Between Adventures

Whenever you’re playing in a scene or thread not considered part of a mission, like socializing with other guild members in the canteen, or even just passively existing off-screen like with Downtime Work, you are considered “Between Adventures”. For most characters, this means carousing either at home, at the guild, or abroad. The following rules come into effect between adventures.  

Crafting & Practicing a Profession

See the articles under "Using Ability Scores" for handling craft and downtime work.  


Your character is assumed to spend time in the medical ward if they choose to, allowing help recovering from debilitating injuries, disease, or poisons. Normally, significant effects require at least three IC days of downtime for recovery – we leave the interpretation of how long your recovery takes at your discretion, as well as whether you wish to roleplay it or not. That said, whenever your character returns to the guild, you are free to roleplay the gradual recovery (or lack thereof) from the following effects:  
  • One effect on you that prevents you from regaining hit points.
  • One disease or poison currently affecting you.


The guild happens to host one of the leading scientific institutions in the world, the Scrollbinders’ College, and likewise hosts one of the largest and most complete collections of literature (not including the Wizipedia itself, of course). Consequently, the guild’s library (located in #east-tower) is a great place to spend time researching information about the world and gain insight into mysteries that have unfurled over the course of previous missions or threads you have participated in. To the same extent, being an active social hub, carousing in the bar is a great way to pry rumors and gossip from their lips.   To begin a research request, it’s best to create a private thread in #character-inspiration and mention Chromatian Staff. Tell staff what information you’re seeking and how you would like to seek it, at which point staff will determine the availability of said information, how long it may take(IC) for your character to successfully track down the information, and whether there are any relevant restrictions to your research (such as needing a particular material from a dangerous region, or a one-of-a-kind tome rumored to still be under protective enchantment in an ancient ruin), or gold coin investments to cover research expenses. Staff may also require additional checks based on your method of researching*.   * If your character has the Sage background or the Researcher backstory trait, provided the knowledge exists and is otherwise accessible (even if access is unlikely or near impossible), you automatically succeed checks to know where to look or who to talk to in tracking down the information. This does not mean you automatically find the information – you may still need to complete the rest of the research conditions, but you at least know where to start.   Once all conditions are met, you learn the information (if it is available).   Examples of research topics:  
  • Familiarity with a specific monster or type of monster’s stat block
  • Knowledge about an artifact
  • Knowledge about a lost empire
  • The relationship between two seemingly unrelated circumstances
  • Hidden properties of natural effects (plants, enchantments, etc)
  • Daily habits of a particular noble
  And whatever else comes to mind! If you’re not sure whether something is considered researchable material, just ask.  


See Proficiency Training for rules and guidelines on training new skills.