Astral Link

Aeons ago, fifteen stars fell from the heavens and struck the world of Chromatia, each star a gift from unknown powers to protect mortals from the wanton violence of gods competing over a world that was not theirs. Each star was taken and reforged by those who found them, shaped into objects of incredible power. With these artifacts in hand, mortal heroes were able to repel the invading gods and usher the world into a brief era of peace.   Their purpose no longer relevant, the stars fell to sleep and in time were forgotten. Some were captured and twisted by the very divines who were once spurned by the stars, though few knew what they now held in their hands. Others faded into obscurity, left to drift within dreams and the dark recesses of the world until they were needed again. Whatever happened, the stars were fated to one day show themselves again when Chromatia was truly in peril ... this poem is one of few testaments claiming the stars will return. A list of minor prophecies, if you will, all acting as part of a greater whole.   -The Aumani Order on the 'Poem of Fifteen Stars'
  Located in the heart of the Hero's Guild, a statue made of otherworldly materials stands tall and proud, watching over the guildsmen who come and go from their missions to protect the world from devastation. The eight-armed figure presents a formidable presence, and is posed in such a way as to suggest that each hand is meant to hold a specific item in a specific manner. Other markings on the statue seem to be made to hold other items, each in total accounting for a total of fifteen artifacts. At the base of the altar, a simple placard stands, listing out fifteen separate prophecies fated to pass before one of the Fifteen Stars makes itself known.   The statue itself, the Astral Altar, is curiously connected with the Hero's Badge in such a way as to permit an item restored to the altar to be conjured by a guildsmen and wield it freely, even if another already wields the very same item. Each offers powerful and unique boons to their wielder, and seem to resonate with the wielder's own strength and experiences to become something even more powerful. By some accounts, it is believed the fifteen stars may be a prehistoric form of Echo, crafted by a distant god who could see the plight of Chromatia but could not directly intervene. Whatever the case may be, their power is nothing to be trifled with.  

Equipping an Item from the Astral Link

Once an Astral Link item has been discovered and offered to the Astral Link, it will be listed below as a possible option. The item itself is too powerful for common folk to wield - any attempt to do so will obliterate the individual in one way or another as the artifact's power overwhelms every part of their being. Consequently, a character who desires to wield a Star must be a minimum of Level 10 (Bronze) to be able to attune to one of these items.   Attuning to a Star can only be done over the course of a long rest while nearby the Astral Link (on guild premises), meaning changing your equipped Star cannot be done during a mission or excursion. There is otherwise no limit to how often you may switch Stars, but know that you may only be attuned to a single Star at any one point in time. If you wish to attune to a second Star, you must break your attunement to the previous Star in order to do so.   All Stars are notable for their growing properties: specifically, each Star has a Dormant, Awakened, and Exalted state. As the item progresses through each stage of growth, it accrues additional powers previously not available to it. How does it progress through these stages? Well, it's contingent on your character's level. A character with a rank of Bronze may use dormant properties; at Silver, the character gains awakened properties; and at Gold, the character gains the Star's exalted properties.   Lastly, the Astral Altar partially suppressed the personality of some of these items, which on their own have inherited malevolent spirits who may only seek to sow further discord in the world rather than mend the damage done by the End Times. While the item itself retains its sentience and personality, once on the altar its spirit is bound to the statue and may make brief appearances around the guild. However, guildsmen who conjure a Star through their badge suffer none of the item's influence, for better or for worse. In other words, you may ignore the Sentience and Personality traits of an equipped Star if you have attuned to it through the Astral Link.  

Astral Link Items

  The Blade of Broken Mirrors [DDB]
"The labyrinth of rebellion twists, breaks, and curves relentlessly on itself, its endless walls a jagged edge to sever the status quo. When strife runs rampant, the shattered mirrors will lead the charge into revolution."   The "Blade of Broken Mirrors" is a dagger carved form jagged stone, inscribed with an endless maze with no end. It does not matter how closely you peer at the dagger's details, as further details will continue to reveal themselves in infinite convolutions. The weapon itself is a dagger infused with abyssal power, capable of stealing a creature's appearance and twisting the world around it with powerful illusions. It is held by the altar in an obscured position, as if ready to hamstring an unwitting opponent.   ???
A secret city, ruled by two, remembered by one. When the last falls from the heavens, the way home will vanish to remain obscured and imagined - until they can see through the eyes of the beholder.   ???
When the lord of mages burns, it must be a silver page that turns. A memoire of its predecessor, a craft by one no lesser; a sea of infinite leaves stored within leather eaves. The secrets of the Sage will be unveiled when the blind come to lead the blind.   ???
A dark one for sorrow. Two rise for mirth. Three for a funeral, and four for a birth. Five rage against heaven and six torment hell, and seven for the usurper's violent stele.   Hide of the Feral Guardian [DDB]
The hide of the guardian, the moon beast of light, howls a lonesome song in the forest of night. Its armor a ward against evil's bite, its savior a patient one, an opponent of blight.   A polished and beautifully detailed set of leather armor, the "Hide of the Feral Guardian" radiates light and power of the moon. It permits its bearer to take on the forms of the various guardians of the night, and empowers those forms while worn. It adorns the Astral Altar as if it were battle regalia, and calls to mind the bestial strength of nature.   ???
Master of six, liar, thief, snake, a child of styx, twisted by fate. Death will bring them together, once more opening Pandora's Box, and with the master of all doors in hand must choose ... to hate, or go straight?   ???
A bronze titan watches over the legacy of serpents, the founder of a glorious empire turned to ruins, dust, and ash in the wake of Calamity. Her lash is untempered and her bite brings her joy, desperate for a wielder to make into a toy.   Mace of the Black Crown [DDB]
Among the dark lord's chosen, one rules with grace. Again will they fall, forced to save face. They relinquish the boon forged from mountains of lies, to regain some faith from within the peoples' eyes.   The "Mace of the Black Crown" is a brutal black iron mace topped with a perfect ruby. The weapon radiates the fiendish essence of Asmodeus, and permits its wielder to command a portion of hell's power as their own. It sits in the altar's uppermost hand, held high as if to be brought down in judgment of someone disloyal.   ???
The heart of violence rests in this spear, a lance against everything its wielder would hold dear. It seeks out the greatest of orc warrior tribes, inspiring ruin in the wake of its path - only a true born, who chooses mind over blade, can wrest the weapon's power from those who seek chaos, and use its power for the good of the world instead.   ???
Deep in the mantle, deeper than dark, betwixt the layers of madness and labyrinths of stone, a weapon lies sealed, its web yearning to be spun. In the hands of the faithful, the black haft will bite ... but in the hands of a dancer, it may yet find itself contrite.   Stormgirdle [DDB]
The belt of the dead king, a ruler benevolent and wise, rests in the hands of a lover who lives beyond the skies. The belt is a reminder she once had a heart, and if one can mend it, the heart she'll impart.   A thick leather belt branded with the symbol of an ancient giant king and clasped with dragon ivory, "Stormgirdle" is a harness that grants its wielder the unbridled wrath of the tempest, united by an unlikely companionship. It fastens the altar's waist, occasionally glimmering with the sparks of a distant storm.   ???
A bloodthirsty tyrant, a king of chimera, wields a handle hewn from this fallen star. His will is upon it, within it, about it, but it will - no, must be taken, forced from his hand, to be cleansed, reminded of peace, and patience, and mercy at hand.   Verminshroud [DDB]
Lost in the forest, a hungry hermit squeaks. She stomps and she chatters, and always, she seeks. Death is an ally, the grave a close friend, and when all seems lost, the shroud will claim her, in the end.   A patch-work cloak pieced together from the pelts of rats, dotted with the bloated corpses of magically preserved insects along its seams. "Verminshroud" grants its wearer the many guises of the plague, of creatures small who trade in whispered secrets. It drapes from the altar's shoulders, a cloak signaling slowly encroaching death.   Will of the Talon [DDB]
The claw of the five reaches from atop an unwelcome throne, a weapon of murder held firmly by an enemy of its kin. It will stop at nothing to find wealth, even turn on its own ... defeat the dead master, obliterate the bone.  
  • !!! This item has been modified for Chromatia. This version grants its +1, +2, or +3 bonus to natural weapons and unarmed attacks instead of functioning as a war pick.
Golden gauntlets emblazoned with Tiamat's likeness rest on the hands of the altar, radiating the might of dragons from their palms. The "Will of the Talon" is a weapon capable of imparting its wielder with the presence of Tiamat, to breath the elements themselves and bring ruin with your claws.   Wreath of the Prism [DDB]
A crown of thorns, representing five primal elements, presides alongside the claw. It cares not who wears it, it cares not who wins. It wishes only to subjugate the wicked and purge them of sins.   The "Wreath of the Prism" is a loop of golden thorns inset with shimmering rubies, sapphires, emeralds, amethyst, and quarts. Whomever wears the wreath commands lordship over the primal forces of nature, holding dominion over monsters, dragons, and beasts alike. It rests on the altar's brow, radiating an aura of domination.