
Chronovectio are intricately crafted, magical watch like devices, worn by members of the Minuo Venari (Order of Eladrin Blood Hunters) that allow them to extra-planer travel in order to track and hunt evil across any plane of existence.   It requires years of intense training by members of the Order to manipulate the Chronovec, which requires precises alignment of anchor points on the device with certain aspects of the current plane and destination plane to facilitate its operation.   The Chronovectio will radiate powerful Conjuration magic to anyone who tries to detect its purpose, but without the specialized training conducted secretly in the Feywild by the Order, It would be virtually impossible for someone to accidentally use the Chronovectio.   For those who can use it, the Chronovectio allows the user to transport to anywhere on any plane of existence that the user has previously been to, up to five times a day.   Alternatively, the Chronovectio can be used once per day to transport the user and up to five others who are touching the user to another plane of existence. These other five travelers do not have to be willing participants to the travel, only be touching the person wearing the Chronovectio. Use of the Chronovectio in this manner means it cannot be used for travel again till after a full rest.
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