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Garbod Darkwood

Garbod Darkwood (a.k.a. The Weak)

Born to nobles Garbod wasn't accepted. His family took notice to his extraordinary abilities at the young age of 5. They stuck him in a small wine cellar hoping their "mistake" would disappear. They told nobody of his existence. He lived off rats, wine, and condensation from the stone walls. The despair caused him to grow angry. Before the age of 6 the despair and anger grew until his true power caused him to blow a hole in the stone. From there he dug himself up and out. He fled into the forest until he collapsed from hunger and thirst. The Darkwood tribe then found him. They too had a wizard in their tribe and quickly accepted him. They fed him. Cared for him. Eventually they loved him. And he them. He then lived a normal life. Cautious of the evil in people he was taught that love comes from very unexpected places. One day he hears a whisper "Wissenheim......Wissenheim". He pushes it away. Magic perhaps? His own mind playing tricks? But it persists, "Wissenheim.....Wissenheim" He speaks to the elder who tells him to pursue this message. No gold, no work, and no clear destination he sets off. With only a spellbook and a Wissenheim.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

In shape with little muscle tone

Facial Features

Medium length black beard. Small mole on the bridge of their nose. Big nose and thin lips.

Mental characteristics

Gender Identity





Darkwood's School for Amateur Wizards.



Accomplishments & Achievements


Failures & Embarrassments

Fell behind the others in school. A loner.

Mental Trauma

Childhood trauma caused being uncomfortable when alone in the dark.

Intellectual Characteristics

Strong will to learn even when falling behind.

Morality & Philosophy

Neutral to all. Believes in no higher power but respects others right to pursue it.

Personality Characteristics


The voice that calls him to Wissemheim.

Likes & Dislikes

Likes reading, exploring, and a good feast. Dislikes people who concern themselves with coin too much. Those who exclusively seek fortune.

Vices & Personality flaws

Enjoys a good strong drink.....a bit too much sometimes.


Gets cleaned up whenever possible but doesn't shy from filth on a long journey.
About 28
Date of Birth
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
5 ft 10 in
160 lbs
Known Languages
Common, Orc

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Garbod's Notes

Neo beat the hell out of Cleaver Doing work for the trader's union Took job getting rid of ruffians Kyne is the first lead Tiny the orc ruffed Kyne up Kyne wants his family locket which is silver with a ruby and a picture of his wife Ruffians go down a dark alley Gave Kaal 2 gold Defeated ruffians and found the hideout Met Thelonious and not sure what to think. He seems scarred both physically and mentally. This hideout is very dark. Be on my toes. Thelonious sure has an attitude. Wouldn't wanna piss em off though. Seems strong. We found a trap door under and bear rug and jumped down It's dark. Very dark. But I see torches ahead and what sounds like humans taunting us. A group of bandits. I burned one to death. The smell of his flesh made me feel sick. I never enjoy this. One spilled the beans on the location of their leader. Off we go. We have encountered a large group of ruffians! Dangerous! We found the immovable rod. We killed the bandit leader and I shared my gold and silver with my new friends. I hope this means something to them. We returned the locket and received perfume and rope Went back to the traders guild and received my 10 gold I caught up to Thelonious and Goud to sleep at the inn We flipped a coin to find our next job and it landed on working for the Admiral and the buccaneers On the way we stopped to bet on Neo in a fight Neo wrecked that arsewipe and won me some gold Got a contract to get a map from Cpt Flint at the Briny Cup Inn for 15 gold a piece Kaal is a changeling. He changed into the barmaid and stole the map. We completed the contract. 15 gold is MINE! We did a small job for the church. No pay but lodging was offered. Just some vandalism. We found it to be elves framing orcs. Going to work with the Silberreich. A vamp hunting community. Going to take care of some rats for em. And look for the last group that went a searchin. Going to the cemetery on the west end of town. Found a manhole cover by the cemetery. Going into the sewer?


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