Gathering Hub

There's never a shortage of work. Please, check the board and let us know if anything catches your eye!   -Gemini, the Starstrider
  Located in the guild’s main hall (#central-building), a massive board annotating current events and listing requests for help both outstanding and ongoing looms over the chamber. It is here characters gather and organize missions with one another, while guild administrators take responsibility for a mission’s oversight, debriefing, preparation, and anything else deemed important in assuring the mission’s success.  

Mission Availability & Planning

As cool as it is that players can find and chat about missions in-character, you should probably now where to look OOC too. All quest postings, both official and community run, are posted and organized in the server’s Gathering Hub category. Official quests are typically posted in #quest-board for players to view and sign up for, while participation planning (both for official and Miscellania quests) is handled in #lfg. You are of course always welcome to roleplay checking for and coordinating missions in the main hall, too.   When planning to join a quest, bear in mind that unless otherwise stated, a mission will typically be limited to no more than four players and the game master, who may or not also have a character in the same mission. That said, just because a mission on the board already has four players signed up, don’t hesitate to put your name forward too if it hasn’t already launched. Staff generally try to take in multiple factors when forming a party (character experience, backstory, player availability, etc), so really it’s anybody’s game until the quest officially starts.   Players are permitted to join multiple quests simultaneously, even with the same character on each quest, but please do so within reason. Don’t go joining so many quests that others lose the time of day.   If you join multiple quests with the same character and if combat is expected to occur in more than one of them, we strongly recommend cloning your character sheet and setting up the copy as if it were it’s own character, to help keep your HP and resources separate. When one or both quests resolve, it’s common for your character’s stats and abilities to sort of “resync” when you next finish a long rest or complete the mission to reduce confusion. If you’re not sure how to create or use clones, bug us in #ask-a-gan.  

Rank Recommendations

Each mission includes a designated rank in its description, specifying the recommended rank for the mission. Characters of any rank may apply but be aware that characters below or above the recommended rank may experience significant or too little challenge as a result. If that’s your thing, we won’t stop you. But you’ve been warned.  


All missions have an “Overseer” – namely, a specific character either in charge of or leading the mission. The character may either be an NPC, such as a guild administrator organizing a search and rescue or a village leader needing help with a local infestation, or another player character. In any case, the mission’s overseer is whomever is responsible for mission details and debriefing and is the best resource to contact IC prior to the mission if you’re looking for more information or context.  

Quest Types

To help players get an idea of what skills might be required for a mission, a mission type is typically offered with the posting. See below for a description of each.  
  • Story. Story events don’t usually have a set type, as they may include a variety of scenarios relevant to advancing the global storyline. Completion of story missions often results in new content in and around the guild.
  • Event. Events are large scale scenarios that may or may not have any connection to the story but feature plots and scenarios effecting the whole server (if not the whole game world), like the Solstice and Equinox events, and typically offer unique rewards, encounters, or experiences. There’s usually no need to worry about explicit scheduling if and when they come up.
  • Diplomacy. Missions in this category usually relate to humanitarian and diplomatic efforts, relying more on social skills than combat. Negotiations, potential alliances, and other similar circumstances will often be captured under these missions.
  • Hunt. Hunts involve tracking, capturing, and/or defeating a specified target, like a particularly dangerous monster or a renegade cultist faction. Use of combat and survival skills can and should be expected.
  • Recon. A point of interest needs investigation. These missions typically favor stealth and espionage, but circumstances may vary.
  • Recovery. A designated target needs located and/or retrieved. Perhaps it’s a missing person, maybe it’s a notable item or object that needs found and moved into safe keeping, whatever the case, a retrieval is necessary. These missions will typically involve puzzle elements, if not literal puzzles, so be ready to think carefully and ask questions.