Shadow Thieves Organization in Wildemount | World Anvil
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Shadow Thieves

The Shadow Thieves are a seemiongly small operation of thieves and bandits situated in Port Damali, possibly the cities equivalent of a Thieves Guild. They are led by "Uncle" Gaelin and his second in command, Kote.   The adventurers encountered them in Unndilar 735PD, and Gaelin promised he would provide further information regarding Karselle - The Fallen Aasimar, once the adventurers had helped him.   The job was to clear a tavern which had been taken over by a rival band, the Redbrand Ruffians.   Though after this contract was complete, Gaelin did not have any information on Karselle as yet and instead offered them another contract to destroy the Redbrand Ruffians once and for all. The adventurers undertook this task and cleared the large mansion in Port Damaili where the Redbrands had made their base.
During their attack, the heroes found notes that the Redbrand Ruffians may be under the control of another organisation, named the Clasp.   Following the success of destroying the Redbrands, the Shadow Thieves offered patronage to the adventurers, which was mostly accepted except by the cleric, Gabriel.
"The Shadow Thieves would never again be brought so low and disgraced as they were in their exile."

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