Arc is an institution that is dedicated to the research of other realms & strengthening connections between them, as well as research into Transformed. They've acted as guides for those who have no understanding of the other realms, as well as assistants to those who have been hurt or warped by the chaotic nature of the various realms, or from The Withering.



The leadership at ARC is composed of a committee composed of individuals from the different realms. These individuals guide the larger actions that ARC partakes in, as well as determines what the major focus should be at any present moment. These individuals are of varying genders, appearances, and forms, all with the same goal of trying to make the realms all connected, as well as to assist those who have been Transformed. Infact, a few members of the committee are Transformed as well.


At the head of this committee is the founder, Ishmael. Although he mostly takes an advisory role nowadays, his importance to the committee is not to be understated, with him often holding a high value on the opinions of those from the other realms.


Everyone on the committee works together to forge bonds between the realms, often working with whatever government officials there are, kings, queens, rulers, or what-have-you, and making deals and exchanges with them. They often decide collectively on events and strategies to unite the realms in companionship, to make allies with each other.


Scientists & Scholars

There are hundreds of Scientists & Scholars under ARC's employ. From humans that detail every ounce of scientific knowledge they can use and try to apply to whatever little aspects of magic they can, to the elves that are particularly skilled in knowing how said magic works, they spend hours researching anything with magic, the realms, and Transformed. This can include:

  • Researching the ways Mana, Edenite, and other such magical materials and sources interact with life.
  • Investigating the supernatural element known as Resolve.
  • Research any new variant of Transformed individuals and assist them with adjusting to their new life, making sure to show respect and care to these individuals.
  • Investigate new conditions that result from magic exposure.
  • Investigate odd phenomena throughout the realms that are a result of magic.
  • Assist existing species with the negative side effects that have befallen them as a result of heavy mana exposure, especially after The Withering.
  • Translating the different languages of the realm into English and vicera versa.


Ordinary individuals often work as Volunteers for ARC, assisting with the development of events or meetings between the realms, going out to foster connections between them, and so-forth. Oftentimes, volunteers will assist scientists with their research, forming bonds with those who've been Transformed.

Public Agenda

As said before, ARC works to assist and unite the realms together. They saw the chaos that threatened to overtake the realms after the shock from the Lunar Vault opening, as well as various catastrophies that occured at the turn of the millenium, and had opted to try and help people reach an understanding about these other realms, to view them as something not to be feared, but to be awed by.


After The Withering, while this goal hasn't entirely changed, it has evolved past it's original point and is now about trying to help people live a normal life as best as they can, whether it's because of the fact that they've been Transformed, or because of their bodies being affected heavily by the magic in the air.


To fund ARC, Ishmael used the funds he obtained over his years working as a whaler & a portion of the gold he obtained from working alongside Richelle Rivers to get them everything they would ever need. This includes establishing locations throughout the realms filled with information and knowledge for anyone to learn from, creating jobs to act as ways for people to experience these new realms for themselves, and funding the development of anything that would serve to connect the cultures and experiences of the different realms together.


After The Withering, although Ishmael has managed to keep ahold of his funds, they've had to downscale certain parts of their work, with the locations becoming much sparser and any jobs ran by ARC being more in regards to public safety or assisting any researchers they have.

Connecting Worlds

Founding Date
March 15th, 2003
Social, Activist
Related Professions
Controlled Territories
Notable Members
Related Ethnicities


Deepcore Foundation

Although the Deepcore Foundation has tried and failed for years before their dissolution to win ARC's favor, ARC had steadfast refused to ever rely on them due to the Deepcore Foundation's influence on the other realms & the subsequent problems that resulted due to that.


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