Imprisonment of Elturel Report Report in World of Faêrun and Baptomet | World Anvil
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Imprisonment of Elturel Report

General Summary

The party found the dead bodies of the Dwarf and of the Half Elf. They met and thought the chain devil, killing it. The devil is transported back to the nine hells. And have now reported to Baptomet what has happened.   Firesu Dremun is still at large and will now what to expect. He is still set to kill the party and will have the aid of more devils as Baptomet starts to see the threat.

Missions/Quests Completed

Found two missing NPCs

Character(s) interacted with

Chain devil

Created Content

Chain Devil to be named villain
Rise of Baptomet
Kipp Grusnäve
Report Date
08 Apr 2020
Primary Location
Secondary Location


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