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Rise of Baptomet

A Dungeons & Dragons 5e game In the world of World of Faêrun and Baptomet
April 2019 | Full


  • The Oar and Wagonwheel Inn
    The tavern The Oar and Wagonwheel Inn that lies in the Westerley, close to the docks.
  • Elturel
    Map of the city of Elturel
  • Telicanthus's Estate
    The estate of merchant and politician Lord Telicanthus. He hosts the Chapter: Ball of the Guardians this time around.
  • Brandybocks Mansion
    Mansion belonging to Baron Brandybock. This is his house as well as his court.
  • Blue Water Inn
    One inn inside Elturel. This is where the thief Castien Urihana will meet with the Cult of Baptomet to deliver the stolen goods unless she is caught by the heroes.
  • Lady Brandybocks Estate
    The villa of Lady Brandybock and her husband Lord Brandybock.
Supporting Cast

Sessions Archive

28th Feb 2021

Infiltrate the orphanage

17th Jan 2021

Problems with towers

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10th Jan 2021

Inneabor steak out

6th Dec 2020

Getting the grounds in Irieabor

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8th Nov 2020

Curios shadow in Asbravn

As you made camp on the evening. You all saw a mysterious shadow enter Asbravn. Accompanied by very heavy footfalls.

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25th Oct 2020

Investigation of Asbravn

As the players have found Asbravn to be a desolate place. Void of life. They investigate to see what have happened here.

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27th Sep 2020

Arriving at Asbravn

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13th Sep 2020

Aftermatch after the defeat of Firesu

Firesu is defeated. The Dome remains. What will the heros do to solve this problem?

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12th Jul 2020

Showdown with Firesu

Party is fiercly fighting Firesu Dremun in the streets of Elturel. Firesu having hellish looking dogs on his side. And the party being hur. Will they win? Will they even survive?

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9th Feb 2020

Imprisonment of Elturel

A vibrant pink dome appear over the city. Starts in the middle and slides down to meet the ground around the city

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5th Oct 2019

Festival of the Guards

Time has come for the Parade of the Guards

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29th Sep 2019

The escape from the cult

Waking up, having been captured by the cult. You now need to make your escape!

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25th Aug 2019

Session IV: Sewer Madness

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18th May 2019

Session III: A ball to remember

It is soon time for the socialistic gathering of the decade! You are all guests at the Ball of the Guardians, invited by Lady Brandybock herself to attend. Clothes are being tailored, coin are being spent, and excitement is heightening.   At the same time the common folks, the ones you usually partake in festivities with, are gearing up for the Festival of the Guards! Tying ribons and banners, flags and what not. The whole city is being pampered and decorated!   But is this just a ruse by the evil cult you have found out about? The one that seem to have an evil plan to sacrifice people? You better find out! and only a week of time to find out who, how and where to stop it! Time sure is precious.

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1st May 2019

Session II: Travel to Elturel

The heroes has named them self Nobears and opted to venture to the city of Elturel.

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22nd Apr 2019

Session I: Famine

The harsh weather has dried out the land. Almost all plant life is dead. The heat is unbarring. Yet, our heroes travels the road

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Baptomet wants to rise. But who is Baptoimet? Raise from where and where to?   There are many questions that needs answering. And times is always short.

This story is told by

The Protagonists


Kipp Grusnäve

