
Major Natural Features:   Highspire: Towering over the northern part of Ulden, Highspire is a mountain so tall that its summit is lost in the clouds most of the year. It is a sacred and mysterious site for the people, often seen as a symbol of the country’s resilience and strength. Many legends surround the peak, some claiming that ancient beings once resided in its upper reaches.   Lake Selene: Positioned southeast of Highspire, in the east-northeast of Ulden, Lake Selene is a vast and shimmering body of water. The lake is fed by rivers flowing from Highspire and from the eastern valley, cutting through the mountainous terrain. It is a vital source of water for the region and plays a key role in Ulden's agricultural development. The lake is also culturally significant, with the capital city, Valerune, built along its southeastern shores.   The Winding Rivers: Two rivers flow from Lake Selene, shaping the geography of Ulden. The main river flows northward, passing through valleys and forests before reaching the northern coast. A smaller branch splits off, meandering west-northwest, then southwest, wrapping around Highspire before flowing southeast toward a mountain that holds Kal Dunh, an ancient dwarven city. The rivers serve as essential trade routes, connecting the northern city of Drakar’s Bridge to the southern plains and the dwarven fortifications.   Terrain and Climate:   Mountainous Eastern Border: Along the eastern border, sharp cliffs and rocky terrain rise from the ground, providing a natural barrier between Ulden and its neighboring country. This range surrounds the southern side of Lake Selene, with only a small gap in the southwest where travelers can pass through. The mountains are rich in minerals, and small mining towns dot the region, providing the country with precious metals.   Forests and Plains: The western coastline is lush with thick forests, home to ancient, towering trees that stretch toward the sky. The climate, similar to Italy’s Mediterranean warmth, makes these forests vibrant and full of wildlife. Further southwest, along border "D," the terrain transitions into fertile plains, where agriculture thrives. These plains are less populated but serve as the country’s breadbasket, with farmers taking advantage of the mild climate to cultivate a wide range of crops.   The Fort City of Kal Dunh: Nestled at the foot of a rugged mountain in the southern region of Ulden lies Kal Dunh, an ancient city of dwarven origin. The mountain itself is not of special significance, but the dwarves carved their majestic fortresses and intricate halls deep into its base. Kal Dunh was once a thriving dwarven stronghold, with sprawling underground halls and magnificent stonework. Although the elven monarchy cares little for the dwarven legacy or culture, they maintain control over Kal Dunh due to its strategic military value. The dwarven fortifications are considered masterpieces of war, and their defensive capabilities are unparalleled.    The Old Capital of the dwarves is a subject of much speculation, referenced in Kal Dunh but never found, adding a layer of mystery to the region.


The royal family of Ulden, often called the Fourth Elven Dynasty, holds an unofficial title that hints at a grand legacy. Unlike the first three dynasties, which ruled vast empires, the Velathiel family governs only Ulden, a single but significant country. Queen Elirya Velathiel, who resides in the capital city of Valerune, leads the nation with a blend of grace and pragmatism. Known for her diplomatic acumen, she carefully balances the kingdom’s internal diversity, from the ancient elven traditions to the human and dwarven influences that shape the kingdom’s modern era. Her uncle, Lord Calen Valtir, oversees the military from the fortress city of Kal Dunh, focusing on the strategic value of the ancient dwarven fortifications rather than their cultural legacy. His military genius has earned him respect across Ulden, securing his role as the kingdom’s stalwart protector.   Prince Aeron Velathiel, the Queen’s younger brother, governs Harrow’s Gate, a crucial trade city. His mastery of commerce has brought prosperity to Ulden, especially in connecting the kingdom’s human and elven populations through trade and mutual interests.   In Valerune, High Priestess Aranis Moonwhisper leads the Church of Selene, providing spiritual guidance to both the royal family and the people. Her presence ensures that the moon goddess’s influence remains closely tied to the monarchy’s decisions.   Meanwhile, in Drakar’s Bridge, the human noble Marquis Eamon Carrick governs with the Queen’s trust, ensuring the security of Ulden’s northern trade routes. His role, though separate from the elven traditions, highlights the kingdom’s commitment to unity across its diverse peoples.   The informal title of the Fourth Elven Dynasty reflects the family’s continuation of a legacy, though on a more modest scale compared to their predecessors, who ruled empires.
Key Locations:   The Capital - Valerune: Located on the southeastern shore of Lake Selene, Valerune is Ulden's capital, originally built by elves during the first expansion of the Ravennean Empire. The city is large and bustling, due to the caravans of trade that come from the north, using the bridges of Valerune to cross the river systems before heading south. The architecture of Valerune is grand and elegant, characterized by soaring spires and intricate stonework. Though the city has evolved into a vibrant hub of trade and culture, it still bears the graceful imprint of its elven origins.   North City - Drakar’s Bridge: The northern city of Drakar’s Bridge is also of elven origin. Built during the same Ravennean expansion as Valerune, Drakar’s Bridge was strategically placed at the confluence of two rivers and named after its massive stone bridges that span these waterways. This city is smaller than the capital but serves as a key trade and military hub, with its bridges being marvels of ancient elven engineering. The architecture reflects the same elven grace and artistry, with sweeping arches and slender towers.   Southern Fort City - Kal Dunh: At the base of a towering, rugged mountain in Ulden’s southern region, Kal Dunh is an ancient dwarven fort city. Once home to a thriving dwarven civilization, its deep halls, tunnels, and intricate stone structures remain to this day. Although the elves of Ulden do not honor the dwarven legacy, they recognize the strategic importance of the dwarven fortifications and have retained control of Kal Dunh as a crucial military bastion. The Old Capital of the dwarves, often referenced in Kal Dunh, is a subject of fascination, though it has never been found. Explorers and treasure hunters alike scour the deep halls for clues about the ancient dwarven capital.   Western City - Harrow’s Gate: Harrow’s Gate, located where the forest, plains, and coast meet in the west-southwest, is a human-built city and Ulden’s primary maritime gateway. Harrow’s Gate thrives on agriculture, forestry, and trade, serving as a vital center for commerce where goods from the interior of Ulden are exported through its port. It is a bustling city with strong ties to the agricultural plains and the coastal shipping lanes, providing a lifeline for both domestic and international trade. The architecture here is practical and sturdy, reflecting the hardworking human spirit.   Culture and Society: The people of Ulden are a resilient and independent folk, shaped by their proximity to both towering mountains and the open sea. The culture of Ulden is a fusion of the ancient elven heritage left from the Ravennean Empire, dwarven craftsmanship, and human ingenuity. However, the elven monarchy that rules Ulden places little value on dwarven legacy, focusing instead on elven traditions and maintaining control over the nation’s most important assets. The elves see Kal Dunh primarily as a strategic military fort, and they maintain it for its defensive importance rather than any reverence for its dwarven origins.   Valerune and Drakar’s Bridge retain strong elven influences, with elven traditions and festivals playing a central role in their cultural life. These cities are known for their sophisticated arts, literature, and mastery of magic, which have been passed down through generations. Kal Dunh remains a powerful fortification, prized by the elven rulers for its unmatched defenses. The dwarven architecture, though unappreciated in terms of cultural significance, is respected for its war capabilities. The elven army stationed in Kal Dunh ensures that the region remains a stronghold in Ulden’s southern defenses. Harrow’s Gate, as a human-built city, is the bustling maritime and trade gateway. With its diverse industries and strategic location, it reflects the pragmatic spirit of Ulden’s human population. It serves as an agricultural and trade center, with a strong maritime economy tied to its bustling ports. The monarchy oversees these diverse regions, ensuring that the elven legacy remains strong, while utilizing the dwarven fortresses and human-built cities for practical and strategic purposes. Each city contributes to the nation's strength—Valerune as the cultural and political capital, Drakar’s Bridge as a strategic northern city, Kal Dunh as a southern military bastion, Harrow’s Gate as a trade and maritime gateway, and Solport as a center for shipbuilding and international trade.
According to legend, the ancient dwarven capital of Ulden vanished entirely during a cataclysmic natural disaster, leaving no trace behind. The city, renowned for its unparalleled craftsmanship and wealth, was said to have been swallowed by the earth itself in a massive earthquake. Entire generations of dwarves, along with their most prized creations, were lost in a single devastating event. What makes the tale even more mysterious is that no ruins or physical evidence of the capital have ever been found, only vague references to its existence in ancient texts discovered in Kal Dunh, another dwarven city. The lack of tangible proof has led many to question whether the capital truly existed or if it was merely a myth, a tale passed down to explain the sudden disappearance of an entire civilization. Nevertheless, the legend endures, sparking the imaginations of adventurers and scholars who still search for clues to its whereabouts
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Before the first age
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