The Rib and Plate Building / Landmark in World of Faêrun and Baptomet | World Anvil
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The Rib and Plate

The Rib and Plate is run by Chararic Labingi   It is an front for the cult where they meet external parties, or take people for questioning. It has a small front room, where there is a counter and 8 plates set out with meats on display.   The backroom is larger, with animals hanging around in chains. And a lot of butchers tools mixed with torture tools.   The cultist use the code "I'll have the number 8 flank stake for my mates" to signal they are part of the cult and on cult business. This because the owner is a happy-go fellow that hasn't quite gotten cult life and tries to honor Baptomet with lousy rimes on "eight".

Purpose / Function

Front for the Cult of Baptomet. Where they do their bussiness with the surrounding world.
Shop, Generic
Characters in Location


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