
"Giants were among the first offspring of the Uldoth. It is unclear how the smaller Uldoth birthed such a massive and mighty people, but it is believed they birthed Giants in order to battle dragons. They were, for a time, the chosen children of the Uldoth... In those lost days, these towering figures were dragon slayers, dreamers, crafters, and kings, but their kind fell from glory long ago. However, even divided among secluded clans scattered throughout the world, the giants maintain the customs and traditions of old." - A census of Alnareth, by Mel Atoniin, Chief Genealogist at the Spire.

The last true Giant hold on Alnareth is Jotunhal, though some other secluded settlements may remain hidden away from the eyes of other humanoids.
Genetic Ancestor(s)
Genetic Descendants
Conservation Status
Giants are in decline on Alnareth, they still exist, but their populations are in decline.
Average Height
Hill Giant: 18 - 20 ft.
Fire Giant: 25 - 30 ft.
Stone Giant: 30 - 40 ft.
Frost Giant: 35 - 45 ft.
Cloud Giant: 40 - 50 ft.
Storm Giant: 50 - 60 ft.
Average Weight
Hill Giant: 2000 lbs.
Fire Giant: 2100 lbs.
Stone Giant: 2500 lbs.
Frost Giant: 2750 lbs.
Cloud Giant: 3500 lbs.
Storm Giant: 5000 lbs.


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