Durreans Ethnicity in Windrule | World Anvil
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I've got no idea what the homeland of the Durreans is like and, frankly, I don't care. No good place could've ever reduced a whole race to a state of complete anarchy and hatred towards everyone around them. However, it's no fair for us to have to reap the fruits of whatever happened back there.
The Durreans had first appeared in Windrule just about a hundred years ago. They came from someplace much deeper into the continent than has been ever explored by the Ordonians, running from an unknown calamity. The first encounters with the Durreans were extremely brutal and bloody, much due to the fact that they have actively used sorcery, something that has always been considered a heresy against the Gracious Wind. Those Durrean refugees had scattered in small groups all around the Old World, taking cover in secluded areas such as remote islands, from which their warbands would often launch raids for food and modern goods, plundering and killing as they go. However, as of lately many nobles have taken fancy to hiring Durrean warriors as their private guards, and some tribes were even granted lands in return for protecting those lands from their kindred.
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Cover image: WorldAnvilCover_Ethnicity by Vertixico


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