Meg'ina the Benevolent Enigma Character in World of Avalon | World Anvil
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Meg'ina the Benevolent Enigma

Meg'ina the Benevolent Enigma

•Basic Information• ------------------------------- Name: Meg'ina the Benevolent Enigma Age: 13.7 billion years Gender: ??? (Presents as female) Race: ??? Height: 4'3 - 8'0+ Weight/Build: 100 - 400lbs Class: None Faction: None Elemental Attunement: None Skills/Spells/Weapon Mastery/Etc: Hypnotism, Portalcraft, Outerworld Magic, Pysical Morphing, Mind Control, Molecular Scattering Background/Status: She's a time traveling paradoxical entity who's entire existence is against logic. The manifestation and will of the Universe herself. Relationships: None Bio: In scientific theory and logic, many paradoxes exist that are known to be invalid arguments, yet are nevertheless valuable in promoting critical thinking, while other paradoxes have revealed errors in definitions that were assumed to be rigorous, and have caused axioms of mathematics and logic to be re-examined. Through these thought experiments we can ground ourselves in the reality we have constructed and offer up very human answers to questions asked by the universe. However one philosophical hypothesis can be brought forward which makes the state of our own reality crumble. "What if the Universe itself is a paradox?" How could a universe which came into existence from a singularity hold infinite outcomes in the form of other universes? In this case- there must be another universe where higher dimensions don't exist. In the presence of infinite universes- there would be a universe where no possibility of infinite universes existed. A fallacy- a paradox.   However, rather then thinking the Universe has the ability to produce multiple outcomes at a rate of infinity.. what if.. instead; you suspend your disbelief in the reality we have grounded ourselves in and entertain one simple idea: The Universe is it's own entity. It's own living, breathing organism which lives in a plane of existence higher then our own. The all-mother which has a purpose. A motivation to make higher dimensions, multiple dimensions. At this point; the universe can just choose to negate it's own laws for the existence of such paradox's.. bending and twisting nature in ways that human intelligence is unable to comprehend.   This would be where the white hair, blue eye'd "Meg" would come into play. On first glance you'd notice that she was a rather odd "human". She bore a mixture of futuristic and medieval traits. Robotic legs, a knights sword tainted purple and blue, demonic horns sprouting from her noggin, a mixture of old-timey and futuristic clothing and armor. An amalgamation of multiple timelines coming together as one singularity. A singularity which is unable to exist in our current understanding of the universe- but one which exists anyway.   What's more odd however is that sword in which she wields. It's not a weapon in traditional terms; rather, she uses this armament to rip through space-time itself. She can fling you hundreds of years in either direction; through any of the finite dimensions within her own bounds. Placing her target in alternate timelines and universes at her own will. A weapon of this caliber would also be considered a "Paradox" as there would exist in an infinite universe a universe in which space time would not exist. One which would negate the effects of such a sword. And yet; she's still able to wield it.   For those that might interact with Meg they will find she's a kind-hearted soul. She has a drive to connect and understand humanity and the many number of creatures that exist between the timelines she traverses. After all.. she is a physical projection of the universe as a whole which manifest's itself in a way most other species can acknowledge (and also question) the validity of.   The tinkering about with timelines isn't her only hobby however; the Will of the Universe has a distinct interest in the reproduction of other species. So much so that she wished to integrate herself into such affairs and can often be found rutting her celestial shaft deep inside anyone she wishes to experiment with.   Creating new species with her omnipotent seed and blessing the physical plane with new creations daily. If you're lucky and she really takes a liking to you she can house you for all of eternity in one of her many realms fit for those only closest to her. Treated like Queens; while the rest are treated like cockdrunk experiments.   She's quite strange indeed. A paradox. A Benevolent Enigma. •ERP Information• ------------------------------- Role: Switch Position: Switch Breast Size: A - DDD Cock Size: 6' - 13'+ (Sometimes none at all!) Cock Shape: Human, Canine, Equestrian, Monster Sexuality: Omnisexual People Of Interest: Humanity Kinks: Mommydom, Tribadism, Chubby bodies, Impregnation, Pregnancy, Hypnotism, Musk, Mindbreak, Soft-dom Limits: Vore, Gigachad doms External Links:     •RP Information• ------------------------------- Perspective: 3rd Post-Length: Multi-Para Desired Post-Length: Para - Multi-para RP Length: Long term Time-To-Respond: Pretty much any time! General Availability: MDT

Mysterious, godlike, celestial

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