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The Kenari

The Kenari were a race that ruled over present day Archtun, and were the dominant race over the entire continent, including that over the dwarves and other species that were present on the continent before the humans arrived from the Old Lands. They established a strong empire, with near limitless resources and vast amount of territory and military prowess. Many Roscrean historians believe that The Kenari were the most powerful empire to ever exist on Wold.

Additional Information

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Believing their starting origin to be in the Kenbarna Mountains, now located within the eastern border of Evermist and Roscrea, the Kenari began their civilization there, including their capital, which still remains lost to time to this day. From the Kenbarna mountains, the Kenari spread east and west, making great efforts to colonize until the border of M'n'a. They began by colonizing Evermist in its entirety, and expanding to eastern present day Roscrea. Few attempts were made into colonizing the eastern border of Malatata, however, the Kenari found the environment to be too inhabitable for their species.

Average Intelligence

The average Kenari was as, if not, more intelligent than the best scholars of Roscrea at any given moment in history. Holding vast amounts of knowledge of Wold, including, which species was created first by the gods, they were able to create advanced and sophisticated technology, such as crystalized beams that were able to be shot out of small, crossbow like devices. They also had a great understand of magic and the arcane arts, with members of their species being able to master three or four of the arcane elements, compared to the one or two that a human could be able to master.

Civilization and Culture


Beginning their origins within the Kenbarna mountains, nobody truly knows how or which god created the Kenari. In fact, much of the early and even some later history of the Kenari is a mystery, such as their capital city, which had records of being somewhere within deep of the Kenbarna mountains, yet to this day, it has not been officially found by any who have gone on long and dangerous expeditions both within and above the great and treacherous mountains. What is known of the Kenari, however, is that they were highly intelligent, and were able to create a sophisticated society rather quickly compared to that of humans, dwarves, or even the elves. From the Kenbarna mountains they quickly spread their influence across Archtun, creating great settlements across the lands of Malatata, Evermist, Roscrea, and Guilnile.  

Meeting of Other Species


Meeting of the Elves

The Kenari first met with the elves, as they traveled from Entalitildor. On the Eastern shores of Evermist, the two species came in contact with one another, and grew in friendly relations. The Kenari allowed the diverse elves to spread across Evermist, and begin to live in peaceful coexistence with them for a time. That was, until the greed of the Kenari saw the beauty of the structures of the elves, and decided that the elves would soon surpass them in their society. It was just a few short years after the two species had met that the Kenari suddenly murdered half the population of the elves in quick surprise attacks. The Kenari enslaved the remaining elves, and forced the elves to teach them their architectural aesthetic, and as well as several other talents, such as their cuisine and weaponry. The Kenari improved upon these designs they were taught from the elves.  

Meeting of the Dwarves

When the Dwarves first made contact with the Kenari, they brought the Kenari along a tour of their vast underground settlements already well established beneath the surface. The Kenari were so impressed with their craft that they hired many dwarven architectures to work for them, and allowed the dwarves to establish small colonies along the northern shore of Guilnile. Over time, the Kenari became more and more demanding of the dwarves, and there relations eventually turned near hostile, when the Kenari kidnapped several dwarven crafters. Towards the end of The Kenari's days, the dwarves outright began to attack The Kenari on sight, sparing none, and plundering their settlements in Guinile.  

Meeting of the Humans

Arriving from their defeat at Stonefalls, the disheartened humans landed on the shores of Roscrea with what remained of their meager population. They quickly formed a civilization on the shores of Roscrea, and slowly moved inland. They eventually made contact with the Kenari, who were at first suspicious of the humans. The two species stayed out of one another's ways, before the Kenari began plotting to defeat the humans. But before the Kenari were able to attack, the humans launched a surprise attack on the Kenari, beginning the downfall of the Kenari.  

The Fall of the Kenari

With the attacks from the humans from the west, and the raiding of the dwarves from the north, the elves of the east within Evermist began to revolt against their cruel masters. Soon, Evermist was almost completely conquered by the elves, Roscrea was almost fully taken, with both Seria and Roncria tribes forming within the land, and the dwarves had fully pushed the Kenari out of Guilnile, and began to launch raids against their capital within the deep mountains. The Kenari fell, when a joint army of humans, dwarves, and elves, came together and defeated the last remaining standing army of the Kenari within the mountains, causing the complete collapse of their society.  

Infighting and Deception 

But before the first human blow had landed on the Kenari, the Kenari were doomed. Infighting had occurred from within the Kenari higher ranks, and a civil war almost formed between the king of the Kenari and a great military general. In fact, many Kenari settlements were in stages of chaos by the time the Kenari began to lose to their enemies. A once great empire that spanned across Archtun, fell with a few short years
400 Years
Average Height
6'6 feet
Average Weight
180 Lbs
Average Physique
With a slender figure, broad shoulders, and a small waist, as well as a towering height, the Kenari were able to intimidate many of their subordinate species they made as their servants or slaves. They often had a superior posture as well, keeping their chin held high, and near perfect back always at maximum extension to maximize their already impressive height.
Geographic Distribution
Related Ethnicities


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