Greater Paths

Chromatia is a high-power environment. Your character can and almost certainly will reach power levels not normally obtainable in standard D&D games, if for no reason other than the abundance of magical items and wealth heroes in the world of Chromatia enjoy.   Still, the gods decided it wasn’t enough and created options for powerful people commonly referred to as “Greater Paths”. Greater Paths are powerful boons unavailable to the common masses for a variety of reasons, the least of which being the strength of spirit and endurance necessary to receive and control the power that comes with it.   For players, this means your character cannot choose a Greater Path until you reach level 10 (Bronze). A player is only permitted to choose a single Greater Path at any given time. It’s worth noting that Greater Paths likewise require giving up an attunement slot in exchange for the power earned. In this same sense, it can be said that Greater Paths are for all intents and purposes artifacts, and to that extent, have the same impact on your characters’ individual stories as an artifact would traditionally carry.   Greater Paths are typically permanent choices (they cannot be removed except by wish or divine intervention), and even those that aren’t usually require significant effort to reverse or undo, so consider what they mean to your character before committing to one.

Articles under Greater Paths