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Rain Winters

Rain Winters (a.k.a. Subject 5442, Jamieson/Jamie (Formerly), Fey (formerly), Storm)

Physical Description

Body Features

As a changeling Rain's form is consistently changing. Normally they appear as an androgyonus elf with pale ivory skin, yellow eyes, and blue hair with a white streak at the front of their hair.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Rain V. Winters; formerly known as Jamieson winters, was created by Doctor Robin Winters and an Unknown entity referred to as Sir Ikithon on the 31st of Syndestar 31 P.D. being the the final subject created in an experiment refered to as Operation Kindergarten.   Rain's formative years were spent on the streets of Rexxuntrum, being raised by a group they lovingly referred to as Jamieson And The Junkers. During these formative years the rouge was able to teach themself basic magic by studying materials they'd stolen from unsuspecting wizards. This magical prowess was recognized by an unknown entity and the Soyltrice Academy one day when a young Winters was arrested by patrolling guard members for thievery. After being recognized by The Soyltrice Academy the young rouge was given the opportunity to attend the academy under a scholarship, accepting after conversing with their guardian and the member of the junkers they were close to Bubba. Rain attended Soyltrice from the age of eight to sixteen, being both the youngest student in the academies history to attend and graduate. While in attendance at the academy their guardianship was taken over by Doctor Robin Winters who would remain as their guardian. After their graduation from the academy Rain immedeatly joined the Cerberus Assembly, working a desk job for the organization.

Rain V. Winters, member of GGG (Girls Gays, and Guys) was created on the 31st of Syndestar, 805 P.D. They are one of the few initial members of GGG and initially met up with the group due to an assignment from The Myriad.

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Chaotic Neutral
Date of Birth
31st of Syndestar, 805 P.D.
Rexxuntrum (alleged)
Nonbinary (They/Them)
Blue (with white streak at the front of hair)
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale Ivory

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I got caught.
Brussendar 5th, 813 P.D.

Dear Diary, They caught me. I should’ve listened to Bubba when he said that the guard would be more alert during Zenith but how could I miss the opportunity to pickpocket people who were too drunk to be aware of where they had left their coin? This lady who called herself Doctor Robin Winters came to visit me today. She said that someone from the Soyltrice Academy saw how I fought and that they were offering to let me study there. She was nice enough and even gave me back my journal but I don’t trust her offer, not one bit. She told me to think about it and to let someone know when I decided. I wish Bubba was here so that I could ask him what he thinks. I miss him, I miss everyone. I hope I get to see them soon, Jamieson

My First Spell
Horisal 25th, 810 P.D.

Dear Diary,   I’ve just learned how to cast my first bit of magic!! When I first… borrowed this scroll Misty told me trying to learn from it was a ‘fool's errand’ but I did it.   From what I was able to figure out from the scroll this spell is called ‘Fire Bolt’. Learning it at first was a bit scary and at first. I couldn’t control it but the more I practiced the better I got and now I can even help Bubba with lighting fires when it gets too cold. I hope I can learn more cool like this soon, Jamieson

My First Journal Entry >:)
Bruessuran 11th, 809 P.D.

This passage is written in Zeminian   Dear Diary,   I just stole you from a booth in town! You are the first thing I’ve stolen without getting in trouble but Bubba was still upset :( He told me ‘we only take what we need to fill our bellies’ but I’ve seen him take coin from people a time or two.   He told me I could keep you to practice my writing though so you’re my first friend!!! :D   I will write you more soon,   Jamieson <3


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