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Session 1: Prologue

General Summary

Ollie meets up with their brother in the evening, the two talk about Ollie getting back on their feet. Nick is unhappy but doesn't want to kick Ollie out. Nick worries about how the recent incidents will affect the farm.   Alexi and Nicolae are playing pick-up basketball when they notice Andriy acting kinda strange. Andriy makes sure that Alexi has a strange knife he gave her on her person, before shuffling off to meet some friends. Nicolae and Alexi both comment on how weird Andriy is being, Alexi thinks that he isn't just going off to "meet friends"   Lewis tags up with Jonah, who gives him a ride to a fast food joint while giving him shit about ghost hunting.   Glenn calls Melissa and worries about missing their anniversary on the 24th. Melissa tries to tell him that what's going on isn't his fault, but he fails to really internalize it. He heads back to his motel and finds a band there; on closer inspection he realizes it's Gracie's band trying to crash at the motel but can't. Glenn helps out and sees Gracie again for the first time since high school. The bandmates are kind of weirded out by Glenn.   Ollie wakes up early in the morning to Nick swear-yelling in the yard. There's a mangled body in the yard, it's entrails spread out and stuck to varous parts of the ground. After inspecting it, Ollie realizes the entrails have been arranged out in a general spiralling pattern, eminating from the stomach, with seemingly random lines coming off of it. They can't identify it before the police arrive and ask some questions.   Ollie remembers that they have Lewis's number, and calls him. After the cops clear the scene, they go to pick Lewis up and continue to think that he's a crazy person. When the two get back, Lewis also isn't able to identify the meaning of the spiral, but a policewoman is admittedly getting in the way. There's also an older man talking to Nick. Ollie confronts, to see if he's giving Nick any problems, but it turns out he was just asking Nick about what happened.   The man says he's part of a sort of "neighborhood watch" of people who don't think the cops are capable of handling the situation, and so are taking things into their own hands. Ollie thinks that he's telling the truth, but not the whole truth. They also recognize an eastern european gang tattoo slightly obscured by a shirt sleeve.   Glenn gets breakfast with Gracie, where she reveals she has kids. Glenn continues to get increasingly flustered before she cuts the meeting off.

Rewards Granted

Everyone: 2 XP
Alexi Rostov
Ollie Brown
Lewis Tyrol
Glenn Armstrong
Report Date
12 Sep 2023
Primary Location
Secondary Location

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