Purple Haze

Purple Hazes are a bizarre weather phenonema that occurs throughout the realms, predominantly on Earth. When a purple fog begins to descend upon everything, it's marked as the beginning of a Purple Haze occuring, which one is wise to avoid being in when they occur.


Before a Purple Haze occurs, the sky is observed to turn darker, with a thick, purple fog descending upon everything. Clouds quickly begin to converge upon the area in the sky, blocking out most sunlight.

Deepcore Foundation Magi-Counter

A Purple Haze results in the manifestation of heavy amounts of fire in the air, stretching from the ground all the way up into the sky. These Purple Hazes result in acres of burned grass and terrain, with unprotected structures becoming heavily damaged and life becoming heavily scarred at best, turned into ashes at worst.


A Purple Haze can be detected before it occurs thanks to the usage of a modified Magi-Counter tuned to a Edenite gem infused with the element of Fire and suspended in a high location. When it begins clicking in such conditions, that's taken as a sign of a Purple Haze occuring. The more frequent clicking before it actually occurs can serve as an indicator of how long the Purple Haze will eb.


When a Purple Haze ends, it often disappears just as suddenly as it forms, with the temperatures quickly dropping afterward. When this occurs, emergency services are often deployed to locate any lingering flames and extinguish them. Although survival of the Purple Hazes is rather low, this hasn't stopped the emergency services from atleast trying to find people if they have received reports of people not being sheltered or protected with magic.


Although they were rare in the old days, Purple Hazes would appear in multiple realms, including that of Earth. Their formations were spoken of in fearful tales, with one writing from the Book Of Iscariot:

And HE rode forward, with us apostles following along.
By this point, the light had faded from the sky.
Then, a heat came from the heavens. Fire. Brimstone.
Lucifier's fury? I remained uncertain, I remained afraid.
  It was only thanks to HIM that we could make it forward.
He protected us from the flames above and below.
Yet I distinctly remember seeing, watching, and finding.
The purple glow of the sky that we had once seen within HIM.

After The Withering, the large amounts of Mana in the air resulted in the constant manifestation of Purple Hazes for a time, burning the landscape of both Earth and Terra Eclipsis in hellfire for three days. Since then, they occur intermittently, heralding a painful death if one is left outside when they occur.

Metaphysical, Supernatural

Cover image: fog haze Free Stock Image by Sonja Langford


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Aug 23, 2024 21:51 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

Well that is horrifying. I'm never leaving my house.