Cult of Baptomet Organization in World of Faêrun and Baptomet | World Anvil
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Cult of Baptomet

The followers that Baptomet has started to gather in the material plane calles themselves The Church of The Powerful Baptomet. They are a secret cult that uses the magic lent to them by Baptomet to try and further sacrifices that Baptomet can use in the grand scheme to leave the third circle of hell Minauros.   Baptomet is how ever scheming against the arch devil Mammon who, if Mammon got news of this scheme, would in an instant undo Baptomets plans on leaving the third circle and taking over the material plane.


Strict hierarcial. Baptomet controls the High Cultist which holds the contract with Baptomet.   The high cultist then have a circle of followers below. In recognition of Baptomets 8 arms the High Cultist have 7 other followers as his ring. And each have 7 followers to their ring. Making circles of 8 at each level, and 8 levels deep.

Public Agenda

Hidden from public view. Doesn't admit that they exist at all.


Political power as well as the Armed Branch which is the cults fighting force


The first High Cultist signed a contract with Baptomet during the Time of Trouble, to take advantage of the calamity in the world and gain power from it.   Baptomet was doing the exact same thing, and started off the sheming to gain access to the material plane.

The 8 powers of Baptomet will aid us


  • Elturel
    Map of the city of Elturel
  • Cult Sewer Dungeon in Elturel
    Map of the Sewer dungeon and hideout that the cult of Baptomet holds in Elturel
Founding Date
Religious, Cult
Training Level
Veterancy Level
Baptomet Cultist
Subsidiary Organizations

Articles under Cult of Baptomet


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