
Hi! I'm -one- Lauren, the guild's -two- quartermaster. Let me -three- know if there's -four- anything I can help you find, and -five- I'll get the right resources -six- on it! You can -seven- count on me!   -Lauren Nestrange, Guild Quartermaster
  The guild’s position as a unifying neutral power, its placement as a key central location between the world’s societies, and the abundance of wealth flowing through its domain has made it a sort of economic superpower. Virtually anything can be found passing through the guild’s armory under the watchful eyes of Lauren Nestrage, the guild’s quartermaster and defacto warehouse manager. There is nothing that comes or goes from the guild she hasn’t at least catalogued and counted in some capacity.   Even Magic Items and custom orders are not beyond the guild’s reach, thanks in large part to the presence of Ingleheimer and the Primordials, four capricious entities representing each of the four primal elements and managing the guild’s All-Forge. The Primordials possess an uncontested mastery over the forge and use that skill to produce virtually anything in mere seconds – provided they have the wealth and necessary materials on hand to do so.

Articles under Equipment