
Creatures born of both magic, and the unnatural coupling between humanoids and dragons. These creatures were powerful, and usually evil, however their kind has supposedly been removed from the world, and troubles mortals no more.

Basic Information


Half Dragon,and Half humanoid, these creatures resemble humanoid dragons. They tend to walk upright, though with a loping, slanted gate. They have abnormally long necks (for a humanoid), which ends in a serpentine, horned head. They may have humanoid parentage (usually Humans, Elves, Dwarfs, or Orcs), but they serve their draconic parent unquestioningly and with singular focus.

Genetics and Reproduction

Half-Dragons are blessedly rare, occurring only when a dragon is polymorphed into a humanoid form and mates with a humanoid partner. The resulting offspring is typically born a few months later, it's gestation sped up by the magics of the draconic sire, and is birthed in a violent tearing forth from the mother... Which is usually fatal for the humanoid parent.

In some cases, usually involving a Metallic Dragon parent, the child is instead born in an egg, much to the confusion of the humanoid (usually not egg laying) mother. The magics used by the parent to make the unusual fetus viable will vary wildly, and while Chromatic dragons usually do not care at all for the humanoid parent, using magic to strengthen the offspring and speed up it's gestation; A Metallic dragon may use it's magic to protect the mother, and prevent her from suffering during childbirth... Some even going so far as to alter her memories of the birth, or erasing it all together.

Half-Dragons are capable of mating with other Half-Dragons, Dragonborn, and select other sapient reptile species (such as Lizardfolk), though few of these pregnancies result in live or viable hatchlings. If the hatchling does live, the resulting offspring is almost always a Dragonborn... though occasionally a rarer, and more horrific, creature is hatched instead. While Chromatic and Metallic half-dragons take their colour and traits directly from their sire, their offspring can be of nearly any colour or elemental affinity.

Growth Rate & Stages

Half-Dragons were reported to age extremely quickly, becoming functionally adult within a year
Genetic Ancestor(s)
Genetic Descendants
250 to 1000 years
Average Height
8 to 10 ft.
Average Weight
500 to 900 lbs.

This species has multiple parents, only the first is displayed below.
All parents:


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