Star Acolyte

A Star Acolyte is the name given to those whom have opted to integrate the teachings of the Stars and their mythologies, practices and rituals into their lives. These individuals live grandiose lives, using magic in multiple aspects of it, and oftentimes work with those around them to bring a light into their lives.

Naming Traditions

Family names

Although knowledge on the Clans that Stars would reside in is fairly limited, there have been efforts made by some to adopt these clan names into their actual names. Taking after the second half of a clan's name, based upon one one of the seven modes of music, people will add these as part of their names. For example:

  • Jackson Eddsworth-Lydia
  • Amy Locria
  • Jesse Phrygia Memphis

Name Changes

It was not uncommon for people to change their names to be more gender neutral after becoming an acolyte, following along in tradition with the Star's beliefs that gender was a concept that held no relevance. Although there were plenty whom had male or female names, a good percentage of Acolytes will have more unisex names.


Shared customary codes and values

Following the teachings of The Da'at, goodwill and prosperity is a value that is held with high regard amongst Acolytes, with plenty of people finding comfort and joy in assisting their fellow Acolytes and those around them. The Stars taught that unity is a way for the different realms to come together, and as such, no matter if you're a Human, an Elf, A Reptilia, a Strakhian or anything else: You are welcomed by the Stars.


Beauty Ideals

The Stars were famous for their penchant for gold, often adorning their outfits or jewerly with gold, wearing gold rings and such things. As such, an Acylote will often try to wear whatever gold items they can get their hands on, with gold earrings, teeth, and necklaces being common details. Some individuals will find golden ink to decorate their bodies with, leaving intricate markings all across their skin.

Gender Ideals

Stars were said to have rejected the idea of gender roles, mostly due to the nature of their bodies being completely malleable like clay, allowing for them to assume any form they desired. As such, Acolytes have opted to adopt a similar stance, with many rejecting the standard male or female roles and simplying being 'themselves', and as such, they tend to be gender nonconfirming all around. Others have taken to identifying as nonbinary , agender , bigender , and so forth.


It stands to reason that Ceramists are rather popular amongst groups of Star Acolytes, thanks to their ability to modify and shfit people's bodies, resulting in people being able to further change themselves to meet their desired appearance.

Major organizations

A large amount of these Star Acolytes will be a part of one of the various sects of Starism, often putting a focus on the more religious and spiritual aspects of Starism and finding comfort in the wisdom that the Stars once held eons ago.

Related Organizations
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