
In much the same way that Resonance can be used to produce magic items, the presence of a Ruby Tear during the ritual can be used to alter the process and instead create an Echo out of an existing item, an Echo being a unique magic item with the potential to become as powerful as artifacts.   The Echo takes an appearance in accordance with its creator’s whim while also reflecting the tear’s stored echo property in some capacity, but more importantly, gains the ability to store and retain the properties of multiple magic items and, given time, patience, and diligence, may obtain the powers of an artifact and put them in your hands. Just as artifacts were once reflections of their creators, your Echo will be a reflection of you.   Some simple versions of Echoes already exist. The earliest known examples would be Augments, but the Primordials are thought to have created other similar items through what are now known to have been incomplete principles. Were they aware of this? Maybe. Maybe not. You can’t tell with those guys.  

Quick Steps

  • Create a book keeping thread for Echo Tuning. Per-character threads may be easier to keep organized and legible.
  • Obtain a Ruby Tear and an item you want to turn into an Echo.
  • Choose a Core Augment (Weapon, Armor, or Spell).
  • Name your item and log in your bookkeeping thread for Echo Tuning.
  • Spend Chromatite to "tune" your Echo with the properties of magic items you've collected.
  • Once you've maxed out your Echo's frequency, use Pure Chromatite to add artifact properties (up to 3 minor and 2 major).
  • ???
  • Profit

Articles under Echoes