The escape from the cult Report Report in World of Faêrun and Baptomet | World Anvil
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The escape from the cult Report

General Summary

Aista and Therae goes down and finds Kipp Grusnäve and Leonthal in a dungeon cellar.   They all make their way upp, Kipp Grusnäve and Leonthal without gear.   Once up the stairs they found a corridor. Took double doors to the left. Find 4 Cultists of the cult in their meal. Fight and kill all of them without questioning any one.   Then burst down the doors to the storage rooms and find Kipp Grusnäve and Leonthal stuff in there.   As they do that, a cultist pokes his head out and discovers them. Warns the others. Party explodes one of the doors of the double doors into the room.   They fight and win against the cultists in there and kill them without questioning any one. Find chest with 2 potions of healing and one potion of greater healing.   They exit the stronghold of the cult and tries to find the way back up to the surface.   They find thieves cant on the walls. It's a variation of it and Therae can reckognize it but can't really read it. They go around more or less blind in the sewers. Kipp Grusnäve destroying the markings after Therae has read and copied them down.   As they are not sneaky or perceptive, 4 Imps ambush them. In this fight they use all of their potions of healing. And all of them goes down in turns. Leaving one of them awake to heal the others before going down. Thankfully [sleep] was cast on the imps and 3/4 falls a sleep and then the tides turn.   Making their way up takes 8 hours. And they finally make it up in North East Elturel.   Kipp realizing where they are after some thinking. They make their way to The Sunken Inn for a nights rest. Asking a drunkard on their way which day it is. The learn that it's the 9th of Eliases, making it two days to Sacrifice of the Festival of the Guards which is on the 11th.

Rewards Granted

2 X Potion of Healing 1 X Potion of greater Healing

Missions/Quests Completed

Pretty much none. They were in the sewer stronghold of the cult. But can't find it again. They questioned nobody and gained no new knowledge.

Character(s) interacted with

Killed the cultists inlcuding the Den Carer for this den (what cult calls its strongholds.
Rise of Baptomet
Kipp Grusnäve
Report Date
29 Sep 2019
Primary Location


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