
"Born of the pairings between mortals and the accursed Doppelgangers, these shape changing humanoids are difficult to define... as all aspects of their form is malleable and in constant change. Doppelgangers are typically too lazy or self-interested to raise their young. They assume attractive male forms and seduce women, leaving them to raise their progeny. A doppelganger child appears to be a normal member of its mother’s species until it reaches adolescence, at which point it discovers its true nature and is driven to seek out its kind to join them" - A census of Alnareth, by Mel Atoniin, Chief Genealogist at the Spire.

Basic Information


While changelings are humanoid, they have little in the way of distinct traits. Their skin is a light grey in color, and their eyes vary between milky white and ink black. Their hair, if they grow any, is always White or grey, and their facial features change at the creatures whim.

Genetics and Reproduction

Changelings can reproduce with any Humanoid, and the offspring is always a changeling, however only 1 in 10 children born this way is viable and survives to it's first birthday.

Growth Rate & Stages

Changelings age at a similar rate to their Humanoid parent, and live about as long.
Genetic Ancestor(s)
Varies on Parent Species
Average Height
Varies on Parent Species
Average Weight
Varies on Parent Species


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