Edenite Beetle

Edenite Beetles are a type of large insects that have formed from prolonged exposure to Edenite in the ground, with the offspring developing Edenite formations across their bodies. These formations have gifted these beetles various odd abilities, acting as natural deterrents against predators-- and a common sorepoint with infestations of these creatures.

Basic Information


Edenite Beetles are quite similar to that of Tiger Beetles, as far as the look, the shell of their bodies, and the wings underneath said shells go. They have six legs, three on each side of the body, with claws at the end of them. Their shells can fling outward and expose the wings, allowing for them to take flight. They have two eyes on their head, with two large mandibles on the front of it, with two long antenna sticking out.


Where things begin to get strange as far as appearances go is the fact that sticking out from the back of their abdomen, poking out from between the shell, is an Edenite Gem of varying make and look. These Edenite Gems are directly connected to the tissue, with thin veins of hemolymph circulating throughout. Edenite can also be found connected to the end of their mandibles, the base of their antenna, embedded into the shell itself, and so forth.

Additional Information

Uses, Products & Exploitation

In areas on Earth or Terra Eclipsis that have more limited access to Edenite, whether it's due to the heavily risky conditions that are brought about as a result of mining the material, or just being in a hard-to-reach location, Edenite Beetles have made for a good source of obtaining Edenite.


A farm is made of these beetles, wherupon they're stored in a large container. When enough Beetles have been bred, large loads of them are brought into a smaller, heavily refined room that is then filled with heavy amounts of water. To reduce the risk of injury, it's often that a specific type of Edenite Beetle will be obtained-- such as those with Fire Edenite Gems embedded into their bodies.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

What makes Edenite Beetles particularly a menace is the fact that they're able to use the Edenite in them to protect themselves. When an Edenite Beetle feels threatened, the gems in it will activate, throwing out various elements and magic that the gems have happened to have absorbed. This can include fire, electricity, Barrier, magnetism, and various others.


Oftentimes, this has resulted in fires, people becoming magnetized for a small period of time, and electrocuted as a result. Even if the Beetle has Barrier magic, problems have arisen-- if the Beetle becoming protected by the barrier isn't enough, then oftentimes people will find themselves enshrouded by a barrier, leaving them stuck for a good couple of minutes.



More often than not, there have been infestations of Edenite Beetles in various locations, which has often caused a lot of problems including injury and property damage. To account for this, exterimators have to use various means to get rid of them. This has included using strong-scented materials such as cloves to ward them into an area, and then mixing water and vinegar together to spray upon them. The trick, however, has to be doing this in a quick, efficient way, as to not cause them to activate the Edenite in their bodies.

Edenite Beetle with Fire Edenite Gems In It's Body
Scientific Name
Insecta coleoptera edenita
Tiger Beetle
Several weeks, up to three months
Average Length
Geographic Distribution


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