Social Interaction

Everybody knows the normal D&D circuit. Exploration, slaying monsters, earning glory – these are all staples of D&D adventures, but no less important are the stories of how they got there, and the social interactions you have between other players and characters within the game’s world.   While interaction takes many forms, it can most easily be boiled down to how your character speaks and responds to the game, either via the other player characters in your group, the non-player characters (NPCs) the game master provides for a given scene, or through the game’s environment. When it comes to other characters, their attitude is generally described as friendly, neutral, or hostile, with friendly character predisposed to help you whereas hostile ones get in your way. It goes without saying, but a friendly character is generally easier to get what you want from.   Social interaction from here tends to draw from two primary aspects: roleplay and ability checks.

Articles under Social Interaction