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A Fire Elemental that lives on the border between the Destruction Chaos and Earth Chaos and craft magical items using both the elements of fire and earth. They are master craftspeople, producing some of the greatest and most powerful artifacts in the world.  Some sages prefer to classify them as a Earth Elemental, but most Gods classify them as Fire Elementals, including Fex.

Basic Information


They are more or less Humanoid, although they seem more like Dwarves with a hard metal outer shell that houses a living flame, which is thought to be the epicenter of their life.

Biological Traits

There is one base design that Azers are made in, but if they desired, they could create other Azer of vastly differing size.

Ecology and Habitats

They live on floating cities crafted by them that absorbs energy to craft items from the surrounding areas in the fringe of the Destruction Chaos and near the Earth Chaos for metals.  Many of their magic items are used to control or siphon the destructive energies of the area, although many are powerful weapons, and other Azer.

Dietary Needs and Habits

They don't need to eat food in the normal sense, however it is generally acknowledged that they need an environment as hot as the fire in their body.

Additional Information

Social Structure

The greater an Azer's creation, the more respected they are.  This is a general rule that holds true for most Azer cities, but is not always correct, and some social structures do appear more often, with each city having its own structure.  Some common ones are that whichever Azer has created the most powerful weapons holds them close to themselves and use them to rule as a tyrant, or the smartest Azer in the city creates systems that help the city and becomes the ruler because the others trust them to create structures that help crafting and life, or an Azer has emerged as good enough to be able to organize people to help the city.  The last is most common to emerge after an outside force has threatened the city.  Multi city empires are extremely rare, but when they do happen, they usually come in one of two forms.  Either each city has specialized to a point that they can't sustain themselves and need other cities to supplement their weaknesses and have formed alliances, or one city has enough military might to keep the other cities in their control, which can sometimes be confused for the first because it usually happens because the ruling city has specialized with weaponry.

Uses, Products & Exploitation

They can be used to craft great works.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

They live almost entirely in the fringe of the Destruction Chaos.

Average Intelligence

The average Azer is more intelligent than the average Human, and smart enough to craft most of anything.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

They take names from other cultures, usually Dwarf and Tiefling culture.

Gender Ideals

Most Azer designs have been simplified to a vaguely muscular and male figure, making the idea of gender largely unknown in their cultures.

Average Technological Level

Very powerful.


They were crafted by one of the most skilled Efreeti as her personal slave.  This Azer's name and their master has long been forgotten, although most sages believe it was actually a group of Efreeti.  More Azer were created and eventually one created an artifact strong enough to create an energy that cut off an area of the Earth Chaos and let it float down into the Destruction Chaos.  The Efreeti in the bubble were killed by the Azer, and any Azer that were not in the bubble either were put into harsher slavery with more surveillance and control, or they threw themselves into the Destruction Chaos to avoid that fate.  The first city was eventually split into two, but after that the Azer realized that splitting the chunk further would be dangerous.  Soon after some Tieflings found them and started trading, finding that their magic items were incredibly powerful, providing metal, rocks, and other materials involved in the crafting.  Eventually one group of Azer made a deal with the traders to be given a gigantic chunk of rock to make their own cities, in exchange for being the only group that could trade with that city.  This sort of trade happened a few times, and eventually an Azer created a gigantic magical machine that was able to grab a gigantic chunk of earth from the Earth Chaos and automatically implant an artifact that would make it float.  This created the first large empire of Azer, with an Azer who killed the creator Azer taking control and creating hundreds of cities and amassing power.  When that Azer was killed, the empire fractured and the machine that created them was lost, most likely destroyed.  At some point, the way to create the artifact that makes the cities float was forgotten for an unknown reason.

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

They hate the Efreeti for enslaving them.
Genetic Ancestor(s)
Average Height
About 4 or 5 feet.
Average Weight
The metal shell weighs, on average, 250 pounds
Average Length
1 foot
Average Physique
They are mostly made to have their physique look muscular.  Whether or not this affects their physical strength is unknown.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
They are usually made from an iron and bronze alloy, giving them a dark bronze tint.


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