Miru Subete Character in World of Avalon | World Anvil
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Miru Subete

Gazer Miru Subete

The single, glowing eye flickering in the shadows would be the first indication that you were in the Gazer's sights. Within moments you would see more eyes emerging from the darkness alongside the dimly lit visage of a small and beautiful woman levitating before you. Large eyeballs would sprout from tentacle-like appendages connecting from an unknown dark-void enshrouding bits of the creature. This black-matter like substance looking as if it had the consistency of mud dripping from the void but dissipating into a vapor before those droplets ever touched the ground beneath her. Sharp fangs would line her grinning lips; a sign that the final ounces of comfort were leaving your body. Soon you would hear a soft voice begin ringing out through darkness. It was close.. perhaps a little too close for comfort.   You wanted to run; to flee from this beast who's constant chants rang out. But you couldn't move a muscle, your sight locked to those mesmerizing eyes.. your own thoughts soon to leave you. Under an intense bout of hypnotism the last thing you'd likely remember was the warm embrace of the creature as she pulled your head to her chest and guided your sightline up, raising your chin with the tips of her fingers.   A single, vibrant red eye would stare down into yours with a warm smile washing over the creatures face. It was almost comforting.. but that feeling of comfort was no longer yours. At this point, you had lost all meaning of individuality. You were merely a puppet for the girl to lead about however she desired with those stinging words ringing through your head.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Curvy body with large breasts.

Body Features

Multiple eye-stalked tentacles that come from her body

Facial Features

Large single eye

Identifying Characteristics

Her eye tentacles

Apparel & Accessories

Naked with sludge-like features covering most of her private bits.

The single, glowing eye flickering in the shadows would be the first indication that you were in the Gazer's sights.

View Character Profile
Date of Birth
0065 AA
The Void
Current Residence
Skin Tone/Pigmentation


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