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Session 2: Massacre

General Summary

Ollie and Lewis finish up with the police at the farm, and part ways.   Alexi gets into a fight with her aunt about her academics. She runs into the forest and throws a tantrum, whereupon a man with a gun approaches from behind. She charges him, and her vision goes red.   Glenn hears a knock on his door, and gets confronted by a pair of Gracie's bandmates who start giving him shit for being a creep. They berate him for not even having the spine to stand up for himself, and tell Glenn to stop talking to Gracie. After Glenn slams the door on them they start thowing rocks at him through the window. When Glenn leaves the room to complain to the motel manager, he gets hit in the back of head and blacks out.   Alexi wakes up in the middle of the forest, naked and covered in blood. She vomits blood and a clump of hair. She traces her steps back through a trail of carnage and finds the remains of the gunman impaled on a tree branch, his gun ripped in half and jammed into his headless neck. She tries to find her way back home, but it takes several hours. When she finds a police car in front of her house, she retreats back into the woods and starts crying.   Lewis has worked himself up into a frenzy over what he saw at the farm, and goes on a walk. He gets approached by a stranger who he assumes was trying to mug him and scrambles away. When he stops being able to catch his breath, he hears the person standing above him and tries to slap away a hand coming down towards him. The last thing he sees before passing out is the person's hand, ripped off and lying on the ground.   Nick is freaking out over the situation, fretting about how it'll kill business for God knows how long. He and Ollie get into a fight, and Nick storms off. As the sun sets, Ollie notices something unnaturally large watching him in the woods. The creature stalks Ollie in the house, killing the power as they go into the cellar to grab Nick's shotgun. Ollie goes back upstairs, and hears something breathing directly above their head. They shoot above their head, feel a shower of blood rain down on them, and whatever it is almost tears their arm off. Ollie blacks out.   Glenn wakes up, naked and covered in blood on the coast with one of his assailants' severed head directly in front of their face. He freaks out and washes himself off before starting to stumble towards the closest settlement. He comes across Lewis' unconscious body, also naked and covered in blood. The two argue about whether or not to go to the police, and Lewis insists that they've been possessed by a ghost. The two decide to find some clothes and head towards Friday Harbor.   Ollie wakes up with their arm completely shredded, but oddly enough not bleeding too badly. They hear Alexi's sobs, and go over to investigate. The two agree to head to Alexi's house, and arive to see that the police have left. They hear Andriy talking with someone on the phone in his den, and manage to hide from him as he leaves. The two enter the den, and clean up. Alexi sneaks into her room to get clothes, and manages to make it look like she's just now climbing through the window when Andriy comes to investigate the noise. Her family is overjoyed to see that she's safe, and she introduces Farah and Anastasia to Ollie. Ollie stays the night at their house.   Lewis and Glenn arrive at Lewis' hotel room early in the morning, and find Lewis' smashed phone on the bed with a black feather. The phone has a text from an unknown number that says "I'll call you tomorrow". The two think that this is very weird.

Rewards Granted

2 XP - Alexi, Lewis, Glenn 3 XP - Ollie
Alexi Rostov
Ollie Brown
Lewis Tyrol
Glenn Armstrong
Report Date
18 Sep 2023
Primary Location
Secondary Location

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