Ruby Tear

Ruby tears, as they’ve been called, get their name from the blood red teardrop-esque appearance they obtain shortly after emerging. They’ve been found to occur naturally - albeit with absurd rarity - deep within the most pure clusters of dragonshards beneath Chromatia’s surface, but their most common and reliable appearance is actually from within the peculiar Hero’s Badge. They spawn from moments of great significance, storing and preserving experiences as memories and magic power.   Like the spellshards they are found amongst, ruby tears likewise have the capacity to store memories and information within them, even acting as spellbooks in lieu of traditional pen-and-paper methods. It is not this property that gives the ruby tear its reputation, however - instead, the legend of the ruby tear stems from its ability to serve as the core component in producing Echoes, items with the potential to become as powerful as the artifacts of old.   A ruby tear has the following properties:   Spellshard. A ruby tear has the traits and properties of a spellshard. Each ruby tear contains the memories leading up and relating to the moment that spawned it, which cannot be removed from the tear by any means.   Stored Echo. When created, the game master decides on a Creator, History, Minor Property, and Quirk trait from the magic item Special Features table of the DMG. The properties should relate to the circumstances that created it - perhaps align with a particular monster encountered or event that occurred during the scenario.   The tear’s wielder knows what properties have been stored by the tear. The ruby tear does not benefit from these properties until it has been used to create an Echo.   Resonance. The ruby tear can be used as part of a special ritual called Resonance to create an Echo. The tear’s spellshard and stored echo traits are transferred to the Echo, at which point the ruby tear is destroyed.


Used to create Echoes.
Wondrous item, legendary (artifact)