The Ambrosia

The Ambrosia is a supposed drink that is said to have been created as the ultimate form of healing for those whom consume it. It is said to have been served to those within the highest order of the Stars, with the ability to heal all aliments that have befallen someone. Stories tell tale that it gives you immortality upon drinking it, as well as turning you completely invulnerable for a time. More outlandish suggestions are that it gives you the abilities of an Ignis.


As told in various sources, detailed in the book Star Mythology, The Ambrosia was created by Isabelle Castor as her gift into The Da'at. As said in the book:

Isabelle Castor had worked from night to night for thirteen moons, working herself until she was blue in the face thirteen times individually on each moon. The preperation of the holy drink was a intense and long process, one that required constant work and maintenence to ensure it's holy energy would not be lost.   Using fruits from each of the realms that were filled with an inordinate amount of Mana, Isabelle joined the fruits together into a fine liquid, served with ice carved from the highest peaks of Blackstar. They were placed into cups enchanted by her, glass that showed space within it. The drink itself had a vibrant glow made up of the mystical energy that the Stars loved so dearly, a strong light that even exposure to it was said to have heightened one's vision.   The beauty of this drink, as well as the taste, was divine, heavenly. The more elderly of her tribe had claimed to have been able to move without pain or struggle after they consumed her holy drink. It was little wonder that, on the pilgrimage to The Division Point, she was able to enter The Da'at and be alongside her sister once again.

Historical Basis

As with many things in relation to the Stars, it's hard to exactly pinpoint any physical evidence outside of what has been seen within Vaults. However, in the time that the Stars were said to have roamed the realms eons ago, it's been suggested that a type of Banana that existed at the time once held immense amounts of Mana within it, until that strand went extinct.


Elves from Terra Eclipsis have made various attempts over the eons to recreate this drink based on the information given within Star Mythology and thier own archives, though these efforts have fallen through as a result of the aforementioned extinct banana, and the ongoing war between Elves and Dragons.


Although rumor and tale of this drink have existed since the early days of empires, it wouldn't have been fully known as it is now without the publication of Star Mythologies. On occasion, especially after The Withering, there'll be a brief resurgence of interest in The Ambrosia online when a story is posted about someone recreating it, though the fifteen minutes of fame that individuals get from it is only that in the end.


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