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Yang Xiao-Long

My take on abandonment issues is yes, they can extend to only one person given specific circumstances but deep abandonment issues tend to spread into other facets of a persons life. An example being parents get divorced, father treated child poorly as a result. Then friends move away, over and over again. Its irrational to link the two but a child can rationalize the two instances as linked causality. Which can lead to them either becoming more controling of their relationships with other people or distant as to not allow themselves to be hurt again. Think of the Hedgehogs Dilemma analogies Evangelion used between Shinji and his father, there you see how a single instance of abandonment infected Shinji's world view growing up which lead to more social anxiety than life otherwise would have necessitated. In my experience, if you have been continuously abandoned or neglected by the people you care about: you will be less emotionally invested in new relationships than you were before, and much more hyper-aware of any signs the relationship might fall apart so you know when to distance yourself completely and not get hurt when it does. It can take a long time for people with abandonment issues to fully trust new people than regular people who don't. With Yang, we don't see any of that. She's far too willing to completely trust Blake again, and Blake never actually earns her trust.   Yeah, but it would have worked if Yang's resolution is that she actually starts being motherly again to her own group as a means to "not be like my own mother" due to that meeting with Raven, while also questioning if her mother's ideals were right all along after they learned about Ozpin. Like let her meeting with Raven MEAN something in the long run. Because to me, it just feels like Raven is officially dead to her. Plus you know... telling people that your mom is now the new Spring Maiden would have helped a lot with the whole "What happened to no more lies and half-truths".   I Realized Something Pretty Bad About the Yellow Trailer...Yang straight up sexually assaults Junior in this trailer in order to intimidate information out of him, then when it's revealed that Junior doesn't actually have any information on her mother; she decides to bait him with a kiss so she can get him at the perfect angle to sucker punch him across the room for no particularly good reason. Yang then proceeds to beat the snot out of anyone that is either A) with in ten feet of her or B) trying to stop her. Finally right after she punches Junior through the front part of his own building in bout of rage and super-strength, she then nonchalantly says "what's up?" to her little sister as if she just didn't rack up a fortune in property damage, committed at least sixteen acts of assault with a deadly weapon, and became eligible for the sex offender registry.   I wouldn't really care about this if it wasn't supposed to be our first impression of her for the entire series.   Each characters theme title says a lot about their origin- Yang's "I Burn": Fire is a two-way street. In control, can provide many benefits. No control, everyone suffers. It's what her father taught her in Vol.4. That having no fire is akin to death. Fire is strong like her and she's always willing to light her team's way when push comes to shove.   How not to Write: Yang   I decided to watch the last 1/3rd of volume 5 to try and grasp how truly disappointing the finale really was. Needless to say, even burying my expectations, I was shook by how awful it was.   With that said, this post will focus on Yang and Build up + Payoff.   After going through an arc where the show tells Yang she’s incompetent -you be the judge on whether that’s accurate or insultingly wrong- for using her rage ability and losing to people with far greater experience, you’d think the show would have the decency to at least have her re-fight those same people and get back at them.   But no, Yang has only thus far had a chance to fight Mercury again, and most of that was off screen before she just had to run to the plot. No rematch with Neo, Adam is no longer worth a rematch, and neither is Mercury after getting headbutted.   After being beat down by every villain like she’s the town bike, having her arm sliced off and having PTSD from the event, and having a best friend leave her and sending Yang to her lowest point, what’s the payoff?   Yang gets insulted by her dad and told a tone-deaf story from Oobleck and Port and then just gets over her current funk.   Yang puts on the robot arm and the whole hesitancy to use it just vanishes.   Yang spars with Tai and gets told to keep a cooler head. This alone lets her fight on par with villains who previously acted like she was leagues below them, despite now having trained barely any after a long period of doing nothing.   Yang gets her arm sliced off by Adam, and not only does she not fight him, Blake manages to take Adam out with a move that he should be well aware of given their interaction in V3, and a smack to the back of the noggin.   Pick just one of these four and with a little brain power you could come with an idea that has infinitely better payoff. How about Tai give Yang a motivation speech, or Port give an actually heartfelt story, or Yang struggling to get used to the arm before doing crazy tricks in volume 5, or Yang running off to confront Adam before jumping in to help Ruby and Co like Blake does? How about literally any of that?   Anytime you build up suspense for anything, it needs to have a pay-off. Look at the Karate Kid: the main character gets his ass kicked, gets trained by a martial artist, and then comes back to defeat the people who wronged him. There’s a problem, there’s build-up to a solution, and then there’s the pay-off. Yang in this situation would be Daniel if he got beaten up, trained my Mr. Miyagi, and then just went off to study abroad.   Yang's clearly intended to be an active, "bad girl", given the very first thing we see is her starting a fight in a club and blowing the place up - why not give her a dappled past where she stole from some people with a bear motif and learned the dangers of taking too much to be ignored or too little to survive? Other than the fact that we don't have time to give her a compelling backstory, because Jaune's about to get eaten again, better go bail him out and laugh, cue credits.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

A big part of the problem is that both the fans and VAs are pushing hard for BB to be canon just to make themselves feel better about their lives, for whatever reason, and no matter how good their life already is. That sounds cynical, but what other general reason is there?   All the ones vocally pushing for this ship to become canon have little regard for the main story or themes; those come second, and they justify having the ship by pretending that it would make for a good story or a good theme in a self-serving, backwards way. That would only make sense if this romantic pairing were clearly shown on-screen to be intentional much further in the past, and even today there is still no admission of love, whether heard by another character or solely the audience, or actions that aren't better explained by a solid but sometimes testy friendship.   But it was never planned from the start because of obvious things like Monty's "sisterhood" quote, and the fact that CRWBY only started to hop on board the ship long after the fans had created the ship for people to bandwagon on in the first place. Now the ship is dictating and overshadowing the rest of the show. I don't even know what scenes they could possibly make in future volumes that would offer any substance to both the two girls and the overall plot like Adam once did.   There's no course-correcting now. It's either the writers capitulate to all the demands by forcing an unnecessary pairing, or suffer wave after wave of angry fan tweets, posts, emails, letters, con Q&As, and interviews blasting them for not delivering on "muh bees."   Either way, we in the minority are going to take it rough. Everyone in favor of the ship is blindsided by these types of arguments against it, thinking it reflects poorly on their opponents' political attitudes, when that has nothing to do with it. It's more that they want to shoehorn an unnecessary add-on to the plot, and others disapprove of that mindset. It would be horrible if all fans dictated stories in the future. It also makes the writer look weak for pandering to the majority at their story's expense.   But we'll just have to see what happens.   Sooner or later, BMBLB will be canon. That is irrefutable at this point. We all as fans will have to endure the consequences of what that means.   If White Rose were canon instead of Bumblebee, would there be less controversy? It's really hard to say.   The reasons BMBLB is so controversial are multi-faceted and many. It is hard to put a guess at how the first indications of the problem began. All of this may be predated by one single Bees fan art on Tumblr that everyone championed as OTP or whatever. One thing led to another, a great section of the fanbase started producing Bees oriented content, perhaps some on CRWBY and the VAs saw, and made preparations to develop a romance subplot more with Blake and a Yang. But that's just one possibility.   Another possible scenario could be that the show writers and VAs knew what Monty said in his quote, but had their own ideas about an LGBT RWBY pairing regardless. In some sense, the concept may have been there from the start, and Monty's passing, though tragic, gave everyone the green light to proceed in their own direction in at least this one respect.   But I lean more towards the first of the two possibilities. I definitely think the origins of BMBLB has been a community effort first and foremost, and that CRWBY caught onto it on social media and hopped fully on board.   The video posted sometime in the last few days diving into whether BMBLB is canon raised some very interesting points. The reviewer went into how few scenes in the earlier volumes were spent with Blake and Yang interacting in at all a romantic way that could not be better explained by friendship or team membership. Most of the time, we were given more blatant hints of a budding romance between Sun and Blake. And Blake never acknowledged Yang when she was in Menagerie. Yang only had that one scene lashing out in V5, but to call that shipping fuel is very strange and unhealthy for her. I guess a big reason for the split in the fandom is because of how in-your-face one side got about it because of how in-your-face the show got about it suddenly at the end of V6, and the perceived slight of ruining Adam's character in return for pushing a ship.   It is safe to say WhiteRose had many more interactions and meaningful moments throughout the entire show, even if there were some long blank spaces where nothing happened in between. Generally, Ruby and Weiss' interactions are treated a lot more entertainingly, humorously, and healthily for the characters. It makes much better shipping fuel when compared to all the moodiness and unspoken melodrama between Blake and Yang, especially coming from Yang. You could still argue a lot of moments are simply friendly banter, but if the show were to decide to treat it as love, it would have the basis and grounds to do that. I don't know what it is, but something about how other romantic pairings in this show are presented is so much different than BMBLB. They're played off for laughs and for cuteness factor, while the Bees are always so grim and dark and underdeveloped.   If I were to hazard a guess, I can't figure the repercussions of having an LGBT main character in the show long-term, but WhiteRose would be generally less controversial than BMBLB, because it appears healthier, has much more evidence, doesn't impact the writing of other characters negatively, would feel more nuanced than Yang and Blake getting together, doesn't have evidence for an opposing ship going against it, and is just more happy.   "it does not overshadow the plot and it does compliment some of the beats of the story"   You may be thinking of B&Y's character arcs as their own plot here. When I say main story or overall plot, I mean the shared goal or mission of all the protagonists, or the goal or mission of the main protagonist. Usually I mean the former, but the main character's character arc is often deeply tied into the shared mission's resolution, so it can get mixed up sometimes. I was thinking BMBLB did overshadow the plot because so far it is a subplot that has no relevance to the main plot, which means it takes away time from Ruby, the main character and her physical goal of saving Remnant. If, in the future, the relationship becomes relevant to saving the world, I will applaud the writers for it because I'm having a hard time figuring out how BMBLBY could possibly help beat Salem or stop the Grimm. It seems more or less Blake and Yang's character arcs have finished with their defeat of Adam. It shouldn't end there, but it shouldn't be constant canon ship fuel after that either.

Body Features

Yang deliberately styles her hair in the same way as her mother’s in memoriam. Thus, whenever anyone damages it, she gets pissed off because, knowingly or otherwise, they've just insulted that memory to some extent.

Special abilities

Yang will use Full-Contact Magic and her fists. Just a thought after seeing the first three girls. Ruby and Blake use gun augmented weaponry while Weiss used a rapier mixed with magic abilities. This troper thinks they might have two with gunblades and two with magic.   Yang's semblance can do more than just empower her. It can also be used to stockpile aura inside of her. Whenever she uses her semblance to get stronger, her hair becomes brighter. Theoretically she can do the opposite and stockpile aura, limiting her power but keeping her up longer in a fight. This would also cause her hair to become duller in color.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

These fan-contents capture the spirit of this character: "The Knights Errant" fanfiction. Because of her time being the responsible one at home, Yang is an early riser and it is Ruby that has to be dragged out of bed. She uses this morning person attitude to annoy anyone who isn't. yang used to be part of a biker gang, which is where she got her motor skills from. what is Yang's personal reason why she dresses and acts the way she does.   What fans are really angry about is the fact that the writers keep retreading character beats rather than actually let their characters grow. I can understand that even if I find Yang's anger reasonable within the given context. In some ways, it's as though the first two and a half volumes didn't happen.   I watch a lot of animes and some of them have two girls in a relationship and how they do it which is a natural way of having two characters build a relationship in a writer's story is have the two characters meet they can either like each other or hate each other at first then have them fight together and then they talk personally about the kinda people they are and at the end of the season something happens for them to respect each other and become friends then the writer would show the audience a hint that there is something sparking between the two either have both of them blushing or saying something about one another in their mind while smiling.   In the next season they are friends who care about each other watch eachothers back and make jokes and spend time together and talking to each other in different scenes, at the end of season 2 they fight together in a life or death situation surrounded by enemies protecting one another, something happens to one of them and the other one cries out in anger thinking she is dead killing alot of enemies and then finds her friend injured once they survive the attacks one of them talks about how glad she is that she is ok then the two start to have feelings for eachother which the writers will give a clear hint to the audience that they do like each other confirming that they like each other.   In the next season things are kinda awkward between the two and then they have abit of a fight and then they talk about how they ended up where they are in life mostly they have a bad past or they want to be like someone they know and then they show that they are there for eachother and makeup, then later on one of them is put in danger where the other one has to save the other by trying to sacrifice her life for her which then she gets shot or stabbed where it looks like to the audience that she is dead then the other girl has to try and get her out of danger by fighting then her stabbed or shot friend awakens her powers and blows away the bad guys, after she passes out her friend grabs her and they escape and bring her injured friend to safety, then you see a scene where she is in hospital waking up with her friend next to her then the two talk and express how they feel about each other and then kiss they either kiss before or after holding hands or after they looking at each other smiling showing the audience that they want to be together.   That's the basics on how anime does it that's how they write a good relationship between two characters and the relationship feels natural because the writer made it so that the audience knew that there was something between the two since the beginning showing hints that they liked each other throughout the story this is what I like about a relationship in a story, not this volume 2 talk once alone volume 3 yang gets arm cut off blake cries runs of and they don't see each other until volume 5 ending then have them hold hands constantly in volume 6 to show bumblebee, that's just either ship baiting or forcing it to happen to please shippers.   If yang flying into a blind rage because blake was hurt means the relationship was romantic, does that mean yang wouldn’t have done so if it had been any of her other friends in blake situation? Or that yang wouldn’t have helped Weiss if she was in a funk like Blake was? If these scenes are romantic it kinda takes away from yangs character and makes it seem like she didn’t just help blake because she was good person who liked to help her friends, but that she only did it because she was romantically interested, which actually makes sun a better person then Blake because he specifically stated he helped her because people should always help friends, not because he wanted a relationship.   I’m saying none of that development was necessarily romantic, and doesn’t need to be romantic, it could achieve the same effects on the characters if it was platonic, and and I mentioned before, if yang charging blindly to save Blake means she was romantically interested, does that mean she wouldn’t do the same for Weiss? Also yang being upset that Blake left might have more to do with Blake only adding to the abandonment issues she already had with her mom, if all these moments of Yang helping Blake meant she was romantically interested, does that mean she wouldn’t do the same for any other friend? Because if that’s the case, then Sun is an objectively better person then yang.

Gender Identity

I think Yang has abandonment issues because the writers abandoned her character arc. And yet she abandoned her sister in that cellar with her drunk uncle. She also didn't think twice about threatening her uncle when Oscar revealed Ozpin was lying to everyone when Ruby had the lamp. She also abandoned her after killing Adam by running past her in Chapter 13, shortly after reuniting with the group to fight the Leviathan. I want to laugh but it's so sad, and it's the perfect example of how the writing is pandering to BB shippers. Of course, you can't say that without being called a homophobe or getting the "wHy iS iT oNLy pAnDeRiNg wHeN iT's gAy?" lecture, but it's true. Yang saying that family comes first and then leaving behind drunk Qrow and Ruby so she can grab Blake's hand and have a moment with her kiTTY wAiFu is awful and the shippers are so delusional that they don't care how out of character it was! They eat that shit right up! Yang suddenly forgiving Yang and having everything go back to normal doesn't make sense, but shippers rejoice and praise the show anyway because they don't care about the plot, they care about their ship, and RT will probably keep pandering no matter how much they're called out on it. That's part of why I dropped the show. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Anyone: But Blake needed help!   Me: Yeah but literally the majority if not all of the people who watch your show could see this as added shipping and considering Blake or Yang have been trying to spend as much time with each other and no one else in Season 6 people will automatically assume it's shipping. Shit the only time Blake spoke to Ruby was at the end of Volume 5 and the time before that is the first volume I think. Blake and Weiss haven't had a conversation since what Volume 2??? Shit when the group was stuck in Jinn's illusion all 4 of them shout out one teammate THAT THEY'RE SHIPPED TO, Yang and Blake, Ruby and Weiss if I'm remembering correctly. Don't you know? This is RWBY. Familal relationships are nowhere near as important as shipping. I mean they demolished Yang sisterly bond with ruby if I was ruby I be fucking pissed off. So basically, Yang's a hypocrite. She chose to prioritize BLAKE over her family. BLAKE of all people. Yet those moments are contradicted when she holds goes for Blake instead of her family. Were not saying Yang only cares for Blake, but that moment implies she only cares about Blake, it was done for the sake of shipping but the writers didn't think about how it would affect the plot. Nah my dude you got it all wrong, their argument is logical and make sense. Yang always goes on and on about protecting her sister, but when their trapped in a cellar with a bunch of demons she just takes Blake’s hand and runs off while her sister try’s to help her drunk uncle. Tell me in volume 6 when did Yang and Ruby interacted and showed sisterly love to each other. Besides the scene in episode 1 where Yang asked Ruby what she bought her at the train station and at the end of the last episode where Yang was calling out to Ruby when she was trying to kill the Godzilla grim there wasn’t much talking between them.Yes I’m sure Yang cares for her family but the entire Volume she just ignored Ruby and only showed attention to Blake. Wanna know why? One word: Shipping. I use to argue that Yang doesn’t have abandonment issues because her character doesn’t make sense for her to have any. But because the writers are saying she does, then she does. No matter how much the story doesn’t work for her to have abandonment issues, because the writers are claiming she does in the show, then I have to believe that she does. And that’s what I hate about this show. Biggest shock for me was her immediate acceptance and forgiveness of Blake in V5. Truly a wtf moment. Dude I had a scenario in my brain where like Yang calls Blake to the courtyard and yang just starts attacking Blake and Blake asks "Why are you attacking me" and yang says You betrayed me you left me when I needed you the most, I I thought I could count on you, I saw the best in you. You shattered it, so I want to get this off my chest because if I don't it's going to keep nagging at me. Yang and Blake fight out their feelings after which they both collapse and they finally let out their feelings. bro I don't mean to come off as something that it would be unhealthy it would just be more that like due to the fact that like Blake and yang have Aura they could easily fight out their differences and when their aura is too low basically it means they are unfit to battle so that's when they would probably collapse and they would settle there differences to talking because they basically expunged all the negative energy and are in a cooler head or is the ultimate padding or Shield I agree. It was mind boggling how Yang easily accepted Blake back into her life after pushing her and the team away when they needed her most. After reuniting with the team at the end of volume 5, Blake could have cast a glance towards Yang with the latter averting her eyes from her. There could have been some tension between the two when they fought the chimera grimm on the train, with Blake trying to assist Yang, but she brushes her off. When they split up in the cabin, Yang goes out of way to partner with anyone but Blake. That would be her holding a grudge. Not whatever volume 6 showed us. The flaw with this is that Adam tells Blake that he’ll kill her AFTER he kills everyone close to her. Which makes canon!Blake’s decision to run off to try and spare her friends from Adam’s wrath nonsensical when he’s determined to kill them all regardless. I mean, to be fair, he doesn’t do anything with that promise. And what makes it worse is that Blake runs home to her family, as if Adam didn’t threaten to kill everyone she loves which would include her parents. So it’s safe to say that the threat was forgotten about as Adam did absolutely nothing after he said that and Blake only ran away to get her mind right, which she had every right to do, her and Yang weren’t even that close. I think the problem with this, is that Yang and Blake aren’t that close. Just like yangs abandonment issues, Yang and Blake aren’t actually that close to one another. Sure they have a couple of scenes where they’re partners because rwby doesn’t know what it means to be an actual team, but other than volume 2, there haven’t been any real moments between Blake and Yang that makes yangs anger make any type of sense where I would believe that Yangs best friend in the whole entire world let her. Majin Vegeta vs. SSJ2 Goku was the GOAT, that's the correct way to settle your angsty emotional beefs. What conflict? Yang and Blake are pretty much acting like nothings wrong between them besides Blake treating Yang like a cripple. Every scene they're togother I keep wondering if they're finally going to address the elephant in the room and actually talk about why Blake left, but apparently it's not even important enough to warrant discussion . It's bizarre to say the least. You're talking about in the farmshed? I think we interpret these scenes where Blake's desperately trying to help Yang with everything very differently. Like I said above Blake is treating Yang like a cripple in V6, I think that scene has far more to do with Yang not wanting anyone's pity more than anything else, especially since she's more than capable of being independent. All in all, I think she'd have responded that way to anyone who was treating her with such fragility. If that scene was truly about Yang's lingering resentment towards her as you seem to think, then it begs to question how can they be laughing and smiling, and carrying-on like any bad blood between them is a distant thing of the past in any of the prior scenes? If Yang's so resentful that there's "a chill in the air between them" when exactly are they going to address the elephant in the room? My interpretation is that the writers "concluded that" the "Yang's angry with Blake" arc with an accepting hug at the end of V5, because the Yang that got angry over her teammates lamenting Blake's absence in V5 has been fully replaced by the Yang that wants to be Blake's girlfriend, and I, for the life of me, can't follow a logical path from one to the other. I was referring to the train scene. Do you not find that scene to be completely out of place for two characters that supposedly have bad blood between them?   Again, I feel this is an issue of independence vs. forced fragility, and Yang's attitude would have been directed at anyone, not solely Blake.   Perhaps that's because you're trying to get people to disprove a negative? You're asking people to prove that Blake and Yang's feelings for each other hadn't been there the whole time, which is a fallacy as old as time I.e. Prove that god does not exist.   I don't consider myself to be close-minded, I simply can't make any sense of how Yang, who supposedly has not forgiven Blake, apparently switches gears from resentment and "chills in the air" to Wow, these girls can't hold hands hard enough. I feel like the responsibility would be on you to at least explain your rationale for why Yang and Blake have been more-than-just-friends this whole time, especially considering that if there was a dormant romantic attraction it seems far less obvious than Jaune/Pyrrha, Ren/Nora, and even Blake/Sun.   Whoa dude back up, I said anyone can assume this as pandering. And no I actually wasn't going to call Volume 1 and 2 pandering to the ships. And then the fact that her VA said that she held the grudge for "too long" wtf. She didn't hold it long enough!!! Honestly, from my time in literature arts classes online and from personal experience of writing, RT is stuck on something I came to know as Single Partner action. In some weird way, Blake and Yang are partner Characters, RT does everything to tell you that, but they are too much partnering. They only care about the other partner, only get angry at the other partner, only ever seen to speak about the only partner. It's like the Characters don't care about anyone outside of their partnership, when I say partner, I don't mean lovey dovey, but simply those who partner up for action or story progression.   Even when they get to go out of the partner thing and make light of Yang's problem with her mom, who's the cat freak always somehow brought up? Bloke. It's like these Characters can't even have proper, not even proper, mental problems without their stupid ship partner. Honestly? It could go all the way back to the beginning, but it'd doubtful, it's a grown attribute to writing. A major problem with having a couple or dynamic duo set in your head for a story, you can't ever separate them. It's hard to make Characters you want to, excuse my lingo, bang each other at some point—Stop being around each other. Even at some points when the story may have then hate each other, as a writer you have a hard time letting them stop thinking about one another. I can't blame RT for it happening, as someone who had three original stories fail horribly before I even had the chance to let others criticize them because of this problem, I can't beat them with a stick over it. I can however, criticize their lack of wanting change, it seems like the writers are perfectly alright with it. The only Character I personally believe doesn't have this is Ironwood and Glynda, Characters who have plenty of interactions and helpful dialogue outside of their quote on quote partners. I would argue that Ren and Nora suffer from this to. You're exactly right, and thank you for bringing that up, I had forgotten them. I have to take back my wishful thinking of it not being a thing pre-Volume three, but Nora and Ren legit started it in volume one. When you think about it, you realize how little Team RWBY has experienced things as a team. There are little Weiss/Yang, Ruby/Yang, Ruby/Blake, or Weiss/Blake interactions. It doesn't feel like the story is following a "team". Just 4 people or 2 pairs of people traveling together. This feeling has gotten stronger as the series has progressed. Or is this just me? You're definitely right, and you have good eyes picking it up. Have you noticed that all the friendly and amazing moments seem forced? Blake Hugging Jaune and Nora feeling worried for Oscar. These Characters have no emotions or conversation with each other to develop this kind of emotional response. Blake probably only hugged Jaune with the idea that Yang dissed him on the first day, so she needed to make up for it. Yeah, because of this team RWBY feels more like RW/BY. The two pairs feel disconnected from each other, like how Ruby and Blake haven’t had a conversation with each other since Volume 1.


Didn't Yang find guys attractive in Volume 1 Chapter 3? I could've sworn she did, Plus didn't Blake blush when Sun pointed at her in Volume 3 Chapter 2? Are they just both repressed bisexuals or something? Because they never had any type of attraction to other women.   You are 100% correct. Blake & Yang never seemed attracted to women. Ever.   sexuality shouldn’t be out of nowhere either imo, especially when previous implications contradict what’s now being shown. What was foreshadowed for by 5 seasons was Blake liking men with both her relationship with Adam an the romantic subplot with Sun.   And Yang liking men is legit one of the first things that has been established about her in the first few episodes in the show, she even walked into a bar and flirted with a male adult in her trailer appearance.   Bumblebee fans: just try to justify any of this, justify why Yang seems to originally seem boy crazy and now doesn't seem to give a shit at all, justify why Blake just forgets the toxicity of Adam's violent, angry tendencies the second it's Yang doing it instead, justify why volumes of buildup and good chemistry with Sun is thrown out the window despite it being more sensible and cathartic in a story sense, I dare you, fucking any of you, to somehow do it.   It also doesn't make sense Yang would develop any sort of attraction towards Blake. Yang has abandonment issues, her own mother left her and her father for nearly two decades with no promise of ever coming back and someone she trusted does the exact same thing. Even after Sun's talk Blake still had no desire to come back, her running into RWY was pure chance   You can rationalize it all you want and Weiss did put it into perspective for her, but at the end of the day I can't see how she could possible develop feelings for the one person who destroyed her emotionally to her core.    Honestly, ever since Yang lost her arm I haven't liked her character. She's had this attitude, she used to be the happy pun girl but now she's moody and angry.   Exactly. Blake is mopey enough on her side to pair well with characters that are fun to be around (like Sun or Pre-Fall Yang). Mopey plus Yangsty equals a Literary nausea inducer.   I actually get it as a matter of individual development, but as part of bumbleby it actually makes the relationship un-fun for us to watch as an audience if they are both traumatized mopers. They never cease to be victims even when they are physically strong because it is defining their personality from the moment both were hurt by Adam to the present.   One has blushing and angry slapping way too closely associated, and Yang, if the writers were to make her actions lately have weight and meaning beyond “Yasss queen, slayyy!” May well become Adam if she doesn’t start lightening the fuck up and feeling things instead of bottling them away and “tough”-girl moping out of it. If this were a relationship in the real world, it’s odds of going well would be VERY low, and the consequences of it going badly very high.   I KNOW RIGHT?! I was always neutral towards Yang, never liking her but never hating her either. But after Volume 3 she is absolutely insufferable. I don't really know why I can't stand her so much but it's got to be a problem if I dread any time she opens her mouth.   First of all, if someone want to put some shits about "homophobia" on my head then I can tell you I ship whiterose but hate bumbleby, as bumbleby almost ruined Yang's character in volume 6. In v6ep6, Yang held Blake's hand and ran out of the room. Everyone was like "ahhhhh they are gay ahhhh they holding hands ahhhhh they are together ahhhhh". But I was like "what? seriously? what did yang just do? did her just leave her little sister to a room of grimm???" It is UNBELIEVABLE. There is no way that Yang would do something like that. It is totally OUT OF CHARACTER and I cant accept it. The true Yang will carry everyone on her shoulder and run together, its impossible for her to leave Ruby, Wiess and Qrow. I mean, Ruby is her little sister who has lived together with her for more than TEN years, Qrow is her blood uncle, Wiess is the girl who enlightened her in v5 and she just……left them??? Seems like there is nonthing left in her brain except Blake, and that is GROSS. For me, the girl who ran with Blake and left everyone is NOT yang.   Bumbleby finally pairing up came across as very artificial to me. You can tell RT had held off for so long because they were afraid they'd lose the Black Sun shippers, so they wanted to have their cake and eat it. Then after a long enough time, they ship Sun off back to his team and shoehorn Adam into the finale so they can make the most vocally demanded ship in the fandom canon. And I completely agree with the team dynamic. We never got meaningful interactions between Blake and Ruby, or Weiss and Yang (other than that one hug) and they just ship off half the team, essentially creating a divide in the team.   It makes me lose all sense of belief they're a team. They're not Team RWBY, they're White Rose and Bumbleby travelling together. I was invested in RWBY because I was invested in the TEAM. I wanted to see the day any one of them would die for the other if it meant protecting them. But would Ruby do that for Blake, or vice versa? Would Weiss stick out her neck for Yang, or vice versa? I don't even know if Weiss and Blake even like each other, or just mutually respect each other but still generally avoid each other. If we're just supposed to be happy and magically believe that they would, that's bad storytelling. I'm not convinced they would other than "they have to because the show is about them".   Look, I know the Volumes are short, especially the early ones. They can't show as much character interaction as we want. But I can assure you, many times they could've given more screentime to the other pairs, or the Team as a whole, they chose Bumbleby. Why? Because of shippers. It's not said outright, but it's pretty clear by how RT handles its fan awareness. They'll give the fans whatever they want as long as they ask for it enough and it doesn't break the plot too much. They gave Arkos, Renora, Neo coming back, and now Bumbleby, all heavily demanded by fans.   There's a line here. I love it when creators are aware of their fans and acknowledge them. But I personally believe RT crossed a line where they let the fans dictate what should happen, instead of them just doing what's right for the story. What was right for the story is a united Team RWBY, a band of comrades who would go through hell for one another. If they wanted to just make the characters consist of pairs so that they can be shipped, they should've just made partners of two instead of teams of four. Why make a team-based story when it's clear screentime with a certain pair will be prioritised first over the others?   If there going to put the shipping thing than at least have proper build up to that relationship rather then it just happens because of reasons. That’s all I ask properly build up to it the have not even talked after years and your telling me they would be that close? and even in volume 1,2,and 3 they hardly interacted that much.   This makes me so bitter, because frankly I do not even believe that Yang x Blake is a HEALTHY relationship, let alone a necessary one. To those who ship them because of the chemistry, good on you for recognizing that there is some; however, they have been mentally abusing each other for the longest time (and to those who ship them SOLELY because they are gay, you are allowed to have your own opinion and that is fine, but I disagree and frankly think that is as ridiculously stupid reason).   Abuse has been prevalent in their relationship even to the point that Yang SINGS about the anticipation that Blake may just abandon her and the others again in one of the more recent songs representing their relationship. Yes, this is something they can grow from, and they have reasonably...but if that doesn't represent that their history has been muddied with abuse, then I don't really know what does. Their supportive chemistry really had died very early on and it has just been ship baiting ever since.   Moreover, as individual entities their characterization and, in the case of Yang, relationships with other people have suffered immensely all for the sake of the ship. At least in Blake's case she had her own arc revolving around her personal affirmation of her beliefs and her understanding that she is no longer alone through Sun, her family, and the rest of the faunus after returning home. For poor Yang...they cut off her arm, made her brood for roughly two seasons with little to no development and minimal contact with other people, AND when she finally does rejoin the others she is notably more aggressive towards all of them (including her sister).   Here's the kicker: Yang's personal negative growth into an entirely different character is because she attempted to confront BLAKE'S problems (personified as Adam) with her and Blake simply just ran away after. This all happened for your beloved ship people...Now I will admit, regardless of the romanticism, Blake may have ran away in this case because it was simply a part of her character at the time and Yang would have indeed ended up traumatized; but, do you think they would be spending this much time reaffirming their relationship presently without consistently moving the plot forward, if they weren't simply attempting to milk the screen time of their most prominent, abused, LGBT couple?   Yang has made very little progress in terms of her PTSD, has sacrificed characterization, and given up relationships with other people. She doesn't even look like she gives half a fuck about Qrow's heavy drinking issues in comparison to her situation with Blake, cuz taking care of your mutual uncle (who is likely heavily depressed and may be prone to harming himself) is obviously your younger sister's job. Moreover, the writing overall has suffered to give them screen time...They haven't even gotten to Atlas and they decided to do that TWO SEASONS AGO. I don't mind relationship stories, but it should be a side story...not one of the main focuses of multiple seasons and you shouldn't sacrifice good characters just for the sake of shipping them; good writing would be to give them well rounded development and subtle chemistry to reinforce their relationship rather than just throwing it in the face of your audience endlessly to appease a specific demographic. But hey, what do I know after watching every season as they come out and following Monty's work from the time he was simply a freelance creator on Youtube. Alright...I'm done with my rant; in summation I feel like the story and even the characters are both degrading in order to keep this sinking ship afloat, but feel free to disagree because these are just my thoughts.     At the end making a character into an LGBT representation doesn't affect the character's depth or likability, in RWBY every gay couple could be replaced with a straight couple and gay romance with simple friendship and nothing would change. To add depth to a character we need to know his motivation, objectives, dreams, ideologies and philosophy, while his personality is already clear through his actions and interactions. So unless a character's sexual orientation explains some behaviors or events that are deeply affecting the plot, we don't need to know anything about his sexual orientation. And if it's not important don't shove it on our faces like if it's a big deal, I'm not gonna like them if you scream into my ear:"HEY LOOK! THEY ARE GAY! LOOK HOW OPEN MINDED WE ARE! ISN'T THAT GREAT?"   And lastly, yang and blake were never shown to have a relationship. They were never together. They were partners on a team yes, but they weren't dating each other. Blake was on a TEAM. Why weren't ruby and weiss questioning where she was and if she was ok? Did they just not care? Aren't they a team? Yang isn't the only person from team rwby blake associated and made friends with while at beacon. So the others simply just not caring that she left on her own accord is very strange.   I think it’s ship baiting and not a love triangle because a love triangle would imply that there was close to an equal amount of development for all the romantic interests which is not the case here. It’s ship baiting because they put a heavy emphasis on ship teasing with Sun and Blake and barely at all with Yang and Blake.   If BB was planned from the beginning, why wasn't Yang in place of Sun in a lot of Blake's most key subplots and 'developments'? Why did Sun exist in the first place? Hell, they never even established that either Blake or Yang even swing both ways to begin with!   And people have the gall to say that BB was “planned from the start”. /s   Newsflash, if you couldn’t even do something as basic as establishing a compatible orientation, the ship is most definitely not “planned from the start”.   Not only that but it’s basically set up so that Sun did the brunt of the work when it came to interacting with and helping to develop Blake as a person. And they did this for 2 whole Volumes. But then Yang, who hasn’t interacted with Blake for like 2-3 Volumes, suddenly comes in to steal the payoff to Sun’s work. And no, this is not some stupid Sun ”deserves” Blake or any bullshit like that. Just that Yang and Blake have never had any meaningful interaction for 3 Volumes that changed their relationship from friends/partners to lovers.   Not only that but within the span of a few episodes, Blake and Yang go from having a deep emotional rift between each other to basically becoming lovers?! That just screams to be the beginnings of a toxic relationship started on a terrible and unsafe foundation.   So yeah, all the whole “Bumbleby was planned from the start” shit is BS. And it’s hilarious how some people think that Miles and Kerry can actually competently write a LGBTQ relationship between two main characters given their crappy track record. Given their mediocre handling on straight romances in V2, their piss poor handling of PTSD, and their absolutely atrocious handling of Racism (I’m a POC so yes, it IS that god awful terrible), they haven’t shown any promise of competently handling a sensitive topic like an LGBT relationship between two main characters given their track record with the previous 3 sensitive topics.   Honestly, what pissed me off more is that the Director Kerry said that he was ambiguous on Bumbleby being confirmed. But literally every other piece of marketing and outside influences are basically already jumping the gun and saying that Bumbleby is confirmed already. And it’s this annoying disconnect between the freaking Director of the show and the other members of the crew that annoy me to all hell. It just screams to me about how terrible they are with communication.   I think its pretty great how Vex can, with one video and without uttering a word, expose how either BB was not planned from the beginning or, if it was, that Eclipse was shipbuilding that spanned four volumes.   Does this Trope talk explain what's going on with RWBY?   So what the video allows me to conclude is:   Every member at Rooster Teeth has contributed in some way, shape, or form of completely selling out Yang and Blake's and even the audience's personal autonomy to shoehorn in an LGBT romance subplot, where the "sub" in subplot is silent and a large segment of the audience are made to feel like third-wheels. They are characterless husks made to act as mascots for "representation" and "diversity" in a show where most of the cast are pale-skinned, and the ones who aren't are either villains/antagonists, got less than a few minutes of screentime, have been non-existant for volumes, or were killed in their big debut so disappointingly it caused the writers to give this particular character I'm thinking of an irrelevant fight scene in someone else's character short. Or a combination of the above!   Anything I miss?   I forgot to switch my "be nice" button on. Damnit. literally what I have been thinking about on Bumblebee for awhile. I've followed Trope Talks long before the Blake harem fiasco took off, but once I noticed just how vitriolic that side of the community is, I went back to watch that exact part of the video and went, "Damn, this is extremely accurate to the problem with RWBY". It really shows that the writing for the series is very amateurish if they could literally check every box on the problems with romance subplots.   Even then, it should be established first in the show that they are bisexual and then and only then should their ship be actually confirmed. Not confirm the ship and then actually confirm bisexuality, like the atrocious Korrasami ending to Legend of Korra. They’re trying to rush this ship out of the gate without doing the basic building steps to it. Which is even more insulting to the audience because they actually did do that with Black Sun. Both were established to have a compatible orientation. Sun was smitten with Blake since the beginning and Blake’s past relationship with Adam showed that she’s into guys. We then see them interact and they show good chemistry. They don’t have any toxic emotional baggage unlike Bumbleby and they have 2 Volumes of interaction and development together. Sun even met the parents! The writers uncharacteristically took the time to develop Black Sun, which they didn’t with Bumbleby. And then you got some truly delusional BB shippers claiming shit like how Blake was never romantically interested in Sun. And I have to really wonder just how much up their own ass someone has to be to literally deny canon like that.   But honestly, when you guys remember Miles and Kerry’s track record, namely their mediocre handling of straight romance, their piss poor handling of Yang’s PTSD, and their god-awful, atrocious Faunus Racism Storyline (and I’m a person of color, so yes it really is that god-awful and atrocious), I have literally no faith in Miles’ and Kerry’ abilities to competently write an LGBT ship.   Well, you know the old saying "Forgive and disassociate." Yang should have stayed mad at Blake, who more than deserved it. And while nowhere near EVERYTHING can be solved with numbers (in RWBY, anyway, irl virtually everything can), I'd argue that a world perpetually plagued with monsters drawn to bad feels that are constantly denting the population wouldn't exactly have as much a place for marriages not producing offspring to replace them, especially not the single type of marriage that is most likely to experience intimate partner abuse (lesbian marriages), which generally doesn't make people feel too good.   The vast majority of the world is straight, which means you have a far greater chance of meeting someone who is heterosexual than not. That includes animals, since you decided to bring them into this.   And there’s a reason homosexual organisms make up such a small minority. I’m going to put it bluntly, but homosexuality, from The most basic standpoint, is evolutionarily disadvantageous to a species since homosexual couples can’t produce offspring. So with that being said, natural selection favors heterosexual couples since they can actually pass on their genes. I don’t think I’m the one in this discussion who doesn’t understand biology and the laws of nature.   I understand this is a fictional world we are talking about, but that’s how it works on earth, so unless we are given confirmation otherwise on something, all we can do is assume it works the same way on remnant.   Why was Blake all she ever wanted? Especially after what she did? Betrayal like that isn't something that should be forgiven, especially for the sake of a relationship. DO NOT enter a relationship with someone who's betrayed you, and DO NOT continue a relationship with someone who has betrayed you. That doesn't mean you seek to harm them. As I said, disassociate.   "That's the nature of trust" Betrayal is the OPPOSITE of trustworthy. Trust ends after betrayal.


yang is a snake............ she would rather call a person who abandoned her and wants nothing to do with her, mom than calling the person mom the one who fucking raised her and took her in as if she was her own when she wasnt even related to the women. yang is not good but she's not bad there are wtf moments with her. yang called summer a "super mom" who treated her so well, but if summer lied to her, she would probably be open up to it, but who knows, hopefully we get a episode when summer was alive and took care of ruby and yang to see what really happened Unfortunately, Ruby and Yang's backstory is fucked no matter how the writers try to explain it. Yang says that Summer died before Ruby was even old enough to talk, so that means that she was 6 months-1 year old at the time. Yang is only 2 years older, making her 2 1/2- 3 years old when Summer died. Neither of them would be old enough to even remember Summer raising them, let alone what kind of person she was but they both act like they do. Ruby says that she misses her mother when she visits her grave in the beginning of V3 and you already mentioned Yang calling Summer "super mom". Neither of these scenes make sense because of how old they would be when Summer died but there's even a contradiction in the very next line that Yang says. She says that "she was the only one to pick up the pieces", which makes no sense when was FUCKING THREE AT THE TIME!     It doesn't matter how/if the writers try to explain this away, something new about Ruby and Yang's backstory will contradict whatever was previously established about their backstory making it even more convoluted, and all of this happened...because the writers forgot how to count to three....Wonderful.     Miles: "When you make out official dates then plot holes can come up. If you keep it vague then you can focus on the story and stuff."   Me: FUCK OFF! Stop this aint Promised Neverland and Yang is no Ray. But dates help you mark when story events happened. How does not thinking about when things happen make LESS plot holes?? "To Yang, Summer isn’t her mom. She’s her fake mom who may have been lying her so she wouldn’t know her real mom left her."   Bullshit. Are me, Adel, and Vexed the only people who remember her calling Summer "supermom"? She maintained that positive view of Summer into adulthood. It's only in V4+ where they retcon her into not caring about Summer. What Sorael said. It's b.s. Yang hasn't the faintest fucking reason to doubt summers love. What would be the point in pretending to love her ? What's the pay off ? She loved her just as much as Ruby and iirc she thought that was her flesh and blood mother until tai spilled the beans. If you want to argue that Yang has trust issues it should have been obvious that it clearly hasn't had them up until the end of volume 3, not prior. She has no reason to doubt her love at all when she was a child it isn't like she or tai lied to her. And ? You know Summer put up a lie how ? Despite the fact that we know very little about yangs and summers interaction with each other, other than what she told to Blake. What we do know is undoubtedly positive and we had no indication of her being anything other that being the best mom she could possibly be, to both her and Ruby, even then she doesn't have to treat Yang as well as is implied to keep tai's affection. You don't have to love a child to get someone to love you. Now she could have simply cared for her to an extent and generally been nice enough, but it's implied from Yang she went above and beyond just that. From what we knew she was unlikely to even show favoritism towards Ruby if only because she's simply the baby of the family. Also lie to her ? About what ?Your just making baseless ass assumptions, stating how Yang may have or not felt when it hasn't even been inplied. Again people leaving her NOW has nothing to do with the way summer treat her OVER A DECADE AGO, when she was probably only around 4 or 5 and Summer apparently lying to her for whatever fucking reason. Trying to say Yang is this and think that when that shit never came up or even so much as implied or hinted at in the actual show then outright lying saying that the only reference with her was through the lyrics of red like rose part 2 is dumb as hell and get you nowhere. You completely contradicted yourself in the same damn paragraph. Did we even watched the same show ? I don't know what the fuck you watched but But we got a reference to her at least 2 volumes.


Yang didn't have these attachment issues until Raven became a thing. I understand her having FAMILY issues, but to make her say "Ruby's mom left too" after already establishing that Yang thought of Summer Rose as her mom is bad writing. Summer DIED. She didn't "leave." Yang being tired of being the strong one in the family is 100% fine and they should have stuck more to that narrative instead, instead of having her end up obsessed with Raven whom a) she doesn't know and b) knows doesn't care about her.   Again, gotta love how Yang's been tanking as a character the more she gets reduced to nothing more than Blake's lesbian love interest. I didn't need volume 6 to tell me yang is a bad character. I've known that from the start. The first thing they show about yang is shes overly attached to her hair and likes to sexually assault club owners for info. Yeah... not really the best intro. Yeah, now that my rose-tinted nostalgia goggles have long since been discarded, her opening trailer does not give the best first impressions. Yeah I never really liked yang or blake for that matter. Since I first started in rwby my favorites were ruby and torchwick. Ruby because weapon nuts are cool and it just worked for her character and roman because he was a classy villain not a im power hungry or im the ex wife who couldnt take the divorce well. Every time a character stops to talk about their feelings, my brain just shuts off. Remember when we saw Blake with the rings around her eyes for worrying too much about the White Fang in V2? That's show, don't tell, but it seems that there is a chunk of the public that thinks scenes where characters sit and talk to each other about how they feel and now about a subject that is bothering them because their personal perception of the world based based on their personal issues are deep and evolve the plot. I could forgive if the scene with Raven was Yang coming to terms with her issues which led to her forgiving Blake, but Yang was just throwing endless shade at her mom who had no defense because she is so poorly written. What a mess…

Accomplishments & Achievements

Tournament arcs are used to show the progression of the main characters. RWBY did nothing close to that. The main character had one fight (in which she had the least screen time in compared to her teammates), and that was it for over half the volume. In every tournament arc in anime the main character either grows as a character or gets to prove themselves through combat. Team RWBY also needed rival characters throughout the arc but that never happened. Yang and Mercury worked as rivals aesthetically but they were never narratively build-up as having a rivalry.   “Everything you write needs to be planned from the start.” Tell that to Miles, Kerry, Barbara, Arryn and the Bumblebee shippers. Yeah, that’s bullshit. If it was planned then they would have made the romantic implications between Blake and Yang more clear and eliminated much of the interactions between Blake and Sun, as much of those are romantically coded with the two having spent more time together than Blake ever has with Team RWBY when overlooking the timeline. It makes no sense after Volume 5 for Blake and Yang to suddenly feel this way towards each other. It isn’t earned.   Also, Monty stated that he never thought of Bumblebee before the shippers came up with the name, but he also stated that he never plans to make it canon as the relationship of the whole of Team RWBY is platonic, meaning no WhiteRose, MonoChrome, LadyBug, FreezerBurn or Bumblebee (Enabler is quite obviously a no). I never said it has been confirmed. What I'm saying is that considering how much they're suddenly pushing the ship in the show, at panels and on social media, it is becoming somewhat inevitable for them to make it canon in the show despite how moronic it is and all the evidence that goes against it. In what way am I lying here?

Failures & Embarrassments

What makes me angry is that they actually just skipped over all the things that COULD have been interesting with Yang's arc, Like getting surgery for her robotic arm, possible getting therapy over what happened, Yang could have been doing things like helping Taiyang at Signal and doing things other than just sitting around the house, and then the big point is that Tai criticizes Yang using her Semblance in a tournament where everyone was free to use their Semblance, WHAT? none of this helps her arc, they do nothing interesting with the arc of Yang losing her arm so why even have it in the first place? I mean aside from just having something random and dramatic happening in Vol 3 Why would you do this to Yang if you didn't want to commit to it or go all the way with the arc?   my rwde posts dont come from a place of “im just here to be a huge bitch” they come from a place of “theres seeds of a good show in here and the writers and directors are letting these seeds die and it’s upsetting that this is what they think qualifies as serviceable content”. Exactly! RWBY could have been something amazing but it ended up being awful because of lazy and crappy writing.   Yang VS Mercury makes no sense. Why would Cinder, the one in control of the tournaments random match generator, put up to fight a match where their goal is to make Yang hurt her opponent? What did Mercury contribute to that? If he was replaced by anyone else, like Team SSSN, it would have made more sense. 1) Emerald could have used her Semblance to trick Yang into attacking anyone if she could just make her think that she was getting attacked. 2) It would have given Yang some serious regret. Say if instead of wounding Mercury, with whom she has no personal connection, say she hurts Sun or Neptune. She knows these people and would feel like she did something wrong. In Volume 3, not once does she mention "hurting" Mercury (Ruby probably told her about Cinder, but still, it has no purpose in the plot). No remorse, no regret. 3) Yang simply attacking anyone after the match is over, even without hurting them would seem unsportsmanlike and thus would have caused an outrage regardless. I mean, just look at football or hockey fans. And it wasn't even Team CMNE's triumph card since they were planning on killing Penny, but I digress. 4) It would address Yang's anger in a whole different way. The thing that her Semblance is focused on was what lead to her hurting herself, but if she hurt someone other than Mercury, she would take it as a personal failure because her anger would also lead to hurting innocent people. 5) Permanent marks. If Yang faced someone like Sun or Neptune (preferably Neptune, since Sun goes with Blake) and hurt them really badly, we could have Yang meet with the injured one and actually have to confront them. Would it be forgiven? Who knows. But it's still drama that could propel Yang in new directions. It would have been so cool if when Yang meets Emerald again, Emerald just says that Yang was easy to control because of her anger, making her anger still be at fault, because if she was more calm, she could have realized it in time and would have tamed herself from attacking. Character development, responsibility for actions and all that jazz. 6) Yang hurting anyone else would have put the suspicion off of Team CMNE. The only thing that tipped Ruby off was that Mercury wasn't hurt and that he was actually still on the Colosseum even though it was said he was taken back to Mistral. What was even the point of still being in the tournament? They could have just bailed out before the semi-finals and continued on by saying that they wanted to stay for the finale. The only reason they were in the tournament was because they were exchange students that were meant to compete, so they had to at least make an appearance. If they bailed, they would have had more time and opportunities to create sabotage. Emerald and Mercury could have hidden in plain sight while Em would be influencing Yang and Mercury would be there as backup to keep anyone from distracting her. Neo could have just done her own thing and Cinder could have prepared the invasion as normal. I don't think anything would change if someone else was there. Sure, Mercury could have just lowered his Aura, but at that point it was already depleted from the battle. It even flashed, signifying it broke. If Yang was convinced that she was in danger, I think she could have attacked someone with enough force to severely wound them. Not to mention she doesn't even have to win the match to attack. That would be even better. If she lost, Emerald could still manipulate her into attacking the winner. It would make her look like a sore loser that couldn't deal with losing. That would also serve Cinder's speech about how Ozpin trains these raging maniacs that can't even handle a fair loss. And what did Ruby stumbling into Mercury do? All that happened was that she blazed past him and didn't make it to Penny in time. Sure she was at the arena, but she was gonna be in the crowd anyway and all the students managed to get there instantly. Sure it had drama, but there could have been many ways for Ruby to notice something was up. [What I would have done is that I'd turn Jaune into a strategist. Since he's weaker than the rest of his team, he'd be the one worried about his opponents and would thus look into them to find weaknesses. It would be a good way to convey exposition, like we can see him go over the histories of some teams that RWBY and JNPR are up against. Maybe we could get a scene where he tries to get info on Team CMNE and can't find it on any sites, so he asks the Mistral students (Team SSSN and ABRN) if they know anything about them, but they say they never even heard of them. Something isn't right and so he mentions it to Ruby. After Yang gets disqualified, she starts mentioning hallucinations. Qrow recognizes that this is the work of the ones who attacked Amber. Qrow picks up on the fact that they managed to infiltrate the school. He doesn't remember how they looked or sounded because of Emerald's Semblance, but he remembers how they fought. He trusts Ruby enough to tell her to look for someone who can run fast and attacks using kicks, someone with twin blade guns and a woman that uses Burn Dust primarily. Ruby puts two and two together and deduces that fighting with kicks is Mercury's style and remembers that Emerald does have twin blade guns. She then thinks about the rest of the team and matches Cinder to the infiltrator from Dance Dance Infiltration, which solidifies her theory. She sets out to confirm her suspicion that it is indeed Team CMNE who are the culprits. Right now she needs to bring evidence. She notices Emerald is doing something. For some reason she looks like she is having a headache but sees that she is weak even though she was looking fine after her last battle. Also replace Emerald with Cinder in her fight against Team CVFY to make it more interesting. Emerald could still assist. I don't see the point of having Emerald fight more than she needs to, since saving up energy for her Semblance is a key to their operation. I would also have them get out of the tournament in that 2v2 battle as soon as possible, since they only need to do so because they are pretending to be exchange students drafted for the tournament. Moving on. Ruby sends a message to Qrow, but it gets blocked by the Black Queen Virus, because she mentioned Team CMNE. Ruby watches on, but notices Mercury is alerted and knows exactly where she is. Suddenly he disappears and runs across the restricted area around the entire arena in a matter of seconds. Ruby tries to go get the teachers, but is suddenly stopped by Mercury, who lures her into the restricted area somehow and keeps her from alerting authorities. The announcer announces it's Pyrrha vs Penny. Ruby goes to the main arena to try and save her. Mercury is so fast that he can outpace her Semblance and keep her in one area for just long enough. Ruby uses her petals to blind Mercury and she runs towards the arena. Things then play out as normal and continue to the Fall Of Beacon (would edit that too, but that's for another time). I'm just saying that the whole set up with Mercury doesn't work well. Personally, I would have liked if Emerald's Semblance worked better on emotionally unstable people or people who are in distress. To the point of temporary hypnosis in a way that she could put weak people into a trance. Kinda like a dream like state. That's probably the best Semblance for a villain now that I think about it. To control the weak willed. Not too OP, not a pushover either.

Mental Trauma

Two things. 1: this show shows PTSD in the laziest way. Everyone’s is almost the same. In real life ptsd has many ways of manifesting itself, since it’s a broad term for many symptoms. It can go from hypersensitivity to explosive anger over nightmares or even stop moving for a while or having too much sexual lust. But here it’s just occasional shaky hands and seeing a guy. And the two who have ptsd have almost the same symptoms. Which is just lazy. 2: I always said it and will say it again, the main problem with the show is that the pacing is weird and that little connects to each other. In many ways point A and point B are unrelated or unconnected. None of the teams main story’s or origins share anything with each other. They just exist and somehow they ended up in a school learning for a career that only one and a half care about. I feel like this dumb show just needs one more rewrite to work.   How much research did you do on amputees and their recovery, as well as PTSD, when you wrote Yang's arc?   How did Yang "rely" on her Semblance when all it did was make her hit harder? As far as we've been told, it doesn't make her any faster, more skilled, or make it any easier to hit her opponents. So really, it wouldn't make the fight any easier if she was having issues unless it was against a massive tank like the Paladin, as she's already shown to be one of the physically strongest characters and hits hard already.   Why is the narrative set up to make it seem like using her Semblance is bad? Since the only big downside shown has been that she needs to be hit to use it, and from all of her fights, we see that she dodges as much as anyone and blocks more than anyone bar Pyrrha. Even when she uses her Semblance, despite what the narrative seems to be trying to convey, she still fights as well as ever, such as when she dodged and blocked kicks from Mercury while doing the Dempsey Roll. So if she avoids getting hit as much as she can, why shouldn't she use it?   What is Tai talking about when he's criticizing her use of her Semblance?   "What if you miss?" makes no sense, as every form of attack has the issue of needing to hit. "Then you're just tired" makes no sense as she's shown that she can turn her Semblance off and then back on again, such as when she glowed to punch Militia and separate them in Yellow Trailer (which was pretty smart), or when she activated it for the two Ursa in Emerald Forest, then again when she told everyone to calm down, then again when fighting the Nevermore.   Why did Tai feel he could make judgements on what happened with Adam when he wasn't even there? Why did he insult the "expression of her soul" by calling it a "Temper Tantrum"?   What other options did Yang have when confronting Adam? All she saw was a man stabbed Blake, meaning her Aura was weak enough to penetrate. And since Blake was just lying there, Yang had no reason to think she could just give Blake a chance to escape. She was stabbed in the gut, so she was very likely bleeding out. And both of Yang's ammo types have been shown to have AoE, so with Blake's weakened Aura, they'd likely hurt Blake if Yang tried to use them on Adam. So what other options did Yang have other than let Blake die? Why frame it as such a mistake on her part when you put her in a situation where she had no options?   What action would you have had her perform that wouldn't be "reckless"?   If V5E4's fight was supposed to show Yang fighting 'smarter', why did she try and block machine gun fire with a thin arm instead of dodging and taking out the shooter like she did in Yellow Trailer? Why did you make a point to have her kick more, when kicking is much more reckless and risky than punching as you sacrifice footing and stance and you can't withdraw your leg as fast as you can a fist.   Yang has nightmares about Adam, but is confident while fighting him. Wow.   Rewriting yangs ptsd, yang drives to the other end of the waterfall (the opposite end where Adam and Blake entered through), she sees Blake losing to Adam. Yang sees him and crumbles. Seeing as she hasn't thrown bumblebee off of the waterfall Blake gets away from Adam with her semblance, gets yang on to it and they drive off and away from Adam because a normal person can't run faster than a motorbike. Someone else could probably rewrite it better but this is just an idea.   Oh I was waiting on this. You're right Yangs whole PTSD thing was an utter waste of time, which is a shame. People try to defend it by saying how PTSD affects people differently and how people have different triggers to it, Which I'm not trying to dispute but it just seem like a lazy excuse to get away with no pay off.   It similar to what you said in your Ruby video, what's the point of traumatizing a character if it's not gonna affect them and we see how they overcome it.   This chapter made me physically angry. We get no PTSD from Yang, but other viewers give you some bs reason that well "sometimes people get over by themselves" which can happen but for the show to have depth...Yang shouldnt have. Adam is still suffering from nerf syndrome for no apparent reason than to give bumblebee fan service and people accepted it previous statements and actions be damned. I mean it just made me sick that someone who could have actually been a good villain is treated this way but I guess I cant expect much after the Hazel debacle. I mean it's so sickening that the one villain everyone could have liked as a villain got treated this way just because they frankly chickened out to possibly push a ship. Furthermore Nora, who has been shown to be able to jump at least 10 to 15 ft in the air without propulsion, cant jump out of the way of that slow ass arm( spoiler alert gets much more mobile in the next episode).   Yang had the worst writing this volume easily. Nightmares about the guy who severed your arm? Fine fighting him. Lost an arm for a friend? Don't address that. Angry your friend left you? Never address it.   RWBY is starting to feel less like a show about heroic acts done by everyday people on the road to save the word they live in, and more about pushing agendas.   Yang: gets one-shot by Adam.   Also Yang: has a few training sessions with her dad that essentially equate to casual sparing.   Also also Yang: Doesn’t evaporate when Adam uses the same attack that one shot her before despite the fact that due to the minimal training between the beginning of her arc in volume 4 and the start of the Adam fight in volume 6, Yang shouldn’t have progressed at all in terms of durability.   Adam: Is wasted potential, ruined by lazy writing and general incompetence.   Me: Not really surprised.   I'm disappointed by a lot of things in this show, but Yang's PTSD is definitely one of the larger ones. As someone who suffers from it myself, I would have had an entirely different reaction upon meeting Adam if I were in Yang's shoes. I'd probably break down into tears or just be in complete panic. There's no way in hell I'd still be able to fight properly.   I can partially agree with your statement that she never should have had it in the first place. Not just because of your reasoning, but because of how they handled it in the show. I already wasn't really a fan of how rushed her whole arc was in Volume 4 and how the only affects the experience had on her was the occasional shaking of her arm, but the show crashed and burned with the entire concept when it mattered most. As such, it may as well have never been brought to attention to begin with.   I do think, however, that Yang being conscious during her arm being sliced off is not necessarily the only determining factor for her PTSD. While yes, it definitely would have had an even larger impact on her mental state, there are other key aspects related to the event, most importantly being her lack of an arm. Whether she was awake or not, the stub and even the robotic arm is a daily reminder of that night. She may not have experienced the pain, but she is constantly living with the consequences for her reckless actions. It damaged her pride, her courage, and her willingness to continue on with her past motivations.   She still caught sight of the one who caused this injury, and was conscious for long enough for her mind to imagine what she had missed. Memories can often be one of your worst enemies, and while she may not have had much to go off of, sometimes thinking and imagining what may or may not have occurred is just as damaging as actually seeing it for yourself. Just the idea that Adam was powerful enough to slice through her aura and give her permanent damage is enough to affect anyone badly, in my personal opinion. I know that if I were Yang and woke up only to see that I was missing an arm and was told that my partner (and eventual love interest) had just abandoned me I'd be an emotional mess, and that experience would most likely haunt me forever.   So in short, Yang has valid reasons for having PTSD. The problem is that the way they handled the mental disorder itself just doesn't work. They just shoehorned in short scenes of her arm shaking and gave her occasional hallucinations only for them to amount to absolutely nothing.

Intellectual Characteristics

You are 100% accurate. It sad to see how far down this series has gotten. Yang has become the worst hands down at this point. Why can they just write a good & fun show with some good & deep moments? Like the first 3 seasons. They keep catering to yellow jacket & tries to make Yang this deep character that started off as the the comedic relief. I miss when she used to be the witty and hot-headed fighter looking to get stronger. Hate to say it, but Yang no longer has an place on the show. Her character arc was already done (even though it was done badly), she was able to find her mum and that amounted to nothing, she overcame her PTSD (it's stupid bringing it up again at this point), she defeated Adam and has no place in the plot, her only plot relevance is Raven but they've cut her out of the show. She done, if I were to kill someone because they can't add to the plot, it would be Yang or Blake not Adam. I think Yang is suffering from like BPD (borderline personality disorder.). I am not a expert on this or any mental health issues. So if you think she’s not, I would like to hear your opinion on it. But the way she’s seeming, fine one minute angry the next. I dunno, tell me what you think of Yang having BPD. Or she's having her time of the month. This could inspire a fanfic in which Yang realizes her infatuation with Blake is actually an oedipus complex.

Morality & Philosophy

I agree with your comment, but I'd like to point out a difference between usual vigilantism and what happened at Junior's club in the Yellow Trailer: a vigilante tends to resort to violent means to stop a crime or get info about said crime. Yang didn't go to Junior to bring him and his goons to justice or to teach them a lesson or to learn about the whereabouts of a wanted terrorist/whatever, she attacked him out of nowhere because she wanted to know about her mom: completely selfish motivations that have nothing to do with vigilantism. In fact, Junior's club is still working during Volume 2 and Yang has no problems using him as an informant. Also, there's the implication that her very presence is enough to intimidate Junior and his men into doing what she wants.

Personality Characteristics

Likes & Dislikes

Yang is actually afraid of horror movies/haunted houses but Ruby loves them so she puts on a brave face, but by this point most everyone has picked up on her not so subtle unwillingness to see the movie/ go into the house.   Yang has a soft spot for cute things, this is why she's always hugging Ruby and praising her. She still has a hidden collection of Grimm plushies she used to practice on when she was little. She’s embarrassed by this side of her and tries to hide it behind her “biker girl” persona. It takes hanging out with Weiss for her to accept this side of her.


Contacts & Relations

We haven't come across anyone who remembers her as the one who broke Merc's leg.   I don’t think the idea of duo partnership having thematic importance was ever a thing, narratively speaking.   Ask yourself, who’s partner with who in STRQ? How about SSSN? CRDL? FNKI? CVFY?   The only exception to the rule is JNPR and it’s not because the show have add any narrative emphasis to the idea of partnership beyond the initial character introduction (Ren and Nora knew each other from way back, Pyrrha is the quirky girl Jaune’s mother said he meet).   Beyond the formation of the team, the show basically dropped the emphasis on partners being a thing. Once past the early episodes of v1 (I am giving you fair amount of leeway here) Pyrrha and Weiss has stopped referring to Jaune/Ruby as their partner, but as friends or leader. Even Yang and Blake have seldom (I am very confident to say never) refer to each other specifically as partners.   It’s a pretty weak pull to use partnership as a Bumbleby talking point, cannon is hurting your credibility more than you realize. Also all your points about Sun and Yang are conjectures, Yang literally said in show: “I want a life where I don't know what tomorrow will bring.” So much for settling.   To be honest i agree, these characters don't feel like people who fell in love, Yang's sudden attraction to Blake is just that, one episode she's against ever wanting to see Blake again, then in the next episode all it takes is a talk with Weiss about life sucking and Yang is so okay with Blake they go from smiles, to hugs, to hand holding every five minutes or so and it'll without any chemistry, none.   They've never bonded over books, Blake's reason for being a huntress doesn't intrigue Yang, Blake never opens up about her home life to Yang, at the most we've ever gotten was Yang telling a tired Blake about Summer a woman Blake will never meet, as well as about her own mom a woman Yang hadn't met once up until that point.   RWBY never builds emotional depth between characters before pairing them off, Blake was never into Yang, she ran away from her friends and ran back into them by coincidence, likewise Yang just saw Blake as a friend only really sharing a traumatic experience between the two at the hands of Adam.   I noticed that the fans of this show will grasp at the most insignificant details that are well done to enjoy the show, "like i like how this one aspect was handled cause at least they didn't fuck it up" that's fine, just understand you had to sift through a dumpster fire to find a gold nugget"   See it's not that killing the villains isn't right given the context, it's not right given the target demographic, kids, you can't have a ten year old question morality as anything but black and white, messes their brain up, so to say that our heroes are the guardians of peace and Justice and Ruby is the embodiment of purity, then have the same girl who called Ruby pure murder a man, it comes off as a bit too heavy for a kid to comprehend, especially if their parent isn't there to explain it to them and they get confused trying to process that information on their own.   As for the show, now that Blake killed Adam and Yang helped we as the adult crowd now get to ask in later fights "Okay now that Yang has Mercury disarmed she should kill him, she spared him... Why? What makes Adam more worthy of death then then Mercury, both have murdered and one works for an evil witch who caused mass genocide by accident and who has no problems allowing her creations to murder humans as they please.. like what?"   Course I'll probably be called a nitpicking asshole or some such for not praising the writing or finding that seen amazing, like sure from a certain point of view it's a good scene, but being the best part of a turd sandwich still makes it a turd sandwich even if it's the diamonds found within the turd. Again like what you wish, I on the other hand can't stand what RWBY turned into. When you think Bumblebee makes sense you may need to seek out a relationship specialist cause humans don't work that way.   Yang sexually Assaulted Junior and tore up a nightclub, beating up a lot of people. Junior wouldn't go the police, but why hasn't he done anything to get the money to get his club up and running like going after Yang's family or hell even try to talk to Taiyang, hide his own illegal doings by saying he doesn't really want jail for Yang, but he will need the bills(for the restauration of the club and medical bills for the people Yang beat up) enter really huge amount of money here as in 150 000 or so that the family has to cough up or he goes to court to get it....   Consequences. Yang's scholarship goes to pay for the damages and Yang has to find a job to earn her own scholarship. Her dad might even want to humble Yang and send her to work for Junior. Junior could have her train his men or something. And in the mean time the fourth person on Ruby's team would be Grettle, Hazel's sister who could die at the search and destroy mission. Of course Ruby and Yang would meet and train together in their free time. And Ruby would introduce her team to Yang.   Yang overhears things while training Junior's men and that gets her involved. Grettle would be a bit older, with her and her brother being abandoned as kids by their parents they had to work to earn a scholarship, well she alone since Hazel never wanted her to go.   Of course when shit hits the fan Yang goes looking for Ruby anyway and helps out what remains of the team. She could loose her arm there too.

Family Ties

Yang: Why would I want to go STRAIGHT to Mistral and find my own sister there when it's WAY easier to track down a horde of bandits traveling god knows where in the woods, led by a mother who left me 20 years ago for a pack of cigarettes? Raven: ...are you being serious right now or are you just that stupid?   Yang had to be the parent for Ruby growing up so she had to learn how to cook, clean, be “responsible”, etc. Yang is the only out of RWBY who can actually cook. Ruby can bake some desserts(mostly cookies), Blake can roast a fish over a campfire, and Weiss never actually learned how to cook anything.   Yang calls Tai by his first name, to show how emotionally distant she is from him for leaving Yang to take care of Ruby by herself.   At this point, because of shipping, Yang doesn't care if Qrow is depressed or not. Seriously, it was only Ruby that noticed and tried to help him while Yang was wetting herself over Blake, she never hugged him or showed that she cares that he's in that state of mind. Blake is all that matter in her head.   She's basically turning into a female Adam. She's obsessed with Blake, she causes mayhem with little to no remorse (Yellow Trailer should be enough proof), she doesn't even stop to question herself...She might as well pick up Adam's sword and learn Iado.   Fuck, that's actually a really cool direction they could go in. It would completely derail the story right now but that would actually be fun.   Have Yang slowly but surely become overprotective of Blake to the point that actively let's villains get away or harms allies because they have offended or hurt Blake in some way. It comes to a point that even Blake is finding this wrong but can't do anything about because she's afraid of accidentally turning Yang into a female Adam but is now contemplating leaving like she did before (because if she leave, Yang would follow and would cause less problems for the group as a whole). Have Ruby and Qrow notice this too and try to get the two of them separated but it becomes almost violent and Qrow (because of shitty luck) gets hit pretty bad and Ruby has to help him back up. Yang is then dealing with the conflicting emotions of the guilt having seriously hurt one of the only family members that still care for her, the fear of pushing away her sister (who she's originally been very protective over) permanently and the righteousness of defeating what she perceived to be a threat to Blake. Her own psyche is slowly unraveling as all of the emotions come out of it and Blake has to finally do what she didn't do for Adam. Confront the problem head on and work through it. This becomes a fight (because I don't want to sit around a table and talk this out, this show was based of anime, so solve a problem like you do in anime and fight!) and through the fight we see them bare their emotions at each other like weapons till both admit to their faults with Yang admitting is afraid of losing Blake (like before, a fact only compounded by her mother leaving. Again,) while Blake admits to not entirely being ready for such a serious step in their relationship together (since she moved so fast with Adam and then left, she is also afraid of moving too fast with Yang).   Fuck that would be awesome.   Too bad they won't do it~   plus one thing I thought was weird was that she pulled Blake out of the farmhouse first instinctively while completely ignoring her drunken Uncle who was in no position to do anything and literally had to get dragged out of the house and her little sister, someone she spent half a volume trying to reunite with and almost was about to throw hands with her own mom and a bandit camp just to get to her.   I love how if we're going by a narrative structure here, Bumblebee makes no fucking sense.   We hardly see Blake and Yang hanging out early on, save for a few good scenes, so their chemistry isn't explored as much as it should be for this big stand they're supposed to be making. Also, this is all in spite of Blake having constant development with Sun, since they first fucking met.   Literally, the first time Sun appears on screen is him building something with Blake, literally his first set of actions in the story are helping build up Blake as a character, literally the amount of things they've done together indicates that the narrative is going to expand upon their romance. And why shouldn't it? Sun is perfect for Blake.   Blake is a runaway, brooding, pessimist who pushes everyone away, whereas Sun is the opposite; he's light, charming, and optimistic to a fault, and lord he is loyal to people he cares about, following them even after they've run away to stick by their side. And you know why he's like that? He's the anti Adam. He's literally meant to be Adam's antithesis, which narratively means that he's the one to heal Blake from a toxic relationship and to help her move on. He is meant to be with her.   Meanwhile, what is Yang? Hot tempered, violent, abrasive, confrontational, fueled by anger. Sounds a bit too much like a certain someone Blake used to be with, if you ask me... It makes me wonder, why do the writers want to write Blake to look stupid and bad at making choices?   I noticed that during the fall of beacon, Yang suggested the “I’ll find Blake, you find Ruby” plan, and it never made any sense, except as a plot device to cut off her arm. It was dumb.   The anime that did a romantic relationship the best was fullmetal alchemist brotherhood it was hinted at the beginning hinted at throughout the show confirmed a little before the end and then paid off at the end it was perfectly done not to much fan service but just the right amount and most importantly never messed with the plot or motivation of the characters.   All this does is break the team up, heck Yang now shows less concern for Ruby her own sister now.   not to mention how she diss Summer and says the one who give birth to her and left her is the better mom.   Demonic creatures are coming up through the basement, your team just barely escaped and they're still coming. Your uncle is drunk and possibly incoherent, but in definite danger. Your sister is scared. Everyone is. What do you do? A) Grab your uncle and plead with him to leave B) Stay behind with your team and try to block the entrance to keep the creatures at bay C) Pull your sister out of harm's way and tell her to run D) Grab shipping bait and run out the door, abandoning your sister, your fourth teammate, your uncle, and a frail old lady.


Well it's not like Yang didn't have problems with her character before I mean   Season 1- Encouraging jaune to continue pestering weiss and smiling about it while the girl rants about it in the same room with her like it's a fun little joke.  
  • Her trailer where she completely destroyed a nightclub not because the people inside were doing anything criminal at the time but because she didn't get an answer she liked and then she pursued junior even though he was the one to walk away from her grabbing his balls to interrogate him, just so she could start another fight. Not to mention she probably injured a lot of innocent people offscreen but its not like the show ever intends to address that.
  • Season 2- The finale with the train, I couldn't have been the only one to notice her winking at the white fang members before punching them off and leaving them to die, granted all of team rwby did that and never reacted to it, which really seems to hurt some of their character arcs But yang only really got one and that episode, I'm sorry but during that conversation with blake she came off as a completely different person and nothing said during that was even referenced by her again, not even during the campfire scene and had no impact on her character for the rest of the season.   Season 3-Her fight with mercury, disregarding the whole illusion thing and it being a set up to begin with, the fact is that during the fight, Yang thought she won. She started to walk away because she looked a the screen and saw mercury didn't have aura. Now he attacks her and her first response is not to simply dodge and smack him for being an idiot or anything like that, instead its to slowly turn around, have her eyes turn red to show she's angry and then intentionally throw a shotgun punch at his leg. And then she gets upset that it actually seems to work and says she's didn't mean to do it. No yang, you knew exactly what was going to happen, you're just unfortunate to be the FIRST PERSON EVER to injure someone in the vytal tournament, remember that little plotline?.   My point is Yang has always had these little moments that make her come off as a little off or even slightly sociopathic. To the point where I'm not surprised when people start saying she's become inconsistent. She's been that way since the start, it's just way more noticeable now.


    Yang is the Nicknamer of the group and has so far: Called Ruby “Rubes”, Weiss “Princess” or “Sunshine”( Weiss has tried to get her to stop calling her the former but has since given up), Blake “Bell”, Jaune “Noodles”( he wants her to stop calling him that but knows that she’ll just rub it in that he can’t), Ren “Pinky” ( he narratively snarks on how “original” it is), Penny “the weird girl”( when Penny just joins the group) and “Freckles”( once she warms up to her), Sun “Sunny”, Pyrrha “P-Money”.
    Character Prototype
    M&K screw Ruby quite a bit in the script, but I think Lindsay herself has a good handle on Ruby just by how much she gets into the character. Kara to an extent too feels like she knows enough about Weiss, at least logically. But the Bumbleby duo assume way too many things about their characters and let their shipping goggles decide their character's decisions.

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