Church of Callùna
The high eleven clerics of Callùna (dark-light, followers of Corellon Larethian) is a religion based around Corellon.
But they drifted away, stuck with more pride than Corellon. And thus started to believe that Corellon shouldn't have left Lolth.
So the sacrifice lesser beings to give themselves more power.
Their end goal is to eradicate all the other races than Elves. And reunite Lolth and Corellon together again.
Cult of Baptomet have now infiltrated this organization and built a strong heaven in Iriaebor.
One religious leader with a tree of different leaders below.
Public Agenda
Worship Corellon
Wast assets in gold and silver, churches and political power
Mythology & Lore
Corellon was a partner with Lolth but left her to stand a lone.
High Mother is the leader of a chapter of the religion. Usually resides over a city