Captain of the Guards Rank/Title in World of Faêrun and Baptomet | World Anvil
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Captain of the Guards

The leader of the guards for an ares. Usually a town or a city. But might also be for an more open train to patrol and have authority over if needed.


Need to have military expertise


To be noble, even lowest kind. Also need to be able to organize and strategize the defense of a town or city


Appointed by the ruler of the territory to be Captain for. Usually one of The Barons and Baroness'. As they usually rule at the lowest scale.


Keep a standing guard for The Crown of Power in a territory. To keep law and order!


To enforce the law of The Crown of Power. To keep peace and order. Also to deal with localized threats and law breakers.


Monetary and political influence.

Accoutrements & Equipment

Uniformed, well armored and well armed.

Grounds for Removal/Dismissal

Break the law, disobey orders, or generally not being up to the code set by the Captain of the Guard.


First was the leader of armed conflict. Later got solidified into an actual duty with a paid salary.

Cultural Significance

The main person who reflects the take on law and order in a town or a city. Reflects the leaders take on moral and ethics by how and which laws are enforced.
Nobility, Military
Active status
First insituted before written record and memory
Alternative Naming
Guard Captain
Source of Authority
Length of Term
As they die or get replaced
Reports directly to
Related Organizations


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