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Garbod Darkwood
The Weak

Campaign & Party

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Wed 27th Jan 2021 02:35

Garbod's Notes

by Garbod Darkwood

Neo beat the hell out of Cleaver
Doing work for the trader's union
Took job getting rid of ruffians
Kyne is the first lead
Tiny the orc ruffed Kyne up
Kyne wants his family locket which is silver with a ruby and a picture of his wife
Ruffians go down a dark alley
Gave Kaal 2 gold
Defeated ruffians and found the hideout
Met Thelonious and not sure what to think. He seems scarred both physically and mentally.
This hideout is very dark. Be on my toes.
Thelonious sure has an attitude. Wouldn't wanna piss em off though. Seems strong.
We found a trap door under and bear rug and jumped down
It's dark. Very dark. But I see torches ahead and what sounds like humans taunting us.
A group of bandits. I burned one to death. The smell of his flesh made me feel sick. I never enjoy this.
One spilled the beans on the location of their leader. Off we go.
We have encountered a large group of ruffians! Dangerous!
We found the immovable rod. We killed the bandit leader and I shared my gold and silver with my new friends. I hope this means something to them.
We returned the locket and received perfume and rope
Went back to the traders guild and received my 10 gold
I caught up to Thelonious and Goud to sleep at the inn
We flipped a coin to find our next job and it landed on working for the Admiral and the buccaneers
On the way we stopped to bet on Neo in a fight
Neo wrecked that arsewipe and won me some gold
Got a contract to get a map from Cpt Flint at the Briny Cup Inn for 15 gold a piece
Kaal is a changeling. He changed into the barmaid and stole the map.
We completed the contract. 15 gold is MINE!
We did a small job for the church. No pay but lodging was offered. Just some vandalism. We found it to be elves framing orcs.
Going to work with the Silberreich. A vamp hunting community.
Going to take care of some rats for em. And look for the last group that went a searchin.
Going to the cemetery on the west end of town.
Found a manhole cover by the cemetery.
Going into the sewer?

The major events and journals in Garbod's history, from the beginning to today.

Garbod's Notes

Neo beat the hell out of Cleaver Doing work for the trader's union Took job getting rid of ruffians Kyne is the first lead Tiny the orc ruffed Kyne up Kyne wants his family locket which is silver with a ruby and a picture of his wife Ruffians go dow...

02:25 am - 06.01.2021

The list of amazing people following the adventures of Garbod.

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