging his way towards the vampires. They shrugged most of this attacks off, and seeing the stubborn dwarf would not relent, fell upon him until the dwarf fell to the ground and passed out.   The adventurers were taken and drugged, waking up in a dungeon and under torture by an aasimar, obviously corrupted for whatever reason. She demanded answers from each adventurer, yet they had none, for she asked them each in turn as to their purpose yet they knew nothing of what she spoke.   During a period they were alone, they heard the sound of battle and chaos echoing down into the dungeon. The halfling rogue, managed to pick the lock to his cell and seeing other prisoners, helped them out. He introduced himself as Dick Punch.   The adventurers progressed through the dungeon and found an armoury which lucky included their gear. Although guarded by an impressive golem, it did nothing except direct them back to their cells.   They readied themselves, still wondering how long had passed since the festival.   26.09.2021


2. Strange Experiments

As the adventurers started to don their armour and gather their weapons, they noticed they all had an identical band of darker skin around their left wrists. Without any idea of what this was or where it had come from, they proceeded to investigate the dungeon and find a way out.
Leaving the room they found three human bodies lying dead in the hallway, each wore similar mottled leather armor and bore similar scratches and burns that appeared to lead to their deaths. Dick punch noticed they carried no coins, but each wore a ring, two of silver and one of gold. They soon passed through a chamber filled with moving coloured lights. A glass orb sat in each corner of the room, giving off a different coloured dancing light, filling the room with colour. A large mechanical contraption in the centre if the room reached up into the darkness seemingly to the roof. Dick Punch proceeded further into the compound whilst the others investigated the contraptions, ignoring the suggestions from Gabriel that they should leave the machine alone as its purpose was mostly likely sinister. Suriel played around with some levers on the contraption in the centre of the room, whilst Arjhan and Ned investigated other globes noticing strange symbols around the globes circumference. Each globe emitted varying elemental effects. The goliath pulled some of the levers which seemed to force fire or steam to funnel through the contraption's pipes, but quickly lost interest and left after Dick Punch.
Balor was a bit more curious and ended up pulling the last level. As nothing happened, the group finished their investigations and began to follow after the halfling and goliath but as Balor the dwarf went to leave the room, small flying creatures fell from the roof in ambush, each seemingly suffused with a different corresponding elemental energy. They viciously swooped at Balor, but his finely tuned instincts prevented possible catastrophy. The adventurers returned to the room and a battle ensued, but even as the Creatures were destroyed, more were summoned by the contraptions in the corners, the symbols glowing increasingly brighter as they released bursts of energy. Gabriel attempted to pull all the levers back in place but this didn't seem to alter anything, so before the globes could release another batch of enemies the adventurers made their escape.   They soon joined Dick Punch and Suriel, who had found a large room with two massive versions of the globes hanging suspended from the ceiling, similar but considerably larger than the previous room. More immediately worrying though were strange devices which encapsulated deformed bodies in liquid. Balor was quick to pry one of the capsules open, and the vile liquid flooded over him knocking him to his back. Regaining his feet inspecting the body, it was found that the lifeless body resembled Balor, although was deformed in nature. Soon the adventurers pried open the other capsules and found various copies of themselves, with varying degrees of deformities. Gabriel noticed that the copies also bore the darker band around their wrists.
The immediate thought that came to him was that perhaps he himself and the others were clones as well - indeed, the despicable fallen Aasimar had claimed to have killed them multiple times during their capture and interrogation. Gabriel then dismissed the thought for now, for he knew he was still channeled the Weave through his faith and connection with Bahamut, and surely a body double would not be?   Eager to escape, Dick Punch and Suriel again left the others to explore a nearby room, which seemed to be sleeping chambers, and found a number of duergar, just in the process of donning their armour and weapons. They seemed to care little of Dick Punch's threat and command to surrender, and scrambled towards the two. The halfling and goliath back pedalled back into where the others were and soon the duergar met them in battle. Although the duergar were heavily armoured, they adventurers soon dispatched them, although received a few serious wounds in return.   The room where the duergar had been was a sleeping chamber, and various books, chests and beds were within the room. Gabriel returned briefly to his scholarly roots and went to the bookshelf, discovering books about monsters found in exandria. Flicking through the book he was interested to find entries on creatures the party had fought 'recently' skeletons, zombies, vampires, vampire thralls made for an impressive undead army. Whilst Druegar seemed an odd choice for an aasimar to align herself with. A book of golems explained the process of giving instructions to golems and their singlemindedness in following orders. Dick punch follwed his trade and broke into the chests in the room finding some coins, before searching the rest of the room and finding several potions.   Leaving the room and opening the final door of the compound the group was surprised to find not an exit but a small room containing nothing but another golem in a state fo rest. Noticing the golem had no eyes, suriel suggested Dick Punch sneak into the room, but he caught his cloak on the door, stumbling into the room with considerable noise, luckily the Golem wasn't aggressive, instead asking if "master would like it to perform it's jobs". Saying yes, the group followed the golem to a previously immovable door, and through into what appeared to be a garbage dump.
Looking into the pit Dick punch was surprised by a monsterous creature that climbed up out of the pit knocking him backwards. Moving into combat Balor used his considerable martial abilities to batter the creature across the room. The group combined to make short work of the creature then proceeded down the final hall opened by the golem.

Here they found a small comfortable living room, a merry fire in one wall giving warmth and light to the room, a desk sat against one wall covered in books notes and gear.The goliath found a locked desk drawer and with her considerable strength, pulled the drawer free but not without being shocked with a magic trap, nearly knocking her unconcious. Its contents were a wand, some notes and blue tinged glasses. Ned ultimately found out that the glasses could identify magic items, and the wand held the power of sunshine, which the adventurers thought may be useful if they come across those two dashing vampires.   There was also some Notes and Journal found in underground prison, which Gabriel scanned through. It seemed that it was written by the mad aasimar woman, who thought herself as the aspect of Pride, whatever that meant, and made mention of a prophecy involving seven who are reborn to balance the scales, whatever that meant. The bookmark in the journal was a tarokka card of the Avenger, and using the blue spectacles Ned confirmed it held magic power, but could not ascertain its actual use or power.

Soon they arrived at a cavern which impossibly had a great oak tree growing which overlooked what seemed to be a portal of some kind. Near the great tree was a distressed dryad. Seeing little threat they tried to communicate with her but none of the adventurers spoke elf or sylvan, nor did she speak common or another language the heroes knew. But with the hand signals, it was evident the dryad was keen to escape. She pointed further across the tunnell where another room was.
Balor and Suriel pieced together the Dryads massage that dark dwarves were keeping her prisoner.
Returning to the bodies of those slain earlier they found an acorn upon the leader, Ned realising his short sword was magical. Returning to the dryad she bowed in thanks before walking into her tree and disappearing. The group explored the final room in the chamber, a dusty sleeping chamber. Adorning the wall was a painting of two women - one was clearly resembled the fallen aasimar but in happier times.   Balor had found items that he suspected would be used to power the portal near the Oak, and a journal belonging to the mystery woman in the picture.     23.10.2021



3. Through the Portal

The adventurers decided that before they would brave whatever was beyond the portal gate, they would rest as they were confident this area was safe. There wasn’t any food apart from bare scraps in the prison, so they sat around eating what rations they had from their private stash. They took advantage of the opportunity talk and get to know their fellow prisoners better. Although Suriel kept mostly to herself, Dick Punch was friendly, eager to enquire about the adventurers’ backgrounds, though was not overly interested with Gabriel’s religious fervor, a “god botherer”.
Following the meal, the cleric and paladin of Bahamut prayed by the dying oak tree, its magic beginning to fade, whilst the dwarf Balor shunned conversation, starting to write a letter, presumably to his family.

Following an 8 hours rest, (time was impossible to follow) the adventurers prepared to go through the portal gate, with no idea what was beyond it. Balor placed the geometric gem they had found earlier in the inset of the portal gate and turned it. The portal’s symbols churned and whirred and white motes appeared around it, before it cascaded into a white sheen. Balor stepped through, weapons at the ready and disappeared beyond the portal.
The others followed in short order and they appeared in a familiar room. There was a slab where a person could be strapped in beside it a tray of what were evidently torture tools. The adventurers realised this was the same room where the cruel woman called Karsell had tortured them in turn.
Judging by the walls, they assumed they somewhere underground. The adventurers carefully proceeded out of this room and down a hallway lit by torches, when they heard commotions of battle.

In a chamber, they came across a number of humans clad in mottled black and grey cloaks, outnumbering a sole elf woman dressed in tattered rags. She had series of fresh wounds marring her delicate skin. On the sides of the chamber were a series of tanks, similar to the ones they had seen in the prison which had contained deformed version of themselves.
Gabriel recognized the elf woman as the one he found in a portrait with Karsell, though his foe’s journals had noted this elf had been killed by some kind of order.
The adventurers barged into the chamber and attempted to end the hostilities. Gabriel tried to impose himself between the elf and the cloaked assailers, and called on Bahamut to heal some of the elf’s wounds, a kind act that confused the scantily clad woman. The cleric yelled for the fighting to cease, and Dick Punch added to them all that they were outnumbered and should drop their weapons. However the assailers continued their attacks and the adventurers’ replied in kind, though Dick Punch attempted not to actually kill any of them and instead disarming them with accurate shots from his bow.

Ned stepped beside Gabriel to shield the woman from the harm, and the elf quizzed her as to who they were and what they were doing.
In short order, the cloaked men were dispatched barring one, whom Arjhan convinced to lower his weapon and surrender. The man approached Arjhan, indicating he was surrendering though the dragonborn paladin was wary, figuring the man had a dagger.
Taking advantage of the confusion the Elf attacked Ned as he moved to apprehend the final figure, cutting the surprised tiefling in the process. The last assailer looked at the enfolding situation and before Arjhan could react, drew his dagger and rammed it through his chin and deep into his skull, his dead body slumping to the ground.
The elf looked dangerous, but Balor managed to apprehend her, whilst Gabriel tried to get her to calm down and drop her weapons. Ned, worried he might get attacked cast the magic spell of Charm upon her, and she looked at him a daze, “Karsell?”
Gabriel managed to get the woman to calm down and started to ask questions, whilst Balor and Dick Punch investigated the tanks in the chamber. The woman was in a confused state, and struggled to recollect her own name, was it Lemurial? Regardless, she clearly longed for Karsell, and kept glancing at Ned thanks to his glamour spell.
The Dwarf and Halfling pried open the chambers and all but one of these was versions of the elf woman, though in a poorer state of duplication. The last tank held a clone of Dick Punch, nearly perfect. Gabriel noticed that whilst he and the adventurers’ hand a strange band on their left wrists, the elf woman and her duplicates did not, so gathered that the bands had nothing to do with the cloning process, further reinforcing his belief he was not a duplicate himself.  

  As the adventures called out what they had found in the chambers and spoke their thoughts, the elf woman’s confusion and the horror of realization that she was a duplicate engulfed her mind, and she fainted. A quick search of the assailers found nothing of import except that they each wore a specific ring on their finger, with unique numbers inscribed within its inside a symbols on the outside. One wore a gold version of such ring whilst the rest had silver rings, perhaps indicating their rank.   At this point a flying creature of steel and steam entered the chamber, similar to what they had encountered in the prison. They made short work of it but realized they needed to get moving. Gabriel picked up the elf over his shoulder and they all proceeded further into whatever this place was.
They then entered a long L shaped hallway, with the walls lined with defiled banners of Bahamut. A great door at the corner was evidently locked, and would require some kind of gem to be placed into an inset. Around this corner, they saw at its end more cloaked figures fighting Karsell’s druegar.
The adventuers carefully proceeded forward, taking notice of two doors at the middle with statues of dragons guarding them each of them. Dick Punch noticed just in time the pressure plates in front of each of these doors that would trigger some kind of trap mechanism. By this time, the cloaked warriors in blacks and greys had been killed by the druegar, who now turned their malefic attention towards the adventurers. To everyone’s surprise except for Balor, the bodies of the druegars grew in size as they charged forward. Balor had fought against a druegar back in Crenda who had a similar trick up their sleeve. Despite this, the adventurers managed to slay the enlarged foes. Despite Dick Punch’s effort not to slay, one of his arrows perfectly sliced through on the last druegars, and the artery exploded with a fountain of blood, felling it.   After taking time to disable the pressure plate traps the adventurers lost no time to carefully investigate the two doors overlooked by dragons. Arjhan opulled the first door open, revealing a small pitch black room. With his Dragonborn vision, he didn’t see the threat before it was too late, and a swirling black fog, engulfed him. Through its dark miasma, slivers of red caroused through its strange form, and what was evidently blood rained underneath it. Arjhan dropped unconsious to the floor before the others had a chance to react.
Gabriel laid the catatonic elf to one side and rushed up to Arjhan, calling upon his lord to revive the fallen dragonborn, whilst all the others put their entire attention into attacking the fog. Despite their blows having a smaller impact, the fog suddenly popped, and Gabriel below was showered with blood.
Arjhan rose to his feet and saw Gabriel wiping some of the blood from his face, the cleric was absolutely drenched in blood.
A quick discussion ensued whether to open the second of the doors overlooked by the dragon statues, some thinking it could simply be another trapped room but ultimately proceed to investigate it.   Beyond the second door they saw a bare room, but surprisingly at its end was a familiar figure – it was one of the two vampires they had encountered at Crenda.
The vampire looked somewhat weakened, trying to feign its superiority but barely able to withstand looking at the blood drenched cleric. The adventures verily quizzed the vampire, trying to out who and where Karsell was. The vampire admitted that the cruel woman had been disappointed with him, as they did not butcher the entire village of Crenda at her behest and thus he was imprisoned. Gabriel realized that the vampires had indeed been true to their word and did not hurt the rest of the villagers in return for their surrender.
The vampire then offered that he would provide three answers if they let him go. The two questions were further enquiry into Karsell, though these answers were not as fruitful as they would have hoped. It had been a number of weeks since their capture at Crenda.   Contemplating the third question they would ask, Gabriel apologized to the vampire. The cleric would not ask a third question as that would mean he would need to need to let the vampire go. Bahamut commanded that the cleric vanquish evil, and Gabriel was in no doubt that ultimately the vampire would fall upon the weak. Dick Punched yelled that they should let the vampire go, that it was not worth the risk, but Gabriel would not acquiescence. The vampire seemed disappointed and then charged into them, claws at the ready.

  Though the vampire was outnumbered, it was still a great threat. It concentrated on Gabriel, whether due to the cleric’s slight or bloodied sight. The vampire’s rending claws took a great gash into Gabriel’s chest and the man crashed into the floor, unmoving. Whilst Dick Punch was still urging them to let the vampire go on its merry way, the others doubled their efforts. Suriel went into a rage and shrieked as her axes slammed into the vampire.
Arjhan shielded the unmoving body of Gabriel and cast a divine spell to wake the man, whilst Balor and Ned carefully engaged their dangerous foe. Apart from Ned’s shimmering sword, the others’ attacks appeared to be less effective against the undead, slicing shallower.
Yet despite the vampire’s fortitude, Suriel continued her mad barrage of axe swings into it, and after the combined efforts of the adventurers, the undead creature suddenly fell to its knees. Suriel’s axe swings then pushed it further down and after countless hacks into it, the vampire stopped moving. The goliath then proceeded to hack at the vampire’s neck. It was a bloody affair but the head finally came off and Suriel cast the head away. By this time Gabriel had regained his feet, and gave thanks to Arjhan and his god. Seeing the dismembered body of the vampire, the cleric called upon divine energy to burn both the body and the head into ash. All that remained was a strange stone. The cleric grabbed it and examined it, and it whispered back you’ll pay for breaking the agreement…”   The cleric surmised this was the other vampire. Ned glimpsed at the stone via her newly found glasses, and it was revealed that the item was a sending stone and did not seem a threat, so Gabriel pocketed it.   They would no doubt get the opportunity to vanquish the other vampire in time.   As the adventurers were wounded, they took the opportunity to have a short rest to attend to their wounds, whilst Dick Punch took guard in case of any other threats would appear, but all was mostly quiet.   Still without a key to the great door, they proceeded through to the remaining door at the end of the great hall, where yet another hallway branched in multiple directions. Turning to follow the first hallway they were met by a sweltering heat. The room here had two fire pits, and from the glow, they saw a large salamander creature toiling at an anvil, forging a sword. Dick Punch tried to sneak in to investigate further, but the heat in this room made things difficult, and the salamander yell out in challenge. Fire snakes appeared from the fire pits and battle ensured.
  The creatures were not that adept in combat, but for those using melee weapons found a cost to every strike they successfully landed against the monsters, for sparks of fire struck back and burnt them in return.
The combat was soon over, and the creatures were defeated but most of the adventurers bore new burn marks. They searched the salamander and found what they presumed was the key to the great door in the prior hallway. Although there was a door in this fire pit room, the heroes back tracked to the great door and sure enough, the newly found key worked and the great door opened.

The room here was resplendent and finely furnished, and on one table in the centre was a glass flask with strange liquid circling within. The adventurers pondered what this was, and Dick Punch ventured a guess, that he had heard stories of Djinn’s being imprisoned in such flasks. When they were released, they could grant wishes. He then rubbed the flask and took the stopper out, and a whoosh of air swept through chamber, before coalescing into a strange form floating in its air. The Djinn did not appear hostile and the adventurers spoke to it.
It advised them that it had no more wishes to give, for Karsell had used up what was possibly allowed. When asked, the Djinn explained that Karsell had used all of her wishes to revive Gabriel. The cleric recalled the torture she took upon him, and realized that she had killed him in a fit of rage, only to be revived not by magic but by the Djinn’s wishes.

Gabriel thought inside, that took hope that Bahamut watched over him, devised counters to the evil woman’s mad schemes.
The Djinn mentioned that beyond this room was a treasure trove that may help the adventurers in the future, but he could not help them further.
They asked him how they could help him be released, and the Djinn said that all they needed to do was ask him for a wish, and that he would return to his kingdom in a another plane of existence. Dick Punch then wished for the Djinn to supply him with a succulent roast meal and with that the flask broke and the Djinn waved out of this existence.

Moving back into the hallway the Group found the only other room, a storage room filled with foodstuff. Taking their fill of the fresh fruits and vegetables Balor and Dickpunch took the opportunity to resupply with Jerky and cured meats. As this was the only other door in the complex to explore Dick Punch and Balor realised this must somehow be the treasure room. Looking more carefully at the door they realised it has multiple locks one silver and one gold. Taking the golden key found in Karsells desk they shut the door and used the key, reopening the door to a totally different sight. In front of them now was a wall of pure marble. As the group crossed the threshold words seemingly appeared as if engraved into the marble.  
Although not the one attuned to this room,
The Bearer of the key deserves a boon.
Thrice is a treasure yours to choose,
Before access to this realm you lose,
Look, point and speak your claim
Or simply touch the results the same.
Choose wisely as returns you lack,
Once you pick it can’t go back!
The adventures shuffled into the treasure room and saw an endless hall, lined with amazing weapons, shields, armour and other stranger things still, all possibly powerful beyond measure. Arjhan and Gabriel immediately realized that this treasure trove was located far outside the mortal realm, for they felt empty inside, for the absence of Bahamut was evident here.
Realising they had three picks the group discussed how best to use their choices knowing there was no current way to know an objects properties they would have to risk whether an item would be wonderous... or mundane. Dick punch argued heartily for a fine bow he saw, but eventually relented to wiser heads.
Arjhan proceeded to pick up a gold hilted sword, a huge red ruby for a pommel and flames etched along the blade.
The dwarf Balor found an immaculate set of Moradin’s armour, and thanked his patron god.
Gabriel selected a set of plate armour, where upon its chest was inscribed a battle between an undead army and a pair of humans one a powerful wizard, the other a righteous Paladin . Having fought the vampire, and knowing the fight against the undead was an important but relentless one, Gabriel chose this armour. The treasure chamber then started to shake, with the items falling into a growing pit of nothingness. The adventurers quickly retreated back out, not attempting to grab anything else following the warnings of the poem.   Ned’s blue tinted glasses had only two charges left, so after a discussion they decided to investigate the sword and the armour chosen by Gabriel. The sword was a magical 'flame tongue' but the armour was unfortunately cursed, bearing both magical resistances and vulnerabilites.   The adventurers then returned to the Grand hall and used the Key found on the Salamander to progress through the final door.
  As the group exited the door they found a ramp of rubble leading to the surface, the sewer roof having collapsed, as they moved cautiously they heard a wet smack and one of the cowled figures fell dead from the surface to land at their feet.
Dusk was settling as they left their prison, radiant reds and oranges lighting both the sky and the battle in front of them.
Karsell stood defiant against the cowled figures, fully armed and armoured. Her left arm ablaze with a strange purple light she fought viciously. A mace in one hand and a whip in the other foes fell frequently under her onslaught set on fire if struck from her mace.
Dick Punch's eyes spotted a fellow archer take a shot at Karsell and he knew with certainty that it would be a telling blow to her throat, however as the arrow flew towards its target Karsells armour moved like liquid, seemingly of its own volition, stopping the arrow with barely a scratch.
Suddenly portals appeared seemingly from nowhere and a voice boomed through the air, "This is in direct opposition of Port Damali Law. Lay down your weapons and come quietly!"
Robed figures stepped through the portal and the Adventurers were suddenly held in their tracks, unable to move their bodies, watching helplessly. As the spell casters moved towards Karsell she let out a scream of pure rage. Skeletal wings sprining from her back, her arm blazed brighter as those near her fell back in fear.
Karsell pounced and for a minute carnage reined. Magics like the tales of old were released but the wizards, their ranks constantly being quickly replaced as more and more of their numbers fell to Karsells blows.
Finally Karsells wings returned to her body and she looked upon the bodies breathing heavily.
"You battle the might of the Cerberus Assembly," boomed the unknown voice, "We will eventually win. Surrender!"
Karsell lowered her weapon, it's unearthly flames dying out. She cast one last look at the group, "This isn't over!" before being led through a portal in chains.
A wizard looked at the group but saw they were no threat. The cowled and robed figures quickly gathering their dead and wounded, the robed figures leaving through portals, the cowled melting into the darkness and shadows.
As the last portal closed the group could finally move   They were alone, and free at last.


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