
Vampires, the classical mythical creature, exist. Their history is long and complicated, yet nowadays in the modern world, both before and after The Withering, they've become as commonly accepted as most other species, in spite of existing prejudices.

  Vampires have their origins in both Sheol & on Earth, in the 1300s. In the eons since then, they were regarded as a strange, supernatural force that was relatively uncommon-- Atleast, until the 1900s, when The Bloom occured. Vampire populations exploded, especially in the onset of The Great War. During the Cold War, Vampires would slowly integrate themselves into society, in spite of attempts by certain individuals to snuff them out.   With The Withering, although they've fully been engrained into society, things have been difficult for Vampires-- the effects of The Withering affecting their mental state, and shortages of donor blood occuring in various regions.

Basic Information


On the outside, Vampires are similar to humans. However, further inspection of a Vampire would reveal several subtle but significant differences. For one thing, their canine teeth are a few centimeters longer in length and are much sharper, allowing them to bite through skin with ease. Meanwhile the hair, fingernails, and toenails of a vampire will will have a higher growth speed than that of a human.


A Vampire's liver is more effective than a normal human's liver, filtering out most toxins that can be found in blood, and allowing for a higher resistance against various diseases that can be transmitted via blood. However, this doesn't stop a Vampire from unintentionally getting drunk or high from a human having a high concentration of alcohol or weed in their bloodstream.


A vampire's bite has a special numbing toxin that is released when they bite someone. It acts quickly, numbing the pain one experiences as well as most other sensations across the body, which serves to reduce the struggle of a Vampire's victim. If a Vampire chooses, they can release a venom known as Vampiric Essense into someone, infecting their body and turning them into another Vampire.

Dietary Needs and Habits

One notable trait of vampires is that, although they can devour ordinary foods, their main source of nutrition will be that of blood. Any type of blood will do it for them, though commonly, a vampire will desire the blood of a human or similar species, including Elves, Nymphs, and so forth. With The Bloom having brought Vampires to the forefront of public consciousness, efforts have been made to better accommodate vampires in society. Alongside being able to obtain blood in stores, people have donated blood to specialized locations that serve as vendors for Vampires to sate their hunger.

Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Vampires have enhanced senses compared to that of humans, which allows for them a greater sense of sight, hearing, taste, and smell. However, this comes at a cost-- due to the increased sensitivity of their noses, Vampires will often recoil in disgust at strong, pungent smells-- especially that of garlic. Alongside that, their skin is extra sensitive to that of sunlight, which can create blisters and burns on their skin.


When a Vampire has managed to draw blood from someone, whether it's from biting into them or injuring them sufficiently, they will succumb to a type of bloodlust, the pigmentation in their irises turning a brilliant; glowing red. When this happens, their physical abilities are enhanced. This has often resulted in them exhibiting enhanced strength, speed, and magical ability. Most vampires can control this bloodlust, however, a small fraction of them have completely given into their bloodlust at times, which has resulted in widespread damage and death to those around them.


Owing to their bloodline originally being from that of Lilith, a Vampire has telepathic abilities that they can use to influence their prey. For a majority of them, it's a subtle effect that they can use to keep them docile while they suck their blood, which is an effective combination alongside the numbing agent.


Despite popular myth, Vampires can still be seen within mirrors. Infact, for all species that exist, 99% of them will have their reflections show up upon a mirror. The more twisted and evil a soul is, however, the more twisted and deformed it shall be. If a being such as a Vampire does not have a reflection, it is a sign that their soul is impossibly twisted beyond all redemption.


The only Vampires that will lack a reflection in this fashion will be those whom are descended from the original Count Dracula.

Post-Withering Effects

The aforementioned bloodlust a Vampire can fall into has become much more difficult for a Vampire to control during Full Moons. This has resulted in Vampires having to resort to either heavy sedatives or isolation in an attempt to protect themselves and others. Alongside that, their telepathic abilities have grown stronger, allowing them further control over a person.

Civilization and Culture

Major Organizations

Although there are multiple Lodges found throughout the realms for Vampires, there are two that have received the most notority throughout history. They are...

The Counts


The oldest lodge, founded by Count Helsing eons ago after his duel against Count Dracula. Centralized mainly within Transylvania, this Lodge has a large membership and are considered to be powerful in both strength and numbers. Nowadays, the Lodge is on red-alert in the event of the return of Count Dracula.

The Sabbath


Founded as a haven for Vampires during World War II, The Sabbath hid themselves underground throughout Europe, with the occasional conflict and strike being made upon the Nazis during this time. In the modern day, after The Withering, they opt to assist those throughout Europe with travel between the fortified city-states that dot the landscape.

Culture and Cultural Heritage

Vampires tend to follow a social structure somewhat-similar to that of a human's family structure. Typically, Vampires connected via blood or conversion will live under the patriarch or matriarch of a family. These families can be of many sizes, with the largest family being known to be have around 20 members. Other Vampires whom have refused to live with a family will join up with a lodge, typically those of likeminded vampires. The two largest ones on the planet are The Counts and The Sabbath.


Despite the availability of blood in public retail spaces, there are still occasions where Vampires will suck blood from humans-- both willingly and unwillingly. Often, the cases of willingly giving your blood to a vampire tend to be for ritualistic reasons, survival situations where the strength of the vampire is needed, or when one is in a intimate relationship with a Vampire. The last of which is noteworthy as it's typically done with permission from the vampire's partner-- an act that is seen as one of trust that has been built between their partner and the Vampire.


The Sons Of Lilith

Eons ago, to-be-queen Lilith and The First King, Abaddon, would conceive those whom would become the first Cubi and the first Vampires. While the Cubi could feed off of the life-force of Demons via physical contact, the first Vampires would lack this ability, dealing with various illnesses for a while until they discovered their taste for blood.   This would come about as a result of the Vampire Orlok Dracula murdering his brother. A fight had gone wrong between him and his brothers, with him slaughtering one of them and feasting upon his blood.

Knowing that he could not get away from further incident in the presence of Lilith, Orlok would escape away to Earth, hunting down and killing various animals. He would find his illness fade as he drank their blood, opting to experiment with different animals, different types of blood, and what-not. Eventually, he would realize that humans would give the richest, tastiest blood for him-- awakening certain magical abilities that were hidden away with him due to his illnesses.


Over time, Orlok would fall into his vices and hunger, growing in power and strength. At the same time, he would fall into madness from his desperate hunger, devouring more and more people without remorse or care. He would forcibly transform others into Vampires such as him, spreading them across the globe-- all of them falling under his control thanks to the immense power of telepathy he had developed.


He would give himself the name of Count Dracula.


Eventually, this would attract the attention of his own brother, Helsing Dracula-- whom had come into power of his own. They both would clash, eventually ending with Helsing victorious. Despite being defeated, Orlok was unable to die, which resulted in Helsing having to seal his brother away, deep under the surface of the Earth.


Helsing would become known as Count Helsing, becoming the patriarch of what would become known as The Counts, the oldest Lodge of Vampires. He would isolate himself to Black Rock Castle in Transylvania, managing to use ancient magic from the Stars to hide the castle from public comprehension. As for Orlok, he remains in slumber, every second he remains in the dark fueling his rage and fury, and his unquenchable thirst for hunger and power.

Common Names
Children Of Lilith, Bloodsuckers, Vamps, Shtriga, Vrykolakas, Strigoi, Vlads
Scientific Name
Homo vampiren
100 - 300+ Years
Average Height
5'5" - 5'11" / 177.80cm - 200.66cm
Average Weight
133 lb - 185 lb / 60 kg - 84 kg
Geographic Distribution
Related Organizations
Population Count
Earth: 106,246,355
Terra Eclipsis: 522,021
Land Of Nod: 190,214
Fractus: 60,210

This species has multiple parents, only the first is displayed below.
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