The Unification Accords Document in Withered Worlds | World Anvil

The Unification Accords

The Unification Accords were a binding document created by the previous governments of Earth, The Union from Terra Eclipsis, and Snakehead of The Sands to try and establish a formal relationship between three different realms. The Accords were the first step-- the largest one, infact, of trying to bring the realms together, and although times have changed since The Withering, a lot of folks in all three of the realms still held The Accords in great value.

Document Structure


Realm Travel

Realm travel is to only be done via Vaults, with a valid form of identification and a passport. Transfer of political figures or military forces through these vaults are to be done with an advance notice of 24 hours.


Trade Agreement

It's agreed that all items that are to be exchanged through each realm are to be taxxed in accordance to that of each land. Exports from Snakehead are exempt from this due to the heavy amount of bartering that occurs in the realm, however imports into Snakehead are to come with a certificate of authentication, a processing fee, as well as arrive in reinforced materials to make stealing of said items harder.


All organizations that wish to trade or transfer items between realms are to do so via governmental groups established on the realm of origin, mainly to verify that any goods are not illegal materials or pose a risk of contamination.



In the event of military action being required from one of the realms, a designated Vault decided upon by the three realms is to be used to transfer troops over. Military actions are to be agreed upon by all three leaders and government organizations organized as part of the accords.



Any small-scale arrest can be tried within the realm that the crime occured in. Arrests for high level felonies are to be tried upon in the realm of the criminal's origin.

Historical Details


After a multitude of events, including various terrorist strikes by The Tower Of Babel throughout Earth and Terra Eclipsis, the aftermath of the Red Skies Incident still lingering, and the opening of the Lunar Vault at the beginning of 2002, things were getting rather chaotic across the realms, especially as more Reptilia and Elves were being displaced from their realms due to the increase in Warp Storms after The Bloom.


To fix this, NATO, headed by the governments of the United States, Germany and Poland, would send out diplomats to these other realms to try and form a pact with them, in an attempt to bring unity across the realms and to propser peace. This was facilitated easily by the Lunar Vault's effects on Vaults, gateways having been opened in all of them that allowed for seamless travel between each realm.


Of particular note in these endeavours, all of the lords of Strakh adamantly refused to join in on such an alliance between them and Humanity, while most of the frontier within The Sands were indifferent at best in regards to joining.

The Union on Terra Eclipsis, helmed by Zoral Angelious, was the only ruler from the realm that saw a future allied with those from other realms, and was quick to pounce at the opportunity to join up with Humanity. Part of this was fueled by his wishes to gain the upper hand against his enemies from The Kingdom.
As for The Sands, there were initial struggles on finding allies there due to the aggression displayed by the Reptilia towards outsiders, and the general outlaw nature of The Sands resulting in a lot of paranoid or untrustworthy folks to be around. It wouldn't be until the diplomats entered Snakehead that a proper foothold could be made with relations in this realm.

To facilitate a neutral ground for all three parties from all three realms, it was agreed that deliberation over the law as well as the signing would take place in Fractus. For around a month, representatives from Earth, The Union and Snakehead would meet and work together on forming the accords.

Symbol of the Unification
The Union
Treaty, Diplomatic
Authoring Date
November 7th, 2002


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