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10. Never Trust Carnie Folk

Following their perusal of Adventure MartTM, Arjhan and Gabriel bumped into Dick along the promenade. The halfling told them that a member of the Cobalt Soul had asked him to find out what happened to a local mother who went missing during a show by a travelling circus. Dick had also spoken to the child, who apart from mentioning a shimmering, was of little help. With nothing better to do at this stage, they set off to pick up their unstable dwarven compatriot at the Tavern, where indeed they found him recovering from a morning drinking session.   Dick said before they would proceed further with the saving of the mother that he would need to eat first, so they all sat in the Tavern. Gabriel had a passing thought of what could be happening at that very moment to the missing woman whilst they enjoyed their meal, but was interrupted by the Shadow Thieves agent, Kote. The guilder gave some critical information to the cleric - the Cerebrus Assembly had transferred Karselle - The Fallen Aasimar to from Wildemount Tal'Dorei. Gabriel immediately thought of the recent news of the chromatic dragons that had overthrown the Tal'Dorei Republic. Suddenly, making use of the local Sky Port seemed pertinent to the Aasimar, and that meant getting more funds.   As the adventurers were about to leave, a talking cat announced itself and asked if they would meet a Cerebrus Assembly agent in the morning. The adventurers agreed and set off to where the travelling circus was.

Around the circus, things were quiet. They followed Dick's lead and explored the colourful caravans nearby, but found no trace of the missing mother or indeed anything else of interest.
Dick led the group inside the large circus tent, sneaking underneath the tarp. They could now hear the circus folk in the process of packing up their equipment, who all stopped in their tracks when the adventurers barged in to the centre.
Dick's bow flexed as he notched an arrow, aiming at a gnome whom he surmised was the boss of the circus troupe. When the nervous gnome glanced at a nearby chest, he was threatened and told to open the box. Meanwhile a couple of orcs brandishing clubs appeared, apparently in the employ of the circus folk.
As the gnome approached the chest, he seem to recognise Dick. Regardless, the gnome tipped over the contents of the chest, which were investigated by Balor. Amongst a few wands was a wanted paper depicting a halfling by the name of "M. Toscold".
Dick demanded that the gnome tell them where the missing mother was, and sick of the game the gnome rasped, saying that the the woman was indeed here but that the adventurers would never live to see her.
Chaos ensued, and a minute later most of the carnival folk lay dead, except two of the orc bruisers which Gabriel had knocked out.
Following further investigation the adventures found out that the gnome was kidnapping people and taking them outside of the city, transforming the victims into dogs in order to leave the city with little problem.
The transmutation spells eventually wore off, and the missing mother and other victims were freed.
Later, Gabriel asked Balor what the paper in the chest was, for it seemed of importance, yet Balor had no clue where this wanted posted had disappeared to following the skirmish.  
The next morning, Arjhan and Gabriel made their way through Port Damali to the government district where the talking cat said it would await them. Upon meeting it, they were taken to the Cerebrus Assembly lodge, a tower resembling a candle. Here they met a middle-aged and slender man who introduced himself as Rafar.
The agent had heard the adventurers sought the Cerebrus Assembly, and the two heroes enquired about Karselle. Rafar explained that Karselle was well secured and confined Vergesson Sanatorium, though would not clarify as to the location of this place. Gabriel made a mental note to find out if this asylum was, for if it was here on Wildemount then either Rafar was lying, or the information provided by the Shadow Thieves was false.
When asked, Rafar said he would see if Gabriel could seek to visit Karselle but warned Gabriel this was most likely impossible. The man also discounted Gabriel's claim of Karselle importance to divine events.   As the two were about to leave, Rafar offered them a substantial reward if they would obtain for him a device that was located in a dwarven ruin in the Vezdaweald Forest.
Gabriel raised an eyebrow - earlier that day he had been told by Port Damali's Master of Defence that the woodsmen of this very forest had been constantly hounded by wolves - the cleric was sure another step in destiny awaited them here. The reward for this item would go a long way to pay for the trip to Tal'Dorei.
Rafar was visibly shocked when Arjhan asked if this relic had anything to do with the Vestiges, powerful items from the times of Calamity. Regaining his composure, the agent refuted that this device was connected to what he claimed were made up myths.
The adventurers told Rafar they would consider his offer and then left to return to Dick and Balor, who would be very much interested with this little trip outside Port Damali.
Rafar, of the Cerebrus Assembly
Gabriel stood holding a torch high above his head. A deep darkness pressed in on him, the torch barely lighting an arms breadth away, giving him the sense of being in an area of immense size. No breeze touched him and he that this was a dream.
The cleric sensed the movement of something huge in his presence however no fear touched his heart.
The light from the torch shone off platinum scales as the head of a massive dragon moved closer to him.
"The correct time is not yet upon us," the dragon spoke, its voice gravelly and titanic, "We were caught unaware by our enemy's movements and the prism was broken earlier than it should have been. Regardless, if you rush your group forward it will be unprepared and the battle will be lost - already two of the god's appointed have fallen from the path." The dragon's eyes pierced through Gabriel's soul as it continued, "The first of three portents has occurred, two more remain. As long as they aren't forced prematurely, you will have time to prepare. Listen for the ringing of my bell and you will know as lines are crossed."   The cleric woke with a start and immediately rose to his feet. His strong arms gripped the old leather belt nearby. Under his breath he prayed - "Patience is a virtue", before swinging the belt across his bare back.
With enough swings and prayers, he hoped he would not fail his beautiful god.

11. Lurking In The Woods

The adventurers decided to make their way to the Vezdaweald Forest west of Port Damali, eager to explore the dwarven ruins. The travel would take a few days on horse and they prepared as best as they could.
On the way west, they spoke to a couple of farmers and heard about bargheists lurking in the area and how silvered weapons could be used to destroy them.   They continued along the road and reached a wood cutting camp, overseen by a druid. Dick sumised this was the camp that had sought help to rid problematic wolves and spoke to teh druid to confirm this. The druid explained teh situation further, that the wolves had been attacking and taking people, never t be seen again and thought it was strange.
He pointed them to where they could find the wolves den but the adventurers decided to stay at the camp overnight, thinking the wolves could attack.
It was during the dead of night as Arjhan and Gabriel took watch when something stirred in the camp, but it was only Dick, announcing that he needed to pinch a big loaf. The halfling gingerley stumbled into the dark and towards the forest edge, where he found a suitable place to murder a brown snake.
With his pants around the knees and just having finished chopping a log, he heard something behind him. Looking back, he saw the distant light from the camp against a pale face with a wicked smile. Before the halfling could cry out in alarm, the pale thing grabbed him and smothered his mouth.


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