Randel Freight Company Organization in Windrule | World Anvil
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Randel Freight Company

You want to write about us? Us? Um... Excuse me, but why?
The company itself is nothing special, one of the many family businesses making profit from the growing trade among the New World colonies. It is somewhat unusual in the aspect that the Randel family makes most of their profits not from buying and selling goods but from merely moving them from one trader to another, something that earned them the nickname "delivery boys" by a partner-turned-competitor Mark Rondo. As with most merchant companies of note its headquarters are based on Sol Meridia, but the Randel family has offices on several other islands including a strong presence on Wesfair Isle.   The Wesfair branch of Randel Freight Company has recently took a big hit as a result of frequent bandit attacks by Old Joe's bandits. The attacks are rumoured to have been orchestrated by Mark Rondo in order to take over the Randel's business, before being thwarted by a group of adventurers who managed to negotiate an agreement between Bahamut Randel and Old Joe. Although the plot has failed, the company's reputation has been tarnished and it is currently trying to recover from the events.    

Notable members

Nora Randel - an heir to a branch of Randel family, therefore inheriting a considerable portion of its shares. During her time on Sol Meridia Nora was renowned as a skilled swordswoman, having always favoured court and intrigues over the mundane issues of the freighting business. Soon after being sent to Wesfair Island she fell in love with a local clerc Bahamut and married him against the family's wishes,giving birth to a daughter Gwen and then a son Yorlo. Soon after, Nora has officially retired from the family business and instead focusing on the social life. She spends a lot of time educating her children and giving them advice concerning any of the problems that the two may run into.   Bahamut Randel - married into the wealthy Randel family through Nora, he is now a managing director of the Wesfair branch of Randel Freight Company. Has apparently good relations with Gwen but not Yorlo, although he cares deeply about both. To avoid upsetting Nora, Bahamut and Yorlo make it look like they get along well, but they often have conflicts due to the decadent lifestyle that Yorlo likes to lead.   Gwen Randel - the older of Randel siblings, for the past few years Gwen worked as a secretary in her father's office. While she appeared to be on very good terms with Bahamut, Gwen secretly despised him for not giving her enough love and attention when Gwen was growing up due to being too busy with work, unlike her younger brother Yorlo whom she envied immensely. After Yorlo was made an operation manager despite being several years younger than her and having no ambitions of his own, Gwen took that as another proof of Bahamut unfairly favouring her brother. She thus started selling information about the company's operations to Old Joe, hoping to frame Yorlo in the process and take over his position. After being exposed, Gwen fled the island leaving behind a bitter letter and stating her plan to earn Bahamut's recognition by starting a business of her own.   Yorlo Randel - operation manager of the Wesfair branch of Randel Freight Company. A man of little ambition, Yorlo is content with simply doing what he is told. When he is not at the office, Yorlo spend his time drinking in taverns and pubs and leading an overall lavish and decadent lifestyle. For that reason, he is often scolded by his father which causes many conflicts between the two. People say that after the recent drama and reading Gwen's letter, Yorlo has started taking things more seriously and is often seen asking the travelling merchants about his sister.

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Cover image: WorldAnvilCover_Organization by Vertixico


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