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The River Border City

Written by Greeding

Nestled within the North-Eastern corner of the Roscrean empire, Perriot sits a quiet life under the shadow of the Troll Hills. Perriot is the capital of the Perriot kingdom, with few noticeable settlements inside of the kingdom besides Perriot itself. Now with troubles brewing once more, how will Perriot be able to survive an ever-changing, and adapting world?    

Excerpt from "In a Far Off land";

The bard group had stopped at a small hill. The teens looked over and saw the city of Perriot. A lake went through the city that continued for as long as the eye could see. Perriot was surrounded by forrest, but it seemed thinner then any forest they had encountered in Wold yet. Perriot’s walls were wooden, but thick. Guards were seen patrolling the walls. They wore armor that looked to be made of steel, but in between the separate pieces, a dark blue laid. In the city itself, it was covered with buildings that looked to be either houses, or stores. The houses were made of wood too, although each being a different design.


Because of the close proximity that Perriot has to neighboring kingdoms, through travel, Perriot has a more diverse population than most cities in Roscrea. Still, the city's majority of citizens are still humans, all species of Wold are welcomed to Perriot.


Perriot is run by Jarl Balgrough. He was picked by a Roscrean court to rule the town. When the Jarl dies, a court will pick a new Jarl. The citizens are content with the Jarl system most cities in Roscrea have.


Perriot is not known for its military prowess. The town has thick, wooden walls that can hold a minor siege. A legion of soldiers known as the Green dragons, patrols Perriot. No more than 300 soldiers guard Perriot.

Industry & Trade

Because of the proximity of the other kingdoms of Archtun, Perriot has a thriving trade industry with the other kingdoms. Lumber is also a thriving industry in Perriot because of the surrounding forest. Farming has some success, but Perriot's farming industry falls behind the towns that are dedicated to farming.


The roads of Perriot are well walked, and well maintained. Perriot has a full functioning sewer system connected to out houses near heavily populated areas of the city. WaterMills have been placed over the river to purify the water into clean, drinking water.


Many shops and services have settled in Perriot. Such as smithery, Education, tailoring, fishing, farming, and much more.

Guilds and Factions

The town of Perriot houses many guilds, but mainly the adventurers guild, and the sourcery guild. These factions focus on Adventure, and the spoils that can come of it, and the practice of Sorcery, and the powers you can gain from it.


Perriot was founded during the final expansion of the Roscrean territorial gain, known as the Secure Border Push, where many fortresses and towns were constructed for protection and trade. The Roscrean's had to take the land from a tribe of barbarians. When Roscrea started diplomacy and open borders, more and more other races settled in Perriot, making its population more diverse. The Barbarian tribe, became more civilized hundreds of years later and tried to retake the town, but the plot was foiled by Greg, Paul, and Sarah.


The town of Perriot's buildings are traditional Roscrean types, with maplewood for most of the building, with stone for the bottom floor. Because of the diversity of the town, some buildings have been adorned with other cultures designs and decoration.


Pierrot sits on the border of the kingdoms of Gurlnile, and Evermist. A river flowing from the rocky snow-capped mountains of Gurlnile, and flows to the rest of Roscrea. Forest surrounds the city. The city sits on a slight slope, where the palace of Jarl Balgrough sits.

Natural Resources

Perriot is settled on a river that flows from the rocky mountains of Gurlnile. From the river, the city through water mills, can have a natural source of freshwater. It is rumored that The city lies on a huge Iron deposit, but the city doesn't have the man power, or funds to begin mining operations. The city also has fertile soil around it for agriculture. and surrounded by trees for good lumber.


Perriot was settled during the late North Eastern expansion of Roscrea, and is the newest kingdom within the empire. The settlers settled along a river, with the rich, Blackwoods forest to the north, and the fertile land towards the south, it was an ideal location to create a town. The creation of the town went as scheduled, until contact  was made with the natives of the area, the Skeld. One night, after the settlers had spent an entire day gathering lumber, the Skeld snuck into the settlers camp, and attacked their camp. Many were lost, but the settlers were able to drive the Skeld back. The settlers then burned the Skeld camp into the ground.          After the fight, the Skeld were no longer a problem for the settlers, and the city was able to be built in peace. The community quickly grew to over seven thousand strong. The city was soon given permission to supply its own garrison. On the Troll Hill's, the Green Dragon legion was formed, and protected the city.       During Vonecca's search for their relic, Vonneca sent one of their servants, Zeevicus, to rally the long forgotten Skeld, and attack Perriot. After sabotaging the barracks and water mill of Perriot, along with an attempt to assassinate a royal servant, Zeevicus rallied the Skeld to attack Perriot. The attack ended in failure, after the death of Gaud, and Zeevicus, and their village was burned to the ground once more, and the Skeld would never return. Perriot would recover after the attack, and come out of the battle perhaps even better than before.
Alternative Name(s)
The Mixingbowl, The River Border Town
Inhabitant Demonym
All races of Humans, Orcish, Elvish, Dwarven, Dragonborn, Centaur, lizard people, cat people
Characters in Location


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